What does a sophisticated board such as Jow Forums read ?

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supposed to be readin aristotle but that nigga be boring as shit word is bond yo

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Them+Us by Danny Vendramini. Neanderthal predation theory is TRUE

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Neil Gaiman, Tolkien, lewis, etc. I haven't read these yet.

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POWamapamfeaoeafeaeAE feafe'9mfeaopmeañlfmaefñaf,ae

Platinum End

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>readying anything except twitter posts
lmao it's like you niggas tryna be goofy

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new england journal of medicine
nature genetics
annals of internal medicine

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25% into Moby Dick now. Pretty comfy.


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Sounds pretty interesting.


non-technical literature is meaningless and useless
all useful skills and so all useful literature is strictly technical and mathematical, you will never see a single penny from any of your emotional stories, what drives economy and our societies are strictly analytical, mechanical and technical things

non empirical literature shouldnt even have any "sophisticated" pretensions

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word god that aristosumfin shit's wack an i ain't readin all that shit
now plato, that's a real nigga who up in this motherfucker makin that cream, ya feel?
then when he make it he spend it all gettin high as shit praising love with all the real niggas, he really with it god i'm tellin you word is bond that nigga with it

ustajao mamac


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I want it. I have a book about Rommel.

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>He reads to serve society

A young, fresh and cherry STEM student walks into the halls of a sterile English department with his head held high. Stern and with a proud heave, he bellows through the cavern at the beanie-sporters scattered through the hall:


Seven fragrant dreadlocked beards spew coffee from their continental gullets. Free-range hens shuffle out a window somewhere.


An emergency evacuation is called. Afghan clogs stuff the exit. Native tears are shed. A triad of cauldrons full to brim with boiling kamquat loose their bellies with a fever on the frantic patrons all around. The shelves are raided. Looters stuffing oriental knapsacks leave no kitsch untouched.

From the roaring depths of chaos in the halls, through sheets of stirring fire: calm and rigid comes up looming in the haze a stoic English professor, tailored suit to keen perfection, forty thousand pages full of Marx and further reading in an unstained palm.

Expressionless, with firm phenomenologic hold on mind and body, he whispers to the STEM student, currently engaged in evil laughter:

" What would you rather study, child? "

The student is hushed. Voiceless. The man has snared his subjectivity entirely.

" Nature - or the nature of nature? "

Of an instant all the place is silent. In the corner, captive underneath the groins of several existential theists, one brave soul begins to clap. Soon the place is flooded with cheer.

The next day, all sciences were cancelled nationwide. The shells of disenfranchised rockets sheltered lonely bohemians everywhere. All was well.

>reading datasheets
data should be generated, not read you dumb mutt
computer should be reading and analyzing data, humans should be generating it

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i don't

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I'm listing to the audiobook(because I'm that lazy and addicted to stimulation) of our oriental heritage by Will Durant. Fuck I thought I'd get bored of it a little but in but it's accually good. Factually wrong a lot but seeing the world view of somebody in the 30s is half of it anyway. Because it's so alien but familiar to us post WW2. Also hearing him describe African tribes lining up all the women and giving the one with the biggest arse a prize is pretty good. And Indians shitting in the street.

JG Ballard, William Burroughs, PKDick, Hellblazer and Alan Moore comics

i read Narrenturm right now

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Reading is for so,yboys

>House is filled with commie literature
Fucking boomers

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I have the David Irving one, to be read, maybe get that one.
Huh my latest one

you have no idea what you are talking about, retard. you don't even know what the word "datasheet" means. you apparently confuse it with database


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Are you one of those insufferable physicist twats? Even bigger ego's than engineers.

Currently reading The Tradition of Household Spirits by Claude Lecouteux

Right now I am reading Plato and Tolstoy. I am considering reading some Thomas Mann later.

die welt als wille und vorstellung
schopenhauer was pretty much an 19th century incel mastermind

>Not reading books in the language they we're written in

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Epic fantasy
Technical books

don't judge me for this but i'm reading lolita right now

I just bought this.

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Why would we judge? It's a classic.