Kill all w*men
Kill all w*men
That should buff right out.
ran out of krokodil my drug?
Did you kill her yourself?
Shell be all right rite?
I wish I did
Why do you hate women? Childhood memories or something?
Here we go again
Stop doing krocodil
So you're just psychotic, good to know
>not even trying to hide her roastie identity
No go back to r/feminism, rotten outie.
>he's a filthy boyim
I'd be angry too
i would totally fuck that
I figure you would. Its a common look down there isn't it?
>he's a filthy aussioid shitposter who thinks he is funny
Bitch got owned lmao
What is wrong with you, honestly
I you hate women that much, why don't you go out of your way to kill one? I think that it must be pretty easy to avoid the authorities in Russia.
kys OP
We haven't got a true serial w*men murderer in ages. Russia is a matriarchial shit and males here are pathetic slaves. Here's one for example
figures some neckbeard did it
>t. incel
>males here are pathetic slaves
it's in the name, ivan. you're a slav(e)
Waste of a perfect vagina if I'm being honest