Capitalism is better than Communi-
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Minimum wage is for teens still living with their parents
Why are they yellow?
I somehow doubt it that it does not cover every rent everywhere. You probably can get a dilapidated shack for cheap.
>nyet, weak americans!
>cockroaches and mold give your houses character
>only through hardship will you learn to appreciate the things you have
>in Russa, we live in buildings with missing walls and crumbling roofs and nobody died yet
>bunch of sissies
>did you know that Russia has TIGERS?
Abolish private property, kill the land lords desu
>richest country in the world
>half the population below the poverty line
>spends over 700 billion on military
What did USA mean by this?
You take it granted too
Minimum wage is not meant to be a permanent thing for your entire life. Get a better fucking job.
we also give away like 350 billion a year to foreign aid
It's called get room-mates
How much of it to Israel?
A lot of niggers and mexicans evict their kids the day they turn 16/18
$10 million per day, that seems like a reasonable amount of money
>As much money as they need for the missiles
all of it
>A lot of niggers and mexicans evict their kids the day they turn 16/18
Mexicans get jobs in construction
How many dimensions are there to this chess?
Not the "kids" in urban areas.
They work at Mcdonalds, Burger King and Wal-mart, and they're all like 18-20 and living on their own. You can see it in their face they're pissed off they exist.
It's hell.
Almost the entirety of the top eleven nations are ex or currently somewhat communist
Oh well
living in a commieblock is no way to live
Venezuela isn't even on the list tho
I should have put the picture in a separate comment for OP
It's why I don't intend to have kids. I'm 73% European, 15% negroid, and 12% Amerindian because of white race-mixing, and I can only make a shitty life from my balls.
The best future for someone that lives a life like that is the ground. There's no chance to get educated, and they probably won't be smart enough to survive. (105 IQ from + 90-92 IQ from mom, and then 15 points up or down, and then it gets worse with each subsequent generation)
I'd rather not gamble with human lives.
This world is shit if you're not white, and, even if you are white, it's still shit because you'll have depression genetics.
It's better to not exist than to come into this.
>73% European, 15% negroid, and 12% Amerindian
>he paid a corporation to keep his dna on file
Woah..so this..is the power..of America first..
fucking kikes
> minimum wage
You have to be a lazy retarded nigger to get only a minimum wage.
That's a whitoid thing.
No it's not.
White kids generally leave home early out of their own volition. They aren't forcibly removed.
You say this, but yet you understand the people with your opinion also actively try to fuck you over right? Those selfish boomers that hoard property and mock your poverty didn't come out of thin air.
>fucking kikes
Houses potentially on the market get inspected for damages and decay before being put up. It might be to help the house get sold rather than to comply with some regulation, but they definitely check.
t. my parent is a realtor
Whites too, or they charge the kids rent if they don't kick them out.
>15 points up or down, and then it gets worse with each subsequent generation
aren't most people renting from the peoples action party?
You can buy property, but only for 99 year lease.
This is still infinitely better than living on an American street though, or drinking lead water
Really? Because when I was in Florida those rules did not seem to be enforced at all. Roach motels were bought and sold under the watchful eye of the law.
>half the population below the poverty line
This fuck board is full of bs . It's like 16% and our poverty line is pretty high it's not 50$
Maybe it's different in Florida. I think it varies depending on the state.
>drinking lead water
So this is the power of soy.
>under communism you would have to share your house and car with strangers!
>what do you mean you can't afford rent or gas money
>try renting rooms through airbnb or working as a part time uber driver
>falling for Jow Forums memes
You shouldn't be breeding, but it's not because of your racial makeup.
The percentage of homeless in usa is 0.17% lower than alot of european countries like sweeden and uk
So yeah nice memes
>tfw want to move out at 18 but might not be able to afford
More common would be living in a small, expensive apartment with 4 other people and having to carpool because you can't simultaneously buy a car and eat something other than plain pasta for a month.
>White kids generally leave home early out of their own volition. They aren't forcibly removed.
Who do you think you are fooling?
A couple hundred Embryos have the potential for 15 IQ points up or down
This is evolution and natural selection in action. It's the bell-curve. If you have IQ 100, the worst IQ you can do is 85, and that's not bad.
"In Eugenics: A Reassessment (2001),[89] Lynn claimed that embryo selection as a form of standard reproductive therapy would raise the average intelligence of the population by 15 IQ points in a single generation (p. 300). If couples produce a hundred embryos, he argues, the range in potential IQ would be around 15 points above and below the parents' IQ. Lynn argues this gain could be repeated each generation, eventually stabilising the population's IQ at a theoretical maximum of around 200 after as little as six or seven generations."
My IQ is 110-120
I'm not dumb. The Jow Forums memes are real. 120-160 IQ Ted Kaczynski said so.
The only one being fooled is you taking memes seriously. Most people who leave their house at 18 are college students who want to live on or near campus
Lynn is a literal eugenicist and "white nationalist."
Even if you don't agree with white nationalism/eugenics it doesn't make his science wrong.
>you are entitled to the things you can not afford
>its markets fault i decided not to have any marketable skills
>i am a priori entitled to consumption and stuff even if i did no production
fucking commies
always the same shit
always entitled to more than you produce, always run into shortages, always starve to death
if you can not justify your own existence through some semi useful skill, you should be darwined out anyway
>always entitled to more than you produce, always run into shortages, always starve to death
History would disagree that that's how communism collapsed.
>your only choice is either super hyper greedy corporatism or communism
kys retards
And our soviet propaganda told us that most of the Americans are homeless. Kek.
> pic
He look like a typical genuine pedo.
If only there was some kind of Third Option that was neither soulless communism nor degenerate capitalism.
>minimum wage was created specifically so that ANYONE could support a house and a family if they worked full time
>now that boomers are retired and everything is more expensive, minimum wage is supposed to be shitty because fuck you, work harder, it's all you deserve
I can't wait for all these old farts to die
>houses are over priced so we should install a jewish dictatorship
no thanks.
there is liberal capitalism with social welfare like most of Europe and even america in some aspects
God this so much. I just hope the next generation isn't as cuntish as the old one.
The us economy in 2018 was still doing quite well, now it seems rather jittery
That still doesn't excuse the disparity in home ownership for the younger generation though
Also the UK and Sweden are not exactly socialist, or even ex communist at all
>The absolute floor of income potential should allow you a comfortable self sufficient lifestyle
>(((european style socialists)))
no thanks
the are social democrat (when their socdem parties are in power)
But I agree with OP
Fuck I need to sleep:
Like it or not , it's the most successful sytem in history , tho I still don't want america to be as soc dem as europe because that would be less 'fun' and unique I guess
>30 years old
We were talking about young 18 and 19 years old m8 , not an unemployed 30 years old neckbeard
so i guess we're never getting world peace season 2
An unironic b&r post from a leaf?
What sort of dumbass made this up? Ive known people on minimum wage with their own apartment? Also very small percentage of people (~3%) are on actual minimum wage
>economic system practiced by irrelevant meme countries
>it's the most successful sytem in history
Go back to R*ddit.
There already is one by your standards, given how plenty of Jews live in the USA
kek at this cumskin projecting on us. White subhumans tell their offspring to go into the military or gtfo their housep
>the jews having influence in a government is the same as a wholly judaic government
>Relatively few Americans earn the federal minimum wage.[2] In 2011 and 2012, 3.7 million Americans reported earning $7.25 or less per hour—just 2.9 percent of all workers in the United States.[3] These numbers include workers who also earn tip income.
Oh the horrors , seriously posting irrelevant articles about america on Jow Forums
t. Boomer
>I can't wait for all these old farts to die
you realise when boomers die off, your country will officially become majority non-white
same thing is true here
>He's not aware about corporations running Burgenland
Dumb dumb leaf scum
Looked up the article and they mention a two bedroom apartment, if you are on minimum wage and looking for a 2 bedroom apartment then you are living ABOVE your means. Why would someone even buy a 2 br apartment by themselves on min. wage? with 2 people as roommates it would be fine , so basically just another shitty clickbait article by cbs
fuck wh*Tes they did this
>you realise when boomers die off, your country will officially become
so this is the fate the (((boomers))) have created for us
Are you fucking retarded, chink?
Man, I don't even give a fuck, I've accepted the fact that the world is going to get worse in the future in many ways, that is just one. If it bothers me enough, I'll just move to Japan or something.
come with me to japan for permanent residence visa brother
>He thinks governments can't be run outside of the official system
that a great backup plan (it's not)
The military budget isn't even the problem.
>going to a nogunz country