I am a young and impressionable white male being radicalized on Jow Forums...

I am a young and impressionable white male being radicalized on Jow Forums, which provides me an outlet to deal with my personal failings, by redirecting anger toward things like race and gender. This will likely harm my ability to form human connections, and turn me into a more bitter and unlikable person.

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stopped reading right there

filthy wh*Teoid

white people need to die


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>hey guys I'm white
>intards started screeching OLOLOLO FILTHY WHITOID DIE

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>Jow Forums, which provides me an outlet to deal with my personal failings, by redirecting anger toward things like race and gender. This will likely harm my ability to form human connections, and turn me into a more bitter and unlikable person.
This is true of anyone who comes here. Don't believe the lies of anons that try to pretend they aren't social rejects irl

Kara boga

bluepilled post

based and redpilled
cringe and redditpilled

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>mom memes xDD

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Yakubian cavefish, return at once to your benighted home in agartha. Palefaced demonic purulent wh*toid fucking shit

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underage and b8, back to

>mfw we might accidentally start a black nationalist movement by ironically shitposting
>Jow Forumserracial will be its HQ
You know guys that Jow Forums was a satire and it became real.

But you are posting on r/Jow Forums

no one cares, dont take the internet so seriously dumbass

You need to improve yourself before you begin to improve society. Or not at all. Screw society and go live alone innawoods.

Int is worth nothing unless you practice a foreign language. Ive wondered why these monolingual Anglo flags try so hard to post here. Some say "to know foreign cultures" but int is clearly trash as a source.

>redditoid intcuck calls me a redditor

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Let's do it. I like stirring up shit.

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>Jow Forums was a satire

t. new fag

>what's new

Yes I agree シそzひえおなぉ

>Jow Forums wasn't a satire
>He didn't spam t. JIDF or JIDF detected to anybody, who disagreed with him
Surely the summer is long.

t. JIDF shill

Jow Forums wasn't intended to be satire but there were people there who treated it as such. Truthfully Jow Forums was a containment board that moot created to serve as a successor to /new/.

you tell me fag
>le epic JIDF spamming xD

Never said it was intended to be satire. It's just it was such a small board that people made a lot of satire, then the ZimZam happened and the American influx turned into Shite. Then the whole gamur gate intensified the growth of the cancer by the force of a thousand suns.