1. Your cunt

1. Your cunt
2. Do you think that nuclear weapons are real?


I'll start.

1. Finland
2. No, they are fiction created in the Lookout Mountain Lab in Laurel Canyon, Hollywood

Meet the crew:


Attached: Tsar Bomba genuine picture.jpg (1280x720, 43K)

Other urls found in this thread:





>This is an old Lookout Mountain Labs production which highlights some EG&G films of US nuclear weapons testing in Nevada and the Pacific during the 1950s

All American films about nuclear weapons came out of Lookout Mountain Labs.

Today Lookout Mountain Lab is a private house, and owned by Jared Leto.

Attached: Lookout Mountain Lab.jpg (1060x523, 73K)

We live in a society


>it was determined that a permanent photographic unit, providing specialized photography and sound recording, should be established, trained, equipped and organized to obtain scientific, technical and documentary photography of recurring atomic bomb tests

>Brigadier General P.T. Cullen, who had commanded the Air Photo Unit on Operation Crossroads, was directed to find a site in the Los Angeles area suitable for the accomplishment of motion picture documentation of Joint Task Force 7 (JTF-7), Operation Sandstone

>After an extensive survey of the Los Angeles area, the General chose the Air Force facility at 8935 Wonderland Avenue


Attached: OperationSandstoneApril1948.png (220x350, 120K)

Attached: Anti Trident Demo.jpg (275x183, 13K)


Attached: Robert Oppenheimer.jpg (638x479, 92K)

Attached: Nuclear explosion.png (355x454, 251K)

Yes because they make peace.

They also make fear and submission to tyranny.

Today in Hiroshima

It was devastating, but still a conventional bombing, Probably like in the Operation Sailor Hat.


>pushing the red button

Watch this one with your brain turned on.


if it's made up by the US why did the USSR play along?

bet you believe the earth is flat too, dumb bitch. sage

To control the world. Everything is based on dualism. When there isn't any outher threats, things will soon get very difficult for tyrants. So, they have to control what the people is fearing.

this doesn't explain anything

>All media and historians have lied to you about everything
>but youtube videos by literal whos, they wouldn't lie. you can even see the pixels
lmao. Hey OP I got some magic crystals that cure cancer to sell you

I want nuclear weapons to be real. I want a cure-all for this sickening disease called "society"
Gamers, rise up

What did they drop on Hiroshima then?

No, I don't believe that Earth is flat.

I have posted only official videos, mostly originating from the Lookout Mountain Lab. If had watched the videos, you would know. There isn't a single conspirational video on this thread.

mah balls

>I have posted only official videos
Where's the evidence that they're fake?

Probably something similar to Operation Sailorhat, some very large conventional bomb. There could have been multiple of those too.

Here's two videos about that operation:

Do you believe that those are not propaganda and created fiction? I don't. Hence this thread.

Do you have any reason to believe that physicists, historians, the us government, japanese government, chinese government, russian government, EU governments all lie about the existence of nuclear weapons? I've been to Hiroshima and the war museum there. Fuck you, and fuck your ignorance so much.

>Probably something similar to Operation Sailorhat

1 million tons of TNT?? Dropped from a plane?

The explosion and the destruction was very real. I'm not downplaying any of that. It just wast a nuclear bomb.

Also lies integrate scaringly easily into culture, and thus become self-adjusting.

500 tons*
The point is still valid

It wouldn't surprise at least me if it was detonated on the ground either.

You believe that there's an international conspiracy, but have no evidence. Why do you believe this? Atomic science is real. The photos and videos are real. You can cover your eyes with your hands and pretend all you like. If you believe something, you should have a reason to believe it.

>the US military sneaked 500 tons of tnt into 2 japanese cities without anyone noticing
kill yourself

Attached: 1524619292048.png (658x652, 273K)

You clearly have an issue. Same thing that flat earth. Go see a doctor.

Like I said, I don't believe in flat Earth. It's better to ask questions at least. Basicly all information we have about this is coming from a single source. And that source is notorius of their gimmicks.

Also, the idea of the nuclear weapon is based upon the novel "The World Set Free" By H.G. Wells.
