What are the most beautiful cities in the world?

1. Paris
2. New York City
3. Venice
4. Istanbul
5. Rome
6. Amsterdam
7. Vienna
8. London
9. Prague
10. Barcelona

Attached: Paris2.jpg (2560x1280, 1.05M)

no too much blacks and arabs + tourists
same reason + fucking filthy
yea sure why not, still too many tourists+dirty fucking water
yea sure
yea sure, but still too many tourist with gypsies
yea sure
yea sure
was the most boring capital i visited in the entire europe continent
yea sure
yea sure

>was the most boring capital i visited in the entire europe continen
How many have you visited?


They're filthy and full of non-whites

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Don't talk shit about my capital

Attached: Amsterdam rokin.jpg (900x1200, 229K)


Tell me your own opinion then

I prefer China's Cyber skyscrapers.

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>t.chink proxy

1. Helsinki, stockholm, copenhagen
2. Paris without africans and arabs
3. Vienna
4. Prague

Saint Petersburg
Cape Town
Hong Kong

That's all.

Citites are generaly quite ugly with only a few % of them looking good or acceptable. The rest is always ugly or filthy
t. countryboy

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Krakow, no city can match the beauty of the royal and medieval city.

Attached: rynek.jpg (265x190, 15K)

amerstdam is wayy too touristy, there are so many better cities in NL, like the hague (same with the UK obv, most capitals are hellholes)

- San Sebastian
- Sevilla
- Toledo
- Segovia
- Florence

Just to name a few cities that are so much better than the ones you mentioned besides Prague.

I was there until last Saturday night. Loved it and couldn't get enough of zapikanki and Pierogi.

Edinburgh looks far better than London, and it's homogenous

Attached: Edinburgh.jpg (1200x800, 598K)

Whenever I go to Spain I don't go outside Catalonia, so I can't judge them. But thanks for the tip, I'll visit them once.

You should, Catalunya fucking sucks. Especially Barcelona, not only because of the tourists but Catalans in general. I'm half Spanish and my family is from Madrid and every time we speak Spanish in Barcelona in a restaurant or ask for food in Spanish they get angry and say they're Catalan. Fuck Catalunya and fuck Barcelona especially, worst people I've ever met.

Found Amsterdam's archicture boring as fuck to be honest. Just looks like a bigger version of any town in the low countries.

Visiting the Krakow rynek was a great experience, though slightly ruined by annoying promoter cunts who kept coming up to me every 5 mins to try and get me to go to a strip club

>Just looks like a bigger version of any town in the low countries
Rude. Most towns are greener and more comfy than Amsterdam.

Had the same with the people asking me to go to a tittybar all the time.



My (only) rating:

1 Warsaw
2 Kraków
3 Łódź
4 Wrocław
5 Poznań
6 Gdańsk
7 Szczecin
8 Bydgoszcz
9 Lublin
10 Katowice

Isn't that the case in the capital of almost every country around the world?

Attached: Amsterdam3.jpg (787x1050, 513K)

Not really, there's normally some element of grandness or monumentalism in capitals, far more than Amsterdam anyway.

Edinburgh and York are the only cities in Britain that aren't hideous depressing shitholes

Canterbury, Oxford, Cambridge?

Oxford's surprisingly industrial, it was the centre of the British car industry

I am speaking Architecturally, in no real order
North America
>New York
>San Francisco
>Quebec City
>Victoria BC

I think either Prague or Budapest are the most beautiful cities in the world overall. Amazing architecture, clean, and white.

Attached: View-Of-Budapest-Day-Slider-Big-Bus-Tours.jpg (1601x960, 479K)

those aren't real cities, they're just towns

San Francisco is one of the best cities in America for architecture after New York

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Kyoto covered in snow



good post that summed it up


Perth, Scotland?

The buildings are all old but I've always found it really run down.

no Perth Australia, forgot to put that out of the Europe category. Perth Scotland is quaint though. Perth Australia is like the cleanest city in the world.

I think Tokyo is kinda boring and all the buildings are grey and look the same, along with every Japanese city

Attached: e ugly street.jpg (550x713, 155K)

Fucking checked.


Attached: sev.jpg (1440x1080, 562K)

have you been there?
I mean, it doesn't sound like you have, you sound like the average retard who thinks Tokyo = Shibuya and Akihabara.

I spent a week in Tokyo and I know what they mean. It's a very impressive skyline and there are some cool buildings but mostly it's pretty drab postwar stuff

>Shibuya and Akihabara
What are these places?

>New York City
stopped reading there

Attached: Brooklyn.jpg (604x453, 59K)

Is it my home?

t. Marco Asensio

Just finished a hike on Kotor's walls, this is an older picture tho.

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Amsterdam - best.
Venice - smelly trash

New York is the only city in the world where urban hell looks organic

>10. Barcelona
Don't fall for the meme, Barcelona is the biggest tourist trap ever

Based Catalans

It's Enrique Javier actually

Paris and berlin

Attached: 1533264508434.webm (720x1280, 1.83M)

Tokyo is comfy af specially its backalleys.
>I spent a week there

Thanks, so nothing basically.
even 3 year aren't enough to sell all of Tokyo.

My city miami is not 1% as bad as this

Attached: Screenshot_2018-07-23-15-18-50.png (720x1280, 612K)

>in the West not world
Kyoto is fascinating but I’m sure westerners can’t understand its beauty

Miami is alright. I love all the various Hispanic foods that are available. Fuck the heat, though, and fuck the hurricanes. Enjoyable to visit but would never live there/10.

Comfy doesn't equal beautiful, it was very cool and atmospheric but pretty it was not

>2. New York City


just like your women then

Tokyo was a cool city and it look quite like London because people were obsessed with something western, especially Britan-empire
Tokyo used to be called 帝都 the capital of empire
Murika fucked it with bombs


My favourite cities
Hong Kong
Tokyo(it’s my home land so biased tho)

Maybe I should travel more but I don’t wanna wörk

amsterdam is full of whites

My favourite cities
Hong Kong
Tokyo(it’s my home land so biased tho)


Maybe I should travel more but I don’t wanna wörk

You've travelled a lot more than I have.

Don't forget smells like fish

Rip, London got bombed too it's a shame to see what we lost

Asian cities looool

I heard that American don’t travel aboroad because they believe their country is the best in the world so they don’t travel

I’ve never been to US so I need to visit (but I’ll avoid California for sure)


Lmao nigga just the old town

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its expensive as shit to fly anywhere, plus its at least 12 hours by plane to cross the atlantic. we travel to Mexico and Canada all the time tho

>but I’ll avoid California for sure
well fuck you too

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hey m8 unironically speaking tho, I'll be in Europe in November and I'd like to visit the UK.

I like war, history, old villages etc. What places can you recommend? Anywhere in the UK will do.

It's kind of expensive for us to get anywhere t b h. Plus it's hard to take enough time off of my job to make the trip worthwhile. It sucks ass. Why would you avoid California though? Disregard Jow Forums memes. CA is just as worth seeing as anywhere else.

>I heard that American don’t travel aboroad because they believe their country is the best in the world so they don’t travel

Are you high? Alot of people just travel inside the US because it's fucking massive and super cheap. Also I can go to Quebec in like a 3 hour drive.

We often go to the Carribean and Florida Keys because that's also dirt cheap and beautiful+fun. To go to Europe the plane ticket alone is gonna be $450. Then you gotta get a hotel for two weeks for thats like $2000 or something, and buy food and other shit. So to go to Europe you'll be spending like $5000. Or I could just get a new computer and surround sound and a dog and infinite beer.

Going to Asia is even more expensive and like said we'll be flying for like 15 fucking hours which is really boring.

California is too alpha for me

No, the whole country is. But I’m still want to visit NY and Oregon cuz I’m hipster

>.t nigger

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Londons full of pakis sure , but that doesnt change the architecture you moron

>having room to drive in NY

fake pic

London's great as long as you stay north of Elephant and Castle

cherry picking af
theres loads of areas of miami that are mostly black

>St. Petersburg
>Rome (or any Italian city)

cities within the megacity that is Tokyo. It's Tokyo's Bronx, Queens, Manhattan, Brooklyn or Staten Island.

Yeah London looks very pretty but Australian cities are tragic. They have tons of signboards with Chinese characters
That’s way too disgusting even tho I can read most of them

Fuck off namefag.

>foreigners unironically like Prague
are you serious? Its just a big tourist trap full of hookers (both male and female), criminal gangs and dirty hobos

T.Shlomo Egrodan McPatel

so every major city

Shibuya is a fucking alpha city with full of white people
Akihabara aka Akiba is a fucking beta city with full of weeaboo white people
Both of them are extreme and disgusting

Are you a level 60 Jow Forums pro or something? Let your hair down mate everything's alright.

prove me wrong

I stayed at an Air BNB near stockwell

Amsterdam is an airbnb hellhole. There are no Dutch people left in Amsterdam.

Fuck off namefag.

Every city that has shitload of niggers is automatically not beautiful as you see not only architecture makes the city good looking, but also the people that live there.

I really hate ams because sandniggeers tried to hit me up many times
