Capitalism has failed.
Everybody's in debt.
Banks and Corporations are bailed out because they are too big to fail but people aren't given the same treatment.
Education should be free for all.
Health care should not be run by for profit corporations.
Don't mind if I do, cutie
this is your brain on Trippy Redd.
listen to 6ix9ine instead
BACK TO THE USSR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>capitalism failed
its the only historical thing that didnt fail
personal responsibility
>bailed out
if governments bail out then its not capitalism
>should be free
shoulda woulda coulda is not an argument
and there's no magic fairy of "free shit" to give everyone free shit
if everyone is magically entitled to free education and healthcare than no one would pay for it and it and no one would provide it
Capitalism’s dirty little secret: excessive lending was the only way to maintain the living standards of the vast bulk of the population at a time when wealth was being concentrated in the hands of an elite.
The amount by which the elite has benefited is startling, and illustrates the problem with lightly regulated free markets: the rich get much richer while the rest do not get richer at all.
According to Société Générale economists, the inflation-adjusted income of the highest-paid fifth of US earners has risen by 60 per cent since 1970, while it has fallen by more than 50 per cent for the rest.
As was recently pointed out in the New York Review of Books, the Walton family, of Wal-Mart fame, is wealthier than the bottom third of the US population put together – about 100m people.
These are staggering statistics, confirmed by measures such as the US and UK’s ever-rising Gini coefficients, which estimate income disparity.
Another way of putting this is that the share of profits in gross domestic product is at a 100-year high, or was until very recently.
You can still have free education and health care with capitalism, it's called social democracy you dumb fuck.
All these zoomers who call themselves socialists are just social democrats who care more about their retarded identity politics than actual socialism, you can see because they're also obsessed with consuming.
This is not capitalism, this is JEWISH capitalism
We need to eliminate Jew banks (federal reserve banks) and then capitalism will sort itself out
entire world is capitalist, tiny portion of it is well off
rest is piss poor, in the year of your lord there are still ppl starving when we can now make burgers artificially, trash system from the anglojews, burn them
I'm not in debt
Read Michael Heinrich, you absolute failures.
>demanding and feeling entitled to the things you can not earn is a serious political ideology now
wealth inequality is a result of iq inequality
free people arent equal, equal people arent free
robbing productive to give to unproductive wont make them equal
some individuals are superior to others, deal with it
Capitalism has succeeded.
but democracy has failed.
I realized most people have no ability to think for themselves.
Pick one
Every system favours different qualities.
It just happens to be so that capitalism favours regressive traits such as intelligence while it's been proven people with a high IQ are more likely to be depressive, have more mental disorders, tend to be introvertive and have below average muscle mass.
This is not natural, capitalism is the most unnatural system to mankind because needed to be considered succesful are what we deeply consider subhuman traits.
>wealth inequality is a result of iq inequality
haahah imagine thinking this
Serbs really are dumb.
>there's no magic fairy of "free shit" to give everyone free shit
Magical free shit goes to pay for endless military, tax cuts for the rich, trillions in Corporate Welfare to bail out failing banks and corporations etc.
>if everyone is magically entitled to free education and healthcare than no one would pay for it and it and no one would provide it
Countries with free and almost free education:
Czech Republic.
Countries with 100% free or universal healthcare:
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The benefits of economic growth have gone into the pockets of plutocrats rather than the bulk of the population.
If you couldn’t earn by working 9-5 5 days a week, you could borrow it.
Cheap financing was made widely available. Financial innovations such as the asset-backed securities market aided this process, as did government-sponsored agencies such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Regulators welcomed it all while perhaps taking insufficient account of the moral hazard problem it posed: that ever-increasing leverage meant the authorities had to keep interest rates low, otherwise the debt burden would cripple consumption.
Great thread OP, one day they will see the truth.
cause of leftism and leftists is realization that they are personally inferior
inferiority complex motivates leftist hordes to "equalize" everything and everyone
they find equality in their dehumanizing and depersonalized "collective"
but superior men see through this, and reject your herd morality, and with rapid advances in technology pitchfork mobs keep losing power to the great individuals anyway
no man worth his salt would join your horde of equal miserable slime
If you let them fuck you in the ass enough, you might get a raise
Is that bint legit?
if you arent your own boss or self employed you are a low iq retard who could not earn more than what they give you on your own anyway
Top notch! Name please
funny how no communist ever imagines themselves as the poor sap working in the factory or cleaning the toilets. more likely they think of themselves as musician or an artist who is supported by the working class. hmmmm
I’m pure factory fodder pal, bloody love it I do
>t. you
I have never seen a neoliberal who hadn't imagined himself at the head of a company either.
Me, I'd just like to work in the countryside and write. In the last few days, I've cooked some 40 litres of plum marmelade with my grandfather. I could see myself doing that.
but wouldn't you agree you are more likely to be able to make a modest living writing and making artisinal preserves with capitalism than communism?
Name me one capitalistic country where the countryside is flourishing.
We have far better environmental protections in the capitalistic West than they do in China, Russia, NK, Vietnam, etc
Hell no. With all the market struggles, I'd never be able to just provide good food for other people without being fucked over by every large company in sight. I have no interest in games that the capitalist market forces you into, I have no interest in riches, power games or entrenched hierarchies. I wouldn't be a part of them if I could choose to. I don't want my community to suffer from imperialist geopolitical games. I don't need anyone above myself or want anyone below myself, aside from my children.
you absolutely could just sell your food to hipsters at a farmers market and online and you'd make enough to live modestly in the countryside. throw in some passive income from the occasional ebook sale on amazon and it looks even better.
WTF I love Finland now
I agree. Money did some good to us but now it has overstayed it's welcome and needs to go.
>Banks and Corporations are bailed out because they are too big to fail but people aren't given the same treatment.
that's literally how socialism works you sandmonkey
>Education should be free for all.
>Health care should not be run by for profit corporations
not with open borders it shouldn't
no one should pay for your nignog ass
read a book before talking shit
Good goy.
That wouldn't change anything around me.
People ought to take into account things other than theselves innit
a minute ago you said all you wanted out of life was to live in the countryside and make jam, make up your mind
and anyway you still have way less power to change things under communism than you do as a free man with a choice of how to spend your life and how to distribute your money
why females redo their lips ?
This is me pic related with my full sexy lips (natural), no white will ever have something like this
That would be what I want for my own life. Not what I want for the world.
The extent of freedom I was given was through no merit of capitalism.
people have more power to change both the world and themselves in a capitalistic system than communism
now, perhaps not under laissez-faire tea party anarchism, but nobody's arguing for that
A political community without a capitalist market intervening on behalf of a capitalist company would be one hell of a trick to pull.
Unless you are calling democracy capitalism, I have no idea why that would be so.
Based Serb
under communism one has no private property rights, no ability to control and direct the fruits of their labour
depending on the specific form of communism you may be able to spend more hours volunteering at a nursing home for example (or maybe not), but there's no way you could build your own foundation, you'd have to rely on the state to do any of the really big stuff