/carib/ + island friends

hi everyone

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Other urls found in this thread:




Hi, how are you doing?

Alright, been an idle day. How about you?

I'm alright too.

I love heat waves, my pool water is warm as piss and there would always be lots of girls in it

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What is your favorite animal? Mine is the Sumatran Rhino.

Attached: Sumatran Rhino.jpg (817x550, 150K)

The classic white rhino

I didn't know those things existed before btw.

I misread, I thought I read what is your favourite rhinoceros animal.

Mantis Shrimp

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The pangolin is a true hero.

Attached: Pangolin.jpg (800x494, 89K)

Tbh anything with fur
Bears are cool but deadly


Domestic chickens. They are the best.

my favorite pokemon

bugs are the weirdo's animal of choice.
still scary tho.

They are generally pretty calm creatures. Mothers with their cubs can be dangerous though.

>island friends


In spring they are generally quite dangerous. except black bears they are scaredy cats.
hello! what's up?
I guess all nordic countries are crab cribs now.


you know for a caribbean thread there seems to be an awful lack of caribbeans here

>what's up?
not much, although this general being bumped by foreigners brings back a lot of memories of what it's like when an /ísland/ thread gets made

More crabs pop up when the threads survive for longer

It's just has been the nature of crib for as long as it has existed, also the fleeting nature of these threads make it so anyone from the crabs from other boards have a hard time finding it. There are many expats too. Also nordics seem to like it here in these threads.
tell us about ur'e selv.
>although this general being bumped by foreigners brings back a lot of memories of what it's like when an /ísland/ thread gets made
Yeah. It's always been this way, but I guess that's part of the charm.

ah, never bothered to check into this general until now so I didn't know
you have my sympathies, it sucks when you make a thread for your country/countries and your countrymen show up too late or don't show up at all

>tell us about ur'e selv.
just a 21 yo (turned 21 just 1 hour ago, even) soon-to-be NEET that's now about to go to sleep after having played titanfall 2 for a couple of hours

Happy birthday user! Also good night

>turned 21 just 1 hour ago, even

Til hamingju með daginn, user.

Attached: Noreg+Island.jpg (416x548, 54K)

Yeah, but at least we get to culturally enrich other anons! Also we've had a few that have come down to visit or live here.
>just a 21 yo (turned 21 just 1 hour ago, even)
Happy birthday!.
Why soon-to-be NEET? that's not good. t. 26yo NEET pro.
Is the sun out over there already?

The sun is not yet up but it will be fairly soon. there is already more light outside. The days are getting darker, but still there is plenty of sunlight for now.

They're actually more closely related to crabs and lobsters.
I don't deny it.
Happy Birthday!

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t-thanks frens

>Why soon-to-be NEET?
my contract as an assistant smith is just about to expire and after that it's only 2 weeks until I have to get my ass back to uni
fuck, talking about how the NEET life will be forever out of reach is definitely not a good thing to do before going to sleep so I'll quit while I'm ahead

good night lads

Attached: isaac birthday.png (1200x1227, 1.25M)

I guess that makes me six months older than you

I wish I had the university dorm experience. Feels like I'm missing out

The sun is up so I probably should go to sleep, good night /carib/
I kind of want to avoid living in a shared house with other people. Then again most of the social stuff at the university seems to be organized in events so I probably would not miss out on anything really, maybe it's different there. Privacy sounds much better to me than anything shared living could offer.

Happy birthday! I turned 21 last April. I feel old

late night bump

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adult swim bump


Another Bump

More Bump

morning /carib/

Good morning



Super bump.

Good post

I really like foxes, especially white ones

also bump


good aftermorning crabs

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Thanks mate!


Good afternoon.
How is everyone doing today?

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Hello fellow Dominican bro!

Right now just almost done with work for the rest of the day, what about you?

not doing much other than vidya


What games are you playing user?


maining gta rn

Finally I'm in a caribbean country so I can join the real /Carib/ club
PS: I'm the poster from Uruguay

Los uruguayos son siempre bienvenidos.


Based bump

Attached: Trujillo-2.jpg (756x754, 166K)

>be based leader
>get assasinated by the cia

Yeah fucking CIA.

Dominicans need to wake up again and prevent DR from becoming Haiti

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Trujillo did a pretty good job at that

Where did you get that flag?

Bump for answer

Someone posted it here on Jow Forums a couple weeks ago. I don't know who made it

It looks pretty interesting.

How so then, user?

How is this thread still alive?

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Because of the whole bumps to the thread here.




You're here? Thats pretty funny

I remember making a bunch of alternate flags a year or two ago. Shame I can't access them now


Try to find them desu. Here's another one of DR in Scandinavian cross style

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Hi crabs! how are you all doing today? any big news?
Also crab is a commie general fascists out now!
How in the fuck can someone eat so much and not explode?
trapo or the other one?
Dorm experience is a ploy to get as much money out of you for as little accommodation and comfort as possible. It sucks and it should be banned.
Was watching SMB earlier today. comfy show.

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Hello there is no big news from me today.

not even medium or smol news?

I dunno, they were kinda bad..
I made this. I even got the widths correct

But how else is my life gonna magically turn into a shonen/ romcom anime? Having your own dorm is basically mandatory

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I didn't get any sleep until 8:30 in the morning because when I take my sleeping pills I sleep too much but when I go off them I can't sleep at all.
I didn't really do much today, this is the last week before classes start for the year.


Redpill me on Trujillo, why do normies hate him?

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Basically he was the caribbean Hittler, he did a decent joob in our country and tried to do mass genocide on the haitians, but also quite full of himself, always trying to look stylish as fuck, handling the country as a total business man while implanting fear in the people and getting his way with a lot women,

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I wanna go to Jamaica with my gf and smoke weed on the beach and listen to steel drums. Is this possible?

>your country will NEVER have a head-of-state drawn as a diminutive anthropomorphic anime girl

>never have a head-of-state anime girl
>that's good for normies

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May this general survive another day

Why is there a japanese porn site called caribbean?

It alway can, just as long we keep it like this of course.

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dem Gyaldem block do road road road road when they wine!! Mash up di place

fucking based

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>uncensored porn is prohibited within Japan

because one of the owners of the site is American guy
he was arrested tho
