>he has never smoked weed with his bros
He has never smoked weed with his bros
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Drugs were never a big thing here, we drank a lot but never any drugs
with my what
i smoked weed while waiting for the bus with the cute redhead from my school, after i wanted to talk to her all year but didn't, until she talked to me
LMAO bruh
Go out in nature, enjoy a few puffs, relax, talk about life, no need to act like a stoner. Far more enjoyable and harmless than getting shitfaced drunk.
At age 14 *
>drunk a lot
Does binge drinking until you're dead by 23:00 then go home, every second Friday, count as drinking a lot?
No, that's more big city life.
I never got shitfaced, just enjoyed my time with my friends, had something to drink.
>dead by 23:00
>big city life
is the nightlife really that bad in Sweden?
Yes, people seem to enjoy getting shitfaced off of cheap vodka as ''partying''.
They usually go a bit longer than 23:00, around 01:00-02:00 they start destroying stuff and fighting eachother and then they are knocked out Saturday through Sunday.
I did it like two weeks ago, I don't like smoking weed but my friend kept pestering me while I was drunk so I smoked an entire blunt
My idea of a good time is shooting up heroin alone, shitposting, and watching anime
sounds fun minus the vandalism and violence. love going out and getting drunk with my mates 2bh
i remember smoking weed with my bros at my late teens.
honestly, that was one of the best things i did in my life.
my friends weren't normies, so we talked about alines, reptilians and a lot of shit like that.
really miss those days, i no longer smoke. and our brains are to stressed to think about those carzy ideas again, and now it'd feel silly anyways.
what are you stressed about nowadays?
what does heroin feel like
I did this a lot but stopped being fun for me.
money, mainly.
the lack of the bright future we all thought we were going to get.
I've done it a few times but the only time I actually found it enjoyable was the day of my high school graduation. Smoked some weed and ate some shitty pizza at a friend's house while we talked about the future
I prefer drinking
no drug
>we took drugs but we didn't take drugs
>alcohol is the same as opioids and marijuana
hahahahha you cant drink a drug, smoke or snort a drug maybe but beer is beer, not the same tghing
Alcohol is worse than marijuana. I'm not a dude weed lmao fag. But alcohol will fucking ruin you
Not even marijuana and opioids are the same. Alcohol is a drug just like cannabis, nicotine, LSD or cocaine
leaf smoking leaf
alcoholism is a total myth
>Alcohol is a drug just like cannabis
>Alcohol is a drug
>just heading down to the pub to take some drugs
>Look guys! Its 10 on a Monday and the only thing I'm doing is memeing!
Absolutely pathetic
you don't know anything about me or my life
I've never smoked weed period.
Weed is pretty risky if you have mental problems or are more likely to develop them
So is every other drug (including alcohol)
even paracetamol?
What else am i supposed to do?
The German definition of drug is different
Let's use "psychoactive substance" instead
>paracetamol is 100% safe!
I like smoking weed recreationally. I’m excited for edibles to be legal soon though!
Used to enjoy just smoking but now I have to get drunk first or it'll just enhance the despair and anxiety I feel constantly. If I just drink I get hostile and cuntish so I have to combine both to be sociable and somewhat normal.
Cute pupper.
Alcoholics are somehow better people then since they don't hype up alcohol and are realistic about effects to the uninitiated. Weedheads let the green crack ruin their lives but nevertheless defend it as harmless fun and cry about legality.
Weed smokers don’t become violent psychopaths! Try going downtown in a city when all the sad drunks are milling about
Everyone that glorifies alcohol will hit their bottom eventually. I dont know anybody that drank hard during their youth that didn't crash hard. Given the fact that half of this site is 16-20 year friendless virgin weeaboos you can understand the disconnection with reality
>Alcoholics are somehow better people then since they don't hype up alcohol and are realistic about effects to the uninitiated.
Actual long term alcoholics tend to be incredibly delusional or dishonest about their alcohol reliance and act extremely aggressive when people bring it up with them. I've lived with alcoholics and they are completely fucking insufferable and extremely selfish, much like people who feel the need to punch a cone before getting out of bed.
I used to smoke with my buddies, but I don't have any buddies anymore.
ps. that girl is incredibly cute. Reminds me of my girlfriend from back in the day, blonde hair, freckles.. oh man I wish I was young again.
But you don't see that as a part of the general discourse relating to alcohol. Maybe it's because it's not illegal but either way, weed should never be legal.
Weedheads literally want to ruin lives just so they have slightly easier access to their drug. It's incredibly psychopathic.
>Weedheads literally want to ruin lives
>Weedheads literally want to ruin lives just so they have slightly easier access to their drug. It's incredibly psychopathic.
Sorry man, you've lost me.
>literally want to ruin lives
The majority of substance abusers are self medicating already ruined lives. There is an almost non-existent percentage of people with great lives that get derailed by DUDE WEED
You're delusional. How is vaping a small amount of bud after work going to ruin anything? Go back to your kokoomusnuoret meetings.
Prohibition doesn't solve ANY problem regarding drugs. You can be against consuming drugs, but wanting them to be illegal just proves that you're either not educated or intelligent enough
There's a large number of medical studies relating to the effects of marijuana.
It's not as simple as it directly causing schizophrenia but there is a strong correlation between THC abuse in adolescent years in certain individuals with partial genetic suspectibility to it.
It's a positive good for society to limit the number of people smoking weed as much as possible.
You can do so illegally. Your convenience of access is not important.
That's cool and all, but where did you get >Weedheads literally want to ruin lives
yes she is
Did you actually read the article you posted?
Weedheads are lying to others about what their drug does to people just because they want to purchase it legally. It's an entirely selfish motive.
Yes. Did you understand it?
Don't fixate on the >may be reversible
That's decades off at best and more likely never.
Smoking with people sucks for me , i always get tired quickly and they wanna do stuff and it kills my buzz
> used to smoke weed with bros
> feels good but i probably shouldnt do it too often
> bros become braindead grugs by the end of HS because of weed
> fugg, dodged a bullet there. Never smoke weed ever since
what the fuck
Honestly, I wouldn't buy it even if it was legal, but I want to be able to grow a small amount of weed for myself and my SO without having to worry about the police. I got a törkeä huumausainerikos because the prosecution claimed I was selling, even though I literally don't have any friends or contacts. There was no scale, no money, no bags, nothing, but still the government labeled me as an evil drug kingpin.
Name one problem caused by drugs that can only be solved by a prohibition
>he can't smile and talk without drugs
>there is a strong correlation between THC abuse in adolescent years in certain individuals with partial genetic suspectibility to it.
yea like 2% of the population or less. Alcohol also effects a small percent of the population by making them hyper depressed or aggressive, which is why people should consult a doctor before using drugs like weed or alcohol. Those who aspire to live in free societies should respect the freedoms of people to use mostly harmless drugs as they see fit.
I have done this a lot, ket too.
Drunks are pretty pathetic too. I lived with one and she wouldn't want to hang out since we weren't drinking but she really wanted to and it would be too obvious that she had a problem. She would always complain about not having enough money whilst probably also spending more on alcohol than food.
>smoke weed with friends
>they don't shut the fuck up and babble on about nonsense
>tfw I just want to get away and have some quiet
Always smoke alone kids.
I watch shrek baked by the fire while camping with my bros
the absolute state of nordics hair
I did once. They all got high and started pretending like they were in a war. They flipped the couches and tables for cover, almost smashed the tv, and ate all the snacks. It looked like they were having fun.
I thought they were all pretending, got sleepy, and went to bed.
>come home from a long day at work
>wash up
>cook dins
>smoke weed
>play vidya/listen to music/wank one/watch videos
b ase d
>>they don't shut the fuck up and babble on about nonsense
>they also complain about being hungry all the time
>vomit all over your place because they are faggots
Never again.
Thread theme
What kind of Christian sect were you raised in? Everyone I know have smoked weed.