Cant legally smoke marijuana

>Cant legally smoke marijuana
>Cant legally smoke it out in public
>Can legally smoke cigarettes
>Can legally smoke cigarettes out in public and walk past people huffing and puffing making them inhale the poison smoke

I had a bad case of bronchitis because i had the flu and inhaled cigarette smoke at work which put me the fuck to sleep for 2 weeks.

I cant wait for the war to begin, i'm shooting every smoker with a 8mm Mauser right to the skull.

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Wouldn't mind if all smokers were forcibly segregated from society and forced to live in a small urban compound with a completely sealed off roof. Provide them with oxygen from the outside but let their cancerous tar smoke condense on the ceiling till they fucking drown in it.

yeah people who smoke are literally subhumans


>ei polta röökiä

Oletko koulukiusattu, kehitysvammainen vai molemmat?

>m-mutku siihen kuolee

Niin? Oliko elämä kilpailu kuka elää pisimpään?

>siihe jää koukkuu!!!

Ei jää, jos ei ole alaikäinen ja osaa polttaa kohtuudella.


Kuka pakottaa ostamaan askin päivässä, vitun turvenuija

It's "Poofters" you dumb nigger sheep fucker.

>Cant legally smoke marijuana
>Cant legally smoke it out in public

ur mum can smoke my meat any time she wants

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smokers and drinkers are subhumans

Plan for a smoke free society

1. Install surveillance camera everywhere
2. Use a smart software to log and identify people buying cigarettes from surveillance footage
3. Log everything that cigarette smokers are doing
4. Increase the price of cigarettes by 2000%
5. Smokers get poor
6. They starts getting criminal to support their addiction
7. Put them in jail for life. Easy conviction thanks to camera footage.


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mmm I didn't expect this post from this flag

mashallah brother, you speak the truth

You can suck my fat rollie any time you want, I'll even wear a merino wool onesie. Ba Ram You.

I'm hardly a drinker, but when i go to the bar with mates at bars over here you have corners that are designated smoking corners. People still there for hours, lighting cigarette after cigarette. Both men and women, i always sit amazed at the stupidity shown by such individuals.

How fucking stupid and thick can you be to be so fucking retarded? Sitting down inhaling toxic smoke for hours at a time while receiving literally zero benefits. Some people need to hang.

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Why that?

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why blacks dont smoke?

can't afford smokes

They do, don't you see Italy and other med countries on the map?

>Cant legally smoke marijuana
>Cant legally smoke it out in public
Just wait 2 months

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smoking is enjoyable and relaxing. my grandfather smoked and lived until 87 and my dad smokes and is fine at 68. i have smoked 20 a day for nearly 10 years and am still far more fit and healthy than fat cunts who eat maccies daily and lose their breath climbing stairs

Only fags and women don't smoke. Who are you then, cunt?

My uncle started smoking when he was 7 years old. He smoked like a chimney his whole life. He just died of lung cancer at 92. I don’t smoke but it’s interesting

how expensive is ganja over there? what about the quality?

Imagine the smell.

who even cares if you live longer than 70 years who wants to sit on their arse watching daytime tv and doing fucking nothing while your back hurts

fuck you cunt, you'll get a 7.62x39 in the skull first

yeah well my grandad tried a cigarette once when he was 13 and then BANG died of cancer 60 years later. Still think cigarettes are safe?

>what is aging?

you realise 30-40 years ago probably most kids grew up in a house where people smoked

80-90% of lung cancer patients were chronic smokers. You can say you don't want to live a crappy life into old age, but that there's a high chance that happens anyway if you smoke. My grandfather lived to be 98 and only suffered mild memory loss until death. He still walked around and independently through to the last 3 months of his life. I've known life long smokers. They grasped for breathe for the last few YEARS of their lives in their 70s and had to wear masks linked to oxygen tanks for most of the day.

Does it make you smell less bad.
Also your apartment must have a constant tobacco smell. You don't realize because you're always in it but just ask people coming at your place.

>never light a cigarette in the company of non-smokers
>give people a wide berth when i smoke on the go
>don't smoke when i know i'm going to spend time sitting next to a non-smoker because they'd smell it on me
>meanwhile the resident anti-smoker cunt can't be bothered to chew with mouth closed at the company lunch table and gets super upset when i mention it

You all faggots can go suffocate in a chimney stack.

At least he's not forcibly putting something toxic in your body, which is what smokers do with people around them.

there's like 40 years between the two pics lol
95% of women would wish they'd look like Jennifer Connelly at her age

if i smoke in open air, you have next to nothing to complain about

loud chewers are the worst offenders

i hate fags who smoke weed and then complain about cigarettes,

Well you don't smoke weed at work do you? And not all day long? ANd most weed smokers smoke once in a while, when they have an occasion.

So there is a big difference. In most cases weed smoking is not an addictive behavior with consequences for everybody around you.

i don't smoke ciggarettes at work either or all day long or everyday, and
weed smoking is addictive, its psychologically addictive,

>with a 8mm Mauser right to the skull.
Reported, with your cunts gun laws you'll never own more than an Australian spec Nerf gun ever again

You sound like a soft cunt, a puff of a durrie put you in bed with bronchitis for 2 weeks?
Mate you are probably going to die long before any wars begin if you are that much of a girls dick.

>i don't smoke ciggarettes at work either or all day long or everyday

Well a lot of people do and it's disgusting.

>Dissing Australia
Alright fellas go grab the Super Soakers.

I don't think you actually know what the gun laws in Australia are.
we have over a million more guns in the country today than we did before the "gun ban" your nra is always raging about.

>I had a bad case of bronchitis because i had the flu and inhaled cigarette smoke at work

Kill yourself. you dumb loser

this board is full of pussies

It's pretty expensive, $25 aud for a stick where I live. I haven't smoked anywhere else but it gets you decently going

wtf is a stick?
a bag cost $200 mate.
that is 28 grams.

all the chinks at my school smoke them. they cough too. fucking mao zedongs, go back to china

Yeah I live in a city where it's small enough to be a hastle but not small enough to be like Nimbin where they probably give to out for free

I bought a vape just so I can take smoke breaks

I stopped smoking one month ago. Cold turkey after smoking at least 15 cigs a day.

The temptation to take one is still there. FUCK

>second hand smoke
>caused bronchitis

You know that there were asthmatics before the smoking ban came in who functioned absolutely fine in offices full of chain smokers? Hate when runts like you pretend to cough 5 meters away from a cigarette.

neither do i
if you take offense with smelling trace cigarette smoke on people you should be against people taking a shit too
you're huffing the shit particles off their body long after you stopped noticing it

>I had a bad case of bronchitis because i had the flu and inhaled cigarette smoke at work which put me the fuck to sleep for 2 weeks.
Sounds like you're just a soft cock

>dude weed 420 blazer faggot
>wonders why he had bronchitis
>I cant wait for the war to begin, i'm shooting every smoker with a 8mm Mauser right to the skull.
woah careful there buddy the smoke from your gun might put you in an iron lung

In my city smokers basically self-segregate down alleyways or walk off the footpath because you’ll get a lot of dirty looks otherwise
Anyway shut up you woman

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nimbin locals literally yell at you if want on in the street
I went to buy some off a local and she came back with acid cause she thought surely he’d be coming to me for harder stuff
the bookshop is a front for edibles for fucks sake kek

People who smoke anything are all faggot degenerates.

Fuk uuuuu

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You know what even if it's probably a huge sink for the rest of the country I'm glad that place exists