Do you want to find love in Germany?

Attached: german.jpg (1280x700, 152K)

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I'm trying for 33 years. It never worked.

Warum nicht?

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I havent studied German since i was like 14 so it wouldnt work

bist du Jesus?

Lena Gercke already has a bf so I'm fucked

do german girls like swarthy italian boys?

Attached: med bvll.jpg (748x1000, 98K)

Do you even have to ask ?


No german girl ever liked me.

I want an arrogant German girl who would beat me and call me a slave.

It’s not that your swarthy it’s tgat you are an int shitposter

>g-get on your knees and lick my feet, untermensch

Attached: untermensch.png (346x475, 441K)

Being a manlet here is a death sentence so prolly not


You're a nigger so your opinion holds no value.

Attached: snowniggers rejected.png (739x839, 589K)

love? nah, I wouldnt touch those sauerkraut roasts. But I woudlnt mind job in germany for them sweet big euro salaries

I am tall though

>but still white


gib ERIKA back!

Attached: 64436.jpg (403x403, 35K)

Germans are ugly as fuck, and they always have been.

Attached: ugly_modern_germans.jpg (6739x1331, 918K)

Attached: germanyball.jpg (480x463, 22K)

>underage sports girls without makeup

Are you autistic?

>Are you autistic?
assuming he even made that image himself I think that's kinda obvious

oh, my bad

Attached: ugly_nazis.jpg (1280x960, 174K)

>posts old hags

Yeah, you're autistic alright.

Some of our girls are decent. But the majority are stuck up and too stacey-like. Likewise especially the girls from the University. They expect you to have everything; a STEM degree, a drivers license, a good body and so on while barely bringing something to the table themselves. Fun (!) and good looking german girls are pretty rare to find. A lot of the girls are turbo SJW leftist as well so whatever you say, you may offend them.

Are you a girl?

I wish

You're clearly the autistic one here. You're saying that teenage German women need makeup to not look ugly (they still do though), and then you say that they're ugly when they reach middle age. All evidence shows they're ugly and yet you insist otherwise like a sperg.

Attached: ugly_nazis2.jpg (800x794, 54K)

german women are disgusting.

Attached: germm.jpg (1139x1125, 128K)

Hmm, that's too bad.

Indeed. Cherry picking only fools retards like that Estonian.

Attached: ugly_nazi_kids.jpg (1285x840, 124K)

Nigger you literally posted some kids who just came from football practice, then proceeded to post poor quality black and white photos of 50-year-old housewives from WWII. What is your problem?

>find cute german girl
>check her instagram
>i'm part polish/italian/russian

every time

I dont know what the fuck youre trying to prove , I've been to germany most women between 16-35 were bangable above a 5/10 . It helps when they dont have obesity rates that are 40 % like we do here.

Fuck off already

>s-s-stop providing pictures that nazis themselves photographed, and don't show pictures of modern athletes! let me have my cherrypicked pictures instead!
imagine being this pathetic

Attached: ugly_nazi_kids2.jpg (500x488, 29K)



Most of them are jumping between 6 and 8.
Typical Uni chics here.

Attached: 1533509010198.jpg (6739x1331, 1.71M)

You might want to check your water supply because there is clearly some potent stuff in there.


Attached: ugly_nazis3.jpg (1955x1125, 353K)

1. Dutch
2. German
3. Austrian
One of you gibe one please ;_;

why do modern trannies pass better than german "women"? like seriously, wtf. . . .

Attached: ugly_nazi.jpg (898x628, 55K)

how the fuck are they this hideous? what a joke. slavs raping them improved their gene pool a bit at least.

Attached: ugly_nazis4.jpg (750x500, 52K)

why are you so obsessed?

all germanic women look like that.

Such a shame g*rmanics infected some of italy's gene pool leaving them with ugly, masculine, nordcuck women.

Attached: siciliangirl.jpg (1080x1080, 104K)

it's just funny that people think the ugliest ethnicity (excluding australian aboriginals) are good looking.

Attached: ugly_nazis5.jpg (1247x875, 252K)

you didn't answer my question. How much more such images do you have on your hard drive?

How do you go from this
To this
In not even an hour? Kek

the men are almost just as bad

Attached: ugly_nazi_men.jpg (4275x310, 240K)

obsessed as fuck

Maybe if they're autistic in a good way and conservative.

well yeah i'm obsessed; i live in the us. all the fat ugly dumb fucks are mostly germans and germans are the largest/nearly largest ethnic group in the us, so it's a big problem.

w-why arent they wearing bras, i can see their 13 year old nipples

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its worse in Switzerland, barely any pure Swiss left, they have the most foreigners than any European country

theyre all mutts kek, every american i met that claimed to be german had an english last name (id check on google)

Aren't Germans and Britons pretty much same people though?


Love is not German

Attached: 2fb.png (680x345, 207K)

No, English people are genetically Celtic despite speaking a Germanic language. Like how Hungarian is a Central Asian language very closely related to Khanty, but Hungarians are ethnically Slav.

Yes. Russian girls are shit.


ITT: people who date supermodels posts pics of normal women

Are Viennese boys cute?

is this bait. lots of cute girls there

they're mixed with slavs or italians if they're cute.

The cute ones have slavic, nordic or southern euro admixtures

nordics are even uglier.

Attached: swedecuck.jpg (500x758, 83K)


>nordics are even uglier
>posts a solid 7/10

I would rub her feet at least.

would smash half of these


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I do

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I want to find love in a brown country so my kids won’t be wh•Te

German women have been rated less attractive than British women.

Attached: average germans.jpg (1920x1280, 744K)