Jews and diaspora not allowed
I converted to catholicism so my grandpa in iraq started sending me death threats on my phone, and I had to make a statement to the FBI because apparently they've been listening to them.
Good morning
Earlier than usual today, that's neat
glad to hear you joined the One True Church, brother.
from Islam?
based grandpa
So are you enjoying polytheism?
yes also having to get frisked every time I fly
Wouldn't you be less frisked now that you converted?
How's syria? Is it still a shithole?
>imagine misrepresenting Christianity this hard
Womt change anytime soon in that respect, infact it's worse for me now because they banned foreign food and now I can't get decent chocolate bars or chips anymore
Silence trinitarian scum
Duce! Duce! Duce!
I have seen that video over 20 times by now and it's still fun to watch
Hi Sourianon. Why did they ban foreign foods? Also do you live in Damascus?
Greetings fellow Muslims. I am your local warlord Svenhammed Goldenbeard al-Stockholmi.
I have no idea really, they also banned foreign shampoos so I can't get the stuff I used to use. I guess this extends to other merchandise too but I'm not sure about everything it encompossases. I guess we are going to go full protectionist now. And yes I live in Damascus
Lol that video always makes me laugh even though I'm ethiopian. Best part is where Yuuko (I think that is her name) is dressed like Mussolini.
Do you support Al Assad or Sourian rebels?
I've been posting here for about a year now how do you not know this
Yeah, that last bit with Yuuko doing her thing in a MVSN uniform is really damn cute.
Bad memory + I don't really try to remember these kind of things + I have to remember a lot more stuff so I think my brain just filters this out.
Nichijou is really cute, glad I watched it
Eh? Why? You only banned NATO-aligned products, right?
Why the fuck would your gov't do that otherwise, especially since your average mena's native industry is limited to small family-owned workshops that have a snowball's chance in hell of satiating the populace's needs. And as I'm told, the situation is improving over there so I don't imagine this being a case fo war rationing.
>your average mena's native industry is limited to small family-owned workshops
Lol that's literally my job, I didn't think it was the same in MENA
My guess is that they are prepping the market for Russian and Chinese products to stand unopposed, but I didn't see any yet.
It's the same practically everywhere else in the third world, user.
get ready for millions of Chinese businessmen flooding your country after the war ends. You'll start to get annoyed by it but they are chill and nice people if you get to know them.
piece of shit weather, you can't have food outside for more than 4 minutes without it fucking rotting instantly
I've read that China is hesitant to pursue business in Syria, any of the investments they've gone ahead with so far have been very small I can't imagine they'd make deals with anyone but the government for vital infrastructure like power and water. The war is winding down but Syria is lawless, militias taking bribes in most cities, it's not the kind of environment anyone wants to work in.
Prove you're Arab by repeating that in Arabic using Latin script.
I said after the war ends. When it ends, then China would want to take advantage of the situation and help them recover. Obviously, China will not invest yet. Chinese investments are really good for my country, I hope other countries can benefit from it too and that they get successful off of it.
I'm too busy with work and I rarely get to see you posting in Jow Forums.
>Chinese investments are really good for my country
They'll fuck you over in the long run, China has no interest in your well-being. Then again the same can be said for Western investments, so I guess you might as well try to make the best of the situation.
They made the railway that really helped fix driving though. The Chinese are smart. USA is missing out here on African investment. Already, almost all of Africa is allied with China. Some countries I feel like are going to be like Greece, and unable to pay debts. But I don't think all will.
The west will only invest for our oil. My country is not Nigeria, Kamerun, Angola, or Gabon. They don't care about us.
The large scale offensives have pretty much ended the rest of war lies on diplomacy between all the powers involved.
>China would want to take advantage of the situation
The Chinese aren't the bearers some Marshall plan like the US after WW2, Jesus you make them out to be as if they were some international charity, they only invest where there's money to be made, in an anarchic shithole like Syria there is none.
There's no such thing as a good samaritan when it comes to international economics, user.
>Silence trinitarian scum
why do you misunderstand the trinity? Is it because it's too hard for you? Or that you just don't want to understand?
I could pull the exact same low tier shit by bringing up the fact that mohammed was a warlord, and started a mere personality cult around him that was spread via violent conquest.
That's because the west is fucking retarded nowadays, too busy being worried about being called racist and colonizers. In the next 50 years China will economically colonize most of Africa and secure the resources, and unlike western retards, China won't be so worried about screeching rainbow-haired abominations on Twitter calling them racist.
Of course down below all the fanfare there are much more pragmatic reasons for all this (maintaining the petrodollar, flooding Europe with cheap labour, etc) as the people really in charge of the west don't care about the west as it's just another vessel, once this one falls, they'll move into China or anywhere else they wish (and no, I'm not talking about Jews, I'm talking about international bankers). But this is neither Jow Forums nor /x/ so lets leave that bit out.
>Marshall plan
The US worked tirelessly to remove your colonies (as well as any other European colonies) and reduce your empire to nothing, and you still thank them for it. The Chinese in Africa right now are no less "charitable" than the Americans after WW2.
Good morning!
Well you can argue that the biggest difference between the US Marshall plan and Chinese investment is that at least with the former the Europeans knew what they were getting themselves into whereas China purposely floods poor nations with loans with the intention of bankruptcy and then occupying said infrastructure they've helped fund.
Let me tell you the difference between those 2 examples retard, the first is the actual core of a religion the other is a lie popularised by xenophobia and spread through misinformation.
>declares war on the allies when the only standing army stationed in Libya at the time was the 10th army corps, the one where all the rejects, dissidents and failures went, which was also armed only with crappy 47/32 canons and interbellum bayonet rifles
Holy hell.
Daily reminder.
Look at this dude
L'internationale > post-1944 anthem
>Only 4% luxemburgists
The fact that Rommel managed to salvage that entire quagmire of a situation and then turn the tides to his favor for 3 straight years really stands a testament to his genius.
I suppose the krauts have a natural affinity for holding out in the african continent against all odds then
I'd say violence is pretty core to Islam seeming that's all your religion has done for the last 1.4k years or so. Not to mention the hadiths more or less just dedicated to it, and the large amount of personal violence endorsed by the quran
but of course, xenophobia is the problem here. Everywhere muslims are, they cause trouble. Surely Islam isn't the problem, but literally every other group that has ever come in contact with them historically.
Even Portugal would have been a better ally.
Portugal is powerful afterall hehe
Holy fuck you really are braindead
>Lives on a region plagued with civil war because islamic fundamentalists rebelled agains't the government
Holy fuck you really are braindead
forgot image
nah, that's not important. Islam is a religion of peace, the governments were just xenophobic of fundamentalism
UHHH not sure what you're talking about because the first militant groups to pop up were secularists, regardless terrorists aren't the point here.
Good image fuck kuffar
Why is the arab man with a face of satisfaction when he was being expelled and all their people being slaughtered?
This is your heretical head on the hands of a mighty tuga
>5 posts in and the Australian Saddamist has ruined the thread again
Look at this mouth-breather confusing the personal wars and vendettas of muslim fiefs for religion.
Nigga you retarded or some shit? straight talk right here dog
>Literally the biggest sin in islam
WTF is a luxemburgist?
Wait a sec, lemme put on these faggotron-who-knows-nothing-about-what-he-talks-about goggles and read his posts.
Yup, everything's the same.
Did mohammed have a personal vendetta to fight?
They're both sadists and masochists
Somimassen it's my fault, I should have never replied to him
Just ignore and hide the australian, he loves to ruin our threads
I don't know who you're talking about.
I don't give a fuck for Saddam, I just take issue with retarded muslims who throw around words like xenophobia on an anonymous imageboard, as though they can't bring themselves to admit that islam has been violent since its inception
Don’t reply to the Australian paki
Rosa Luxemburg was a german/polish marxist revolutionary that opposed the authoritarian nature of the soviet republic and leninism. Luxemburgists are those who follow her ideas, which are part of democratic socialism.
so it's basically economics but for people who say "gib me free shit"
>Conquests exist
Everthing you post make my eyes bleed, I'd expect to hear these arguments on Jow Forums but not here where anyone with basic knowledge of history and theology can point out how retarded they are.
Hey Egyptanon, how do you feel about our damn?
haha yes fellow magapede
You shouldn't confuse modern socialism with the last century's.
I seriously cannit comprehend how weeabos can be muslims.Like,your cultures and religion opress women
Well what any sensible egyptian thinks of it, they hate the guys out of it. Egypt is already struggling with water and this won't help at all.
Just a reminder that according to the Quran the perfect Muslim everybody should aspire to imitate is a highwayman pedophile.
literally the first time posting itt. I'm european diaspora
>it's so easy to prove me wrong
>can't prove me wrong
wow, really made me think
The only acceptable posters here are lebanese christians,syrian christians and israeili christian and jews
Something tells me that I shouldn't respond to your bait at all but I still will do it anyways because I'm retarded. What does having a culture that oppresses women have anything to do with not being able to be a weaboo?
Why all the rude posters today
How can you live with that hypocrisy
You're fucking disgusting.
Jow Forums is basically Jow Forums with flags, the virgins here have to lash out at others, it's the only sense of gratification they'll experience for a while.
Duce! Duce! Duce! Duce!
Who cares
É o vento que me leva.
O vento lusitano.
É este sopro humano
Que enfuna a inquietação de Portugal.
É esta fúria de loucura mansa
Que tudo alcança
Sem alcançar.
Que vai de céu em céu,
De mar em mar,
Até nunca chegar.
E esta tentação de me encontrar
Mais rico de amargura
Nas pausas da ventura
De me procurar...
Go into more details.
Oops didn't mean to (you) that guy about Duce! Posting
I don't like you but I do like me some galician poetry
Dos celtas antigos
gloriosos exempros;
do duro romano
non lixios, non servos:
rompede as cadeas
da patria, dos eidos;
luitade valentes;
luitade, gallegos.
Con rogo e con pranto,
con brandos acentos,
non ben se consiguen
os nobres empeños:
esforzo e constancia
vos peden os tempos:
luitade animosos;
luitade, gallegos.
Luitando se vencen
da sorte os degredos;
quen luita, ese é forte;
quen cede, ese é servo:
oponde aos destinos
un peito de ferro:
luitade, luitade, luitade, luitade,
luitade, gallegos.
Why this pic OP?
I am Volga Jew
Reminder to hide and report rude posters.
Deus quer, o homem sonha, a obra nasce.
Deus quis que a terra fosse toda uma,
Que o mar unisse, já não separasse.
Sagrou-te, e foste desvendando a espuma.
E a orla branca foi de ilha em continente,
Clareou, correndo, até ao fim do mundo,
E viu-se a terra inteira, de repente,
Surgir, redonda, do azul profundo.
Quem te sagrou criou-te português.
Do mar e nós em ti nos deu sinal.
Cumpriu-se o Mar, e o Império se desfez.
Senhor, falta cumprir-se Portugal!
Fucking hell you pisstralian piece of shit, this is getting really fucking awful so I'll respond to everything in one post to hopefully shut you up.
>I'd say violence is pretty core to Islam seeming that's all your religion has done for the last 1.4k years or so.
The existence of offensive jihad is undeniable but saying that its core to the religion or even the only thing Muslims did is pretty Jow Forums tier. What are you even trying to say here? Violence exists in Islam? Oh you sure showed me d00de it's not like all empires belonging to any religion expanded before.
>Not to mention the hadiths more or less just dedicated to it
The hadiths and the sunnah of the prophet mainly boil down to cleanliness,spiritualism and other matters, texts pertaining specifically to offensive jihad are pretty rare.
>and the large amount of personal violence endorsed by the quran
Ah yes classic, I'll have you know that beating your wife is strictly forbidden and is only allowed in very highly important situations when other methods have failed and even then it's allowed to the point that it isn't even considered bearing by most (some scholars say a miswak)
This is the consensus of ahlul sunnah Wal jama'a.
>but of course, xenophobia is the problem here.
In today's world yes yes it is, the most blatant accusations and fear of some kind of Islamic invasion of Europe and America have only popped up after 9/11 and the immigrant crisis fueled by extremists and racists to convince people to adopt their extreme beliefs.
>Everywhere muslims are, they cause trouble.
>surely Islam isn't the problem, but literally every other group that has ever come in contact with them historically.
What? What do you think was happening in the swahili coast and south east Asia? This 2 areas alone debunk what you said. I'll know I'll regret it but what groups are you talking about here?
I can say the same exact thing about Christianity and how it came in conflict with every group it encountered.
We love Italian fascism and the Italian influence in the Levant during Rome.
Honestly, I love reading galician, seriously. To a point that I want to vocaroo myself talking in it for pure enjoyment. Iberian languages are just ideal. Like I wanna speak them all. Anyway please post more poetry, if you don't mind.
If you had the ability to go back in time to a specific moment of your life and change the way an action or a decision of yours or of somebody in your entourage played out, what would that be?
Tell me all about your regrets and bygones, /levant/.
Fascism ruined my country forever
Galician is just portuguese with an hint of castillian grammar and pronounciation.
Here is a pt poem:
Amor é fogo que arde sem se ver;
É ferida que dói, e não se sente;
É um contentamento descontente;
É dor que desatina sem doer.
É um não querer mais que bem querer;
É um andar solitário entre a gente;
É nunca contentar-se de contente;
É um cuidar que se ganha em se perder.
É querer estar preso por vontade;
É servir a quem vence, o vencedor;
É ter com quem nos mata, lealdade.
Mas como causar pode seu favor
Nos corações humanos amizade,
Se tão contrário a si é o mesmo Amor?
I found out Jow Forums when I was eleven but I browsed it very sporadically. I guess you could say I want to go back to those times when I browsed Jow Forums every so time.