Friendly Faroe Thread /fft/

Since I have this flag many people have said they wanted to kick my ass.

I also can confirm theres many people with red hair here.

Attached: faroe-islands-flag-waving-sunny-day-21508359.jpg (800x533, 52K)

hello, faroe bro

Stop killing whales

Faroese people are based. They spaek danish but intelligible

thanks for the flag, i wanted it in my collection

why are there gingers there
aren't you supposed to be blond and blue eyed

As a Texan, I look forward to your future independence. I wish I could visit someday, but its expensive af to get there.
I wouldn't mind learning some foroyskt mál.

Just add -ur to most nouns hehe

Won't happen for now.

that's cause it ain't danish

Read my comment agains and keep in mind i'm not talking about faroese.

He means that (he thinks) that the danish spoken by Færoyværinger is more intelligible than the danish spoken in Denmark.

Yes I know, I'm saying that Gotudanskt isn't danish.

did celts migrate to your country in history
how else would you have natural red hair

funny that

Original Nords were redheads.

Rare thread

Y-you too

There was some show on Tele about all the Asian internet wives there on ABC the other day, how widespread is it?

Not noticeable to tourists at least.
Saw some qt pies at the Kaffi Huset in Torshavn.

evil finland

>canadian education

Rightful British clay

did you travel all this way only to post on Jow Forums?

Attached: Tourist.jpg (800x450, 111K)

is it cold in the faroes

>Yes I know, I'm saying that Gotudanskt isn't danish.
it is.

No, I ate dolphin yesterday :3

Yesish. 14 degrees while mainland Europe is 25+ now.

Färingar are my favorite Scandinavians. They are chilled out and know all of the languages in the North.

We are not rare

Me neither then.

shame on you, hope you die a painful death, you barbaric whale killer

they are unironcally a bunch of norse-gaelic rapebabies, like iceland

it's okay
gingers and blonds are master race

Pls no bully
Didn't you tell me to go to Raest a day ago?

have you eaten whale/dolphin?

did you get a faroe gf?

Red hair isn't exclusive to eire

i know
some welsh and scottish have red hair too

Yes. is me.

Copenhagen I think.

how closely related are faroese and norwegian language
can you understand norwegian

Oh me, nope.
Saw few qts in Torshavn.

But most are moving away I think.

I hate the Faroe Islands so much and I hope they lose their autonomy

The Faroe Islands are a meme “country” like Puerto Rico that should just be completely turned into a Danish province.

I wanna go take a summer course in the Faroes


hope it tasted good

It was fermented. It's not my thing.
The blubber tasted funny too.
Glad I tried it though.
But you should just make steak from it.

>how closely related are faroese and norwegian language
>can you understand norwegian
yes, because everyone here understands danish, and modern norwegian is nearly the same as danish.
a fermented whale meat is the best snack to have.
blubber just tastes bad and that's where all the mercury is.
Steaks are made from it, but you went in to ræst (means fermented).

How can I get a qt tall blonde pale elf-like faroese gf?

Attached: 1531692612751.jpg (484x497, 35K)

never, they don't get over 160cm

Aren't you supposed to do fermented whale meat + blubber + potato?

Short is qt.

>fermented whale meat + blubber + potato?

What's your favourite preparation of the dolphin?

cut a 40cm dildo shaped meat and hang it outside for 5 months.


It's as close to Scotland as it is to Denmark