Why dont white people adopt white babies?

Why dont white people adopt white babies?

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They think they are doing a service by adopting third world children to take them out of their environment.

Also there is way more Asian babies for adoption than any other race

>They think they are doing a service by adopting third world children to take them out of their environment.

White babies are hard to find at adoption centers.

We used to literally import them from Russia demand was so high.

this exactly. I mean look at this couple. Guaranteed the conversation went along the lines of:
"Bill, I've been thinking of adoption. We should do it."
"Ok Kelsey, what did you have in mind?"
"I was thinking a black baby, she would be so cute"
*Cue woman's brain (child = accessory) (am white, accessory = black) (black matches white = cute)*
"Sounds good honey, we'll go to the adoption facility tomorrow"
I don't want to be part of this generation of people.

white orphans don't exist

Because there is not enough white babies for everyone. But there is millions and millions of negroid spawn.

We dont put our babies up for adoption.

People like this are mentally deranged and should not be allowed to adopt kids of any colour.

It's impossible to adopt white babies because Russia has stopped exporting because they fear that gay couples will adopt white Russian babies.

Virtue signaling.

What about Ukraine?

You mean reddit users?

>tfw my arabic aunt adopted wh*Te babies
>i now have 2 wh*Toid cousins that i have to pretend i love

How can you adopt babies from a country that doesn't exist?

From where?

fr*Nchoids, may Allah forgive me for uttering those words. The nastiest wh*Toids on earth

GOD i hate them already

People who put their own social status above the well-being of 'their' child.

For these freaks, that kid is little more than an object to enhance their image among their middle class liberal friends. Their motive for adopting her is completely impure and accordingly I highly doubt they will be good parents.

Virtue signalling. Fucking groupthink.

Aren't white babies hard to get? Only niggers don't want to take care of their own offspring.

>The common cuckoo is an obligate brood parasite; it lays its eggs in the nests of other birds. At the appropriate moment, the hen cuckoo flies down to the host's nest, pushes one egg out of the nest, lays an egg and flies off. The whole process takes about 10 seconds. A female may visit up to 50 nests during a breeding season. Common cuckoos first breed at the age of two years.[2]