Should I racemix?

I've never liked the local culture, girls are trash - 2nd only to American liberals.

I find I can emotionally relate with Slavs, and the girls treat me far better than my exes.

That being said, is it delusional to think mixed-race relationships can survive the mistrust of looking different? I'm saying even if there's 0 cultural difference, would the different phenotypes matter?

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aren't you the loser faggot who was looking to buy some russian wife

>aren't you the loser faggot who was looking to buy some russian wife
No lol >poor untravelled fag

what race are you?

Lol check ur Name

Oh yea, forgot to say Chink

If you're thinking of race before even meeting a potential partner you're probably not prepared for a relationship at all.

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Retarded. I'm asking if it is unviable. I.e. finding out most negative limit, which is opposite of the false hope you allege

>race is the matter to me
I'm asking is it something I should start to consider, i.e. am I naive about thinking it didn't matter

Hi slav

What makes you think you can emotionally relate to Slavs?

Spent a few months there, never had a 'why the fuck would someone think like that' which I get almost daily in Singapore. You know the kind of moments when you realise the guy you're working with has a warped worldview.

I.e. culture seems more natural/intuitive than Singapore's

Slavic girls are slutty trash dude

Also Russkie friends chiming in saying stuff like you can be Russkie, we accept you bro, shit like that

I feel more kinship with them than with the locals here

Warped world views? like?
Personally, I've spent some time in Europe and the US, and people there don't question my actions or behaviors.
While in Japan, I'm a weirdo for not following certain social rules or the way of thinking.

Nigga men steal your purse,
White men steal your heart.

Idk man.. they might be relatively (to Singaporean) whorish, but Singaporean women are far more materialistic and self-centered. They want you to work and they hire a maid to clean the house, feed the kids, iron the clothes.

Popular culture has become male-bashing, and local women take the cue. (Every local drama has either loser/cuck/dumb dad or whipped boyfriend who is just an ATM to the protaganist girl) Slavs are still redpilled and based in that regard.

I wanna nuke the women of your country.

>Warped world views? like?
Typical East Asian jewry. Singapore is very similar to Worst Korea, more than any other country. Popular mentality is that giving way to others (e.g. literally letting a car change to your lane) is being cheated/taken advantage of. Least based culture - anyone expressing their honest opinion is considered a fool/misfit. Serious scarcity mindset + Colonial mindset. We let whiteys run amok on our laws while we consider it fine to jail a 16 year old boy with death row inmates for criticising the government on YouTube.

>While in Japan, I'm a weirdo for not following certain social rules or the way of thinking.
The exact same issue I face daily. I can be myself in a 'foreign' culture while I can't where I'm born.

Then you'll appreciate this:

The fact that it has more dislikes shows the society is cucked.

Racemixing is a sin

t. Svën bin Muhammad

Sven(nord) muhammad(levant) are sub-race mixing.

What race(s) are god-tier then?

do whatever you want idiot, it's your life. Racemix all you like. Your asianso your kid will look like you (asian phenotype/facial features are the most dominate) I'm a hapa myself but look full chinese and I'm happy with it since I'm 5'10" which is taller than most other asians I've seen

Yea I wanna do what I want, as long as it doesn't mean my kid is a fucking outcast lol
Which part of the States m8?

>do whatever you want idiot, it's your life.
no it's not
amerilards with their individualist materialism are the worst cancer to be inflicted on the planet, hope china wipes all of you stupid fucks

the vast majority of hapas are very noticeable

Yea but.. they are a global power

You sound like Elliot Rogers - not even a girl who makes a living diving for tourist pennies in the Chernobyl cooling pond wants some autistic Singaporean boyfriend even if he's wealthy.

>mad 3rd worlder

What's new

Sure brit NEET
You know diseased hapas are almost exclusively from anglo culture

>You know diseased hapas are almost exclusively from anglo culture

Full Singaporeans don't seem particularly well adjusted. Two Singaporean students killed themselves at my uni last year because they failed their exams (one of them did it before resits).

You do realize Singaporeans who study in the UK are 10% scholars and 90% rejects who applied there cause they couldn't get acceptance to a local university. They are our desperate rejects.

Also, hapas who go crazy almost exclusively anglo father mixes

You do realize Singaporeans who study in the UK are 10% scholars and 90% rejects who applied there cause they couldn't get acceptance to a local university. They are our desperate rejects.

Also, hapas who go crazy almost exclusively anglo father mixes

no they're not

what mix are they then?

What's it like to live in a HDB flat?

Heh. I live in a private condominium.
But desu if I couldn't afford it and had to move to a HDB, I would be even more motivated to get the fuck out.

Are you richfag bud

middle-upper class, probably 80th percentile?