If you had $10 million would you buy an abandoned American building and turn it into condos/trendy restaurant space?

If you had $10 million would you buy an abandoned American building and turn it into condos/trendy restaurant space?

I totally would.

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If I had ten million dollars I would invest it in high dividend shares which would net me around $160k per year

Nigga fuck that I'm opening a hardcore strip club called Face Grind.

Would you serve expensive gender neutral soy milk?

if i had 10 million i would fund groups across the u.s. to bomb art galleries, coffee shops, and breweries

fuck gentrification

I would gentrify some shithole in the third world and become king

No, I'd buy 10 thousand acres of land.

If I had 10 million dollars I would pay niggers and Moroccans to lick my anus all day.

why not put it in a mutual fund and make 800k per year?

if i had $10 million i'd just buy a house in southern europe and live life with no work or responsibilities

You could live forever with the interest off 2 million, easily.

Same. But someone still has to lick my anus.

No, I'd fuck off deep into the wilderness in a nice off the grid house to be rarely seen again

This, you can buy a small castle in italy for that price

not for forever though, inflation requires you to save or that static 2 million becomes less every year.

i'd buy a small flat in manhatten and thats all i would be able to afford

>10 million

i would invest in basic machine tools
with basic machine tools you could theoretically build almost any other industrial tools
"trendy" anything is artsy-fartsy 'muh feelings' based unreliable bullshit that you never know if it is going to work or not, you have no math to confirm or deny its efficiency
and it is also a non-strategic sector of economy, meaning it can get rekt by a trillion different factors...

but think of a gas turbine, an engine, a truck, basic electronics and energetics (energy cables, transformer stations, electric generators), agricultural mechanization, basic trucks for transportation.. now that is something universally useful, something that is always in demand, something that people will require irregardless of fashion, politics, peace or war

If i had $10M i would mine nickel

Damn sounds like you really hate people with taste
You’re either an SJW or a Jow Forumstard, they both agree on hating white people living in cities.

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You'd spend 160 a year?

>I think my mutual fund would give better returns than a well-designed renovation project

Do you even tax write-off?
Do you even “commercial real estate income” loophole that Trump uses to pay zilch on income tax? It’s huge.

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I would gentrify a mid-size American city. Real estate is probably cheap.

Uh, alright