Why can't old people know how to use this?

Why can't old people know how to use this?

Attached: mbp13-space-select-201807_GEO_EMEA_LANG_FR.jpg (452x420, 58K)

because they are smart enugh to recognize technology is cancer and a weapon of mass distraction

cos they gay lol

That 29 yo boomer

No idea but my grandparents have a tablet instead and apparently they know their way around it quite well.

Because MacBooks aren't user friendly. I myself have to use the terminal time from time to do some trivial things

>and apparently they know their way around it quite well.
I don't believe you.

>MacBooks aren't user friendly
Apple products are literally the retard's go-to

my fucking parents make me do all the shit with their phones and computers and everything internet/tech related. anything goes down, "user GET HERE FIX THIS!!"
and earlier this morning, because I couldn't properly backup his WhatsApp chats from Google Drive onto his new phone (not really my fault but let's not get into that), my fucking dad tells me "what's the fucking point of having you as a son? you never help with any of this stuff"
what a fucking asshole

my dad still double-click on links lol

thats cute desu

sounds like your useless ass got btfo. maybe try helping around the house next time instead of spending all your free time pooposting on Jow Forums.

I've tried my sister's MacBook and it's such a fucking hassle to do anything.
Can't work on anything but Windows or Linux.

he's a good man

totally oppositely here and nowadays youngs are too dumb not to know usage of PC because they say that I'm ok with this because we can do anything with smartphones.

fuck off boomer

I'll never understand the fixation of people in that fucking tiny screen. A friend of mine asked me these days "Don't you think desktops will nearby cease to exist? We can do all in the smartphone, dude"

I agree with you depending on how young you mean. I'm quite young and I'm not too shabby when it comes to computers but I've seen teenagers and other younger people struggle with the simplest things on their gadgets. you'd think growing up with this stuff would make them extra savvy but no, a lot of them are quite useless

Feel like people who say that don't actually do work on their PC's, sending emails and browsing is fine but more than that and it starts to feel clunky.

Your friend is not your friend.

My only condition is to have a big screen. I use a laptop to study and a desktop for 4ch but I can even watch movies and tv series here in the desktop.
Tiny screens annoys me, that's the problem with using cellphone for everything.