How common is it for people to have a penis fetish in your country?

How common is it for people to have a penis fetish in your country?

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Any tourist coming here soon? NEED to lose my anal virginity (and I can dress like a girl if you want)

l i s b o a

>S*uthron """""men"""""

I like looking at pictures but wouldn't interact with men outside of fantasy

Your mum has a penis fetish

I thought only their president could afford a penis

A lot of them have portu-fetish

Attached: IMG_1511.jpg (640x640, 100K)

Portuguese are not people, they are subhuman niggermonkeys.

Attached: portuguese.jpg (700x426, 159K)


If not for christianity, it woud be our state religion.

Attached: 34681546.jpg (550x426, 65K)

N-Not common at all! You stupid degenerates!

post tummy

back to discord loser

Is it bad to greatly enjoy the smell of your own crotch?

no u

that's pretty hot desu

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brings me back

well moderated board

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