Why don't southrons leave the house?
Why don't southrons leave the house?
Why they should??
All you need in your life is: water, food and internet
Why would you leave the house to live in some shitty flat with gypsy room mates if you don't have to?
>Leaving the beautiful house of your boomer parents to go to a shitty commieblock with immigrants.
Because they're chimps
New flats are expensive, and people tend to stay close to their parents so that they could visit them often in their old age, even if they move away.
That being said, most people I know do move away.
Normie alert
I'd rather have my parents gouge me for money and let me live in a comfy suburban house than get gouged out of money by some jew to share a cramped commieblock with noisy neighbors
>rent is over 800€
>room is around 500€
>avg teen salary is less than 1000€
I wonder why :^)
the state doesn't give us money and housing for free
genetic disability, lower IQ is correlated with being a mommy's boy
Because parents don't want you to leave and minimum wage is low.
Because they're chimps
>young adult
It's the same everywhere, nords are just more willing to move out of comfy suburban homes into draconian commieblox. Thing is if your family is moderate middle class, you need to end up earning like 10 times as much as they did to buy a house as big as theirs without ending up with crippling debt.
>It's the same everywhere
No, it is not.
You can afford land with an average salary?
No commieblock culture.
Because unlike nordic countries we don't have a nannystate giving us money, on the contrary, the state is always trying to find ways to fuck you up and take more from you. Shit is an understatement for the average salary while flats or houses are expensive as fuck to buy or rent. Did I mention the 50% youth and 30% general unemployment too?
Because mamma's cooking is a so good
look carefully at the map
I live with my mother but in my own flat my mother bought for me.
>the state is always trying to find ways to fuck you up and take more from you
That's how every state everywhere at every point of time works.
Do you think He realize now?
You should praise Serbs that they built big houses for you.
t. receives neetbux or money while studying
My appartment building is nothing but young (white) adults aged 23-30.
I am a Sava Swede.
we are not a welfare state
Italy has the highest IQ according to that meme IQ map dipshit.
t. terrone-serbian rapebaby
>under 30
Damn they white!
>signed, Francesco Palazzo
gommieblock scum
Why do nordoids live in rented houses? Why don't you own your own home
>30% general unemployment
Maybe stop being lazy fucks. Even blacks in the US have only 13% unemployment.
unironically this. the flat is in the same building of my mother's flat too.
>just stop being lazy and get a job lmao
kys retatded lardass
t. croat in denial
Does being in jail count as employment?
>Sierra Leone has 91 IQ, but a neighboring country, Liberia, has 67 IQ
Richard Lynn was a retarded racebaiter. Can't believe Jow Forumstards respect him because nigger countries are low and white countries are high.
Prisoners aren't even classified as people.
It's called noise, user. He collected a bunch of test data and converted it to IQ by using correlations. Of course you're going to get both outliers and systematic biases, but it's good enough to illustrate a general trend - niggers tend to do more poorly at cognitive tasks than wh*Toids, kikes or slants.
>Because unlike nordic countries we don't have a nannystate giving us money
this, nordics pay higher taxes to not have to live with their children until they can afford to move out
Jokes on you, I don't live with my parents, I live with my grandparents because my mother never moved out.
I always wondered who owns the houses there if they have such high renting rate.
Is Equatorial Guinea inhabitated by retarded Spanish children?
>nanny state gives me cushy salary and a free house
>ha ha look at people where the state doesnt give a cushy salary and a free house
try having a house on 300 euros a month, somali scum
>not having your parents buy you a flat wherever you need and having them low the rent just enough that they can still run it profitably
What are your parents? Poor?
Let's act like a thug when your mom wash your briefs
Think it's culture really, along with socio-economic factors. But at least here we have generally less respect for our parents and we're encouraged by friends and family to make it on our own as soon as we turn 18 or else we're losers.
Not real IQ tests.
Because they have functioning family structures
no jobs
it's just money
Did I say they were, dumbo? Learn to read pendejo
smelly dumb southron scum
I knew a Russian girl who was born in Finland. She lived with her mother who was divorced. They were lower class, but she got paid by the school for merely existing, and they were on welfare too. So despite the fact that they had no skills or abilities she was able to get her own place as early as 17. She was also a spoiled brat who wasted money on dumb frivolous shit and always complained how she wanted more despite the fact that she never worked a day in her life. She only went to school, she was a bad student mostly interested in meme arts and stayed home a lot of the time because of """"""anxiety"""""". She was also babied by some person who worked at the school, and their only job was making sure she has everything she needs in her new apartment. If such a broken, useless person can get their place in Scandanavia at 17, the bar is clearly set very low. Also, how can you say that you move out of your parent's home when the government is clearly your sugar daddy?
wouldnt say that to my face gayboy
>Southrons refuse to work for something and prefers to leech their parents instead
Do you guys honestly believe we just get shit for free up here? We're just more willing to work for it.
Why do I see like 20 thread a day made by nords where they're shitting on southern euros but it's very rare to see the opposite?
Rich fucks owns most of it, as it stands it's very profitable here to rent out because taxes on owning several houses/flats are very low. Literally boomers buying everything and destroying any chance for their kids to own anything before they turn 50. It's in dire need of a change to make it less profitable, in the last years it's even become the norm for normal middle-class/upper-middle to buy a second home to earn some money on the side, it's disgusting.
We are autistic as fuck.
Thought so.
For some wierd reason they hate meds and slavs while they never complain about blacks or muslims. It’s weird considering that in our case spaniards barely emigrate, hence not polluting their aryan genepool.
>hence not polluting their aryan genepool.
You'd be upgrading their gene pool.
It's because the blacks and muslims are mostly a meme, Sweden is the only nordic country that's got a significant amount. Denmark, Norway; Finland and Iceland doesn't even have close to as many immigrants as say France/Germany/Britain etc. That's why no-one from the nordics takes any of the muhammad and cuck posting seriously.
Also it's just banter, liven up.
>For some wierd reason they hate meds and slavs while they never complain about blacks or muslims.
>they never complain about blacks or muslims.