I am a kissless hugless handholdless virgin

i am a kissless hugless handholdless virgin

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I hugged two girls at once, and held another girls hand. I wasn't related to any of them and they were cute.

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As well as been grinded on
Still kissless though

virgin freak

Good for you man, i hope you make it some day

i'm not but my penis is 15cm and thin so whatever

same jajaj

hungarian dicklet vs finnish manlet when?

I have nothing agains finns, I only hate sw*des

do a shooting spree you pussy

No, i have no one to blame but myself.
Maybe my parents

>back is disfigured mess of post-acne, stretch marks and psoriatic inflammations
>no girl will ever hug me like that

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me too man, it feels really fucking bad

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Fucking loser.

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>virgin freak

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yeah im gonna die with my virginity intact but at least i played lots of fun vidya

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how old are you, my fren?



I am 19

no need to despair then you are still young desu

>weighed 178 pounds at my heaviest
>have terrible stretch marks on the sides of my body
I'm like 5'10 and was only ever mildly overweight. I must have paper skin, since I got stretch marks on my small ass arms too

are you the swede autist who thinks you are old at 19

jesus fucking christ, talk to girls

hi this is finland, ive held hands fucked and kissed both genders
youre a fucking loser sweden san xDD

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I've held hands, been hugged and kissed but never my someone I loved

19 isn't as young as you think, i'm practically an adult

Watching that episode of TNG where Geordi has that bad date on holodeck at the start. Reminds me of the time I watched Amelie with the old oneitis.

Nigger holy fuck stop crying and go find something you like to do.

Kissed, handholded, volcel here

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That’s really not that bad. I’ve kissed, hugged, and held hands. I even got a handjob once, but I’m still a freaking virgin.

I’ve been so close to actually finding the taste of glory, but I never have, which makes it even more depressing,

You guys are not even trying
I am a 5/10 at best and autistic, yet I have kissed many girls and fucked 2.
Of course is harder when you are ugly, just lower your standards to build some confidence and start improving from there
Having an actual girlfriend is a lot harder tho


>even got a handjob once

I'm glad I grew up before the internet. I feel legitimately bad for you guys.
At least heroin addicts overdose eventually but you guys will be stuck in this spot forever.

>just get a job bro
nice meme advice

32 very soon :^)

I did a hug with a girl once. It was a regular goodbye hug. I didn't even knew her, but she was hot, 10/10 for some of you. Seen her only like one or two times, she was a friend of my normie friend. I still, remember my "s-should I too?..." hesitation the moment before I did. Still remember how awkward it was. Still remember that smug smile on the borderline of open laughter of my friend who surely sensed my awkwardness. That was ten years ago. Youthfulness seeps through my fingers and so my life.

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>you need to get a job son
>heh nice meme dad

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based chad
cringe incel

honestly though Jow Forums is probably even more incel than Jow Forums