Do most young people do drugs nowadays? I often feels like I’m the only person in early 20s who has never tried any drugs among people in my age that I know, and drug use seems so causal now that it’s almost rebellious to never try/do any drugs
Do most young people do drugs nowadays...
I've never done drugs because I never socialize and I literally don't know anyone.
I don't know, but I've never tried them.
Internet is my drug.
Sounds cringy but this pretty much.
I started much later than any friend, cousin or coworker. I smoked weed for the first time at 17 and out of curiosity I tried most of the drugs people usually can name within 2 years. I know many people who do them and many that rarely do or never. I don't think they take more than in the past though.
so....are drugs a waste of money or not?
I don't know anyone who hasn't tried any. Kinda sad, desu. My friend even brought out a bag of fucking cocaine when we hanged out at his parents place.
I'm a pretty socially awkward guy but even I had done drugs before 20.
What kind of drugs are you talking about?
Coke is so stupid
>yeah get me high for 20 minutes
>that'll be $50 sir
Like do you even need to go that far? Booze and weed is enough man Jesus. Occasional mushroom trip or something
why just not fap?
Yeah it's not worth buying. We were dissapointed. Glad i didn't pay for it.
>gets orgasm for 5 seconds
>that'll be sadness and cum on your hand sir
How do I get drugs myself bros. For the last couple years I had friends to get it for me, but now they're all gone. I really wanna try shrooms with PSVR.
You never asked for the dealers number?
Any recreational kind. Like weed, mdma, cocaine, etc.
You are all degenerates.
I never saw the dealer. I moved away too actually so I even if I did, it wouldn't matter.
>not edging all night long
I meant from your friends. Anyways, I don't know how you get shit over there.
Usualy you can see who's a drug dealer here and some even walk up to you.
I edged for 2 hours and my dick got swollen after I constructed a cum fountain.
You are going to tell me that you want to live your entire life being fucking boring and not experiencing anything the world has to offer?
Let me guess you also do not play any sports, do any traveling or try to experience anything outside your little autism bubble right?
You going to be happy looking back on a life like that when you are on your death bed?
Sitting up on a high horse thinking you are so much better than everyone else because you didn't do something can only make you feel one way in the end.
I don't know if it's all the edging I did over the years but I'm packing like 19~20cm now. YMMV.
that's impressive
right now about 1 in 1 million leafs dies every day from od
anything stronger than shrooms right now is pretty scary, it's all imported in by the same gangs bringing in fentanyl
why can't you kids just be happy with speed, mdma and weed?
meth is imported in
mdma precursors are imported in
weed is fine, can buy it at stores
speed is not meth.
sure you can smoke it through a crack pipe but it doesnt make it the same thing lol.
Wew lad did I touch a nerve? My mother has mental issues and they were made worse by medical drugs prescribed by doctors, so I always had a fear of any kind of drugs fucking up my brain. Also it sounds like you are quite insecure about your own need to use drugs to socialize and be accepted
don't you call meth ice?
we don't do that, we usually call it meth but speed is sometimes used
ice, meth, crack (we don't have actual crack cocaine here that i know of)
and shit like cocaine is insanely expensive, im talking upwards of $500 a gram for decent cocaine.
This. I had a friend that used to be cool than he did a bunch of acid and mushrooms, and now he acts like a creep and none of his old friends want to even be around him anymore
>and shit like cocaine is insanely expensive, im talking upwards of $500 a gram for decent cocaine.
I've seen you guys in south america
like kids in a candy store
you'd think they would grow it in nz
you don't even have to be a normie to get drugs nowadays since darknet markets are a thing
You really think they have time to worry about things like that when there are 7 sheep per person in new zealand?
that is a lot of pussy to tame.
This. Death penalty for druggies when?
I'm 20 and I've never did drugs, never drank, never fooled around, never went clubbing. All because I was a recluse.
In uni now and made a few friends, turns out I'm the only one in my group of friends to have never done all those things so they think me innocent enough and they tease me for it.
i’m kinda drunk right now but ya, it’s a sad sight to see desu it’s pretty bad in some areas. places like Vancouver have been in a
bad spot with needle use for a long time.
Small native communities in the north suffer from Oxycodone addiction or rampant alcoholism.
London, Ontario is the meth capital, mostly run by biker gangs and other sketchbags who also flooded the city with cocaine and fent too. Toronto is more or less the same thing, gang violence and other drugs laced with fent.
Although, i’m noticing that marijuana is rapidly becoming more accepted. Even boomers here are trying it or smoking it casually from time to time. I never really realized how many fucking people smoke pot up here
Here it is even spreading to all the small country towns because now the only thing the kids had to do in those towns (get drunk and smoke a lot of cigarettes at the footy) is too expensive to do.
so now everyone is having a twirl at the footy instead.
fucking disgusting.
I drink 8-12 times a year, buy 2-3 grams of hash each month. Half of my friends smoke hash but I don't know anyone who does harder drugs except some people who have done mushrooms a couple of times over the years.
I've never done drugs, not even weed. It seems to be a common thing with friendless losers with no social life.
Shrooms literally grow right out of the fucking ground, just go pick some.
Make sure you get the right ones though...
In my opinion yes, unless you only do it every few weeks or so
I've only smoked weed so far, and only do it very rarely. It can be fun, but I know people who do it all the time just for the sake of it. I wouldn't want to go down that route.
Most people do pretty small time stuff like weed and alcohol. Lots of people try psychedelics at least once.
There's nothing wrong with not doing drugs if you don't want to, but don't do it specifically to rebel or so you can have some manufactured moral superiority. But fuck heroin and all that shit.
>mushrooms have been consumed by humans for spiritual purposes for thousands of years, dating back to cavemen
>but some loli-loving autists say "hurrr drugs r for degens xD"
Well you're a friendless loser with no social life so clearly something else is the cause
In fact junkies are more likely to have a social life cause they gotta get it from someone
That "social life" of junkies is often not desirable at all though
>People in the most were more progressive than now!
Woah... we live in a society...
doing drugs is about shutting off experience and exploration. turning your brain off. OP's observations are reasonable to, it is rebellious not to.
Nope.I had my fair chances of being able to smoke weed but I always rejected the opportunities
How about trying cocaine,heroine aswell? Are you going to be a boring loser aswell if you don't try them?
You are scientifically wrong. Psilocybin makes your neurons connect in more and different ways.
Most of my friends smoke. I personally stay the fuck away.