Americans are funny creatures.
murder all coasties
I love the hyperbole, but ICE agents are nothing like SS or Nazi brownshirts.
Kind of embarrassing, but then again no one accuses these people of being intelligent. Also, wouldn't someone be pissed if they bought tickets to the actual diary of ann frank show?
I think the world *did* end in 2012 like the prophecies said, we've been trapped in a simulation for half a decade now.
So now people are just in favor for letting ILLEGAL immigrants stay ILLEGALY in a country that requires a LEGAL permit to stay in?
that guy is whiter than anyone on Jow Forums lmao
Yes. The cognitive dissonance is that strong.
They just chant slogans like "no human is illegal" at you if you disagree. No substance, no staying power. Its disturbing to realize how many people fall for it. Social pressure is amazingly strong against the weak willed and stupid.
Jews man
>putting illegal immigrants on the same level as the chosen race
guess who is going to be outted as a pedo next.
please tell me this is a Jow Forums edit
i wonder if this guy live in some fancy white neighborhood or not
what do ya think
ICE agents are Nazis.
Stop your racism you Slavic subhuman.
Stop you nazi bastard.
This isn't the right board for you.
>ICE agents are nothing like SS or Nazi brownshirts.
yeah they had atleast fashion sense, not all that tacticool shit modern law enforcement is all about
This isn't the right country for you
oh a german acting like a nazi, how quaint.
maybe you should fuck off back to the desert if you don't like it sandnigger
>maybe you should fuck off back to the desert if you don't like it sandnigger
no u
Is it this news?
'Anne Frank' Holocaust drama recast, with illegals on run from ICE
no it's a different holocaust drama that replaced nazis with ICE agents
Thank you
I wonder how Germans and Jews think about these holocaust dramas...
*cracks open monster*
now the Nazis had a REAL fashion style, none of this tacticool shit
>whines about headlines like this but hates Jow Forums at the same time
>still doesn't realize that shills are working 24/7 on this website to change the narrative
I hope you like the world you created, you ignorant collaborator.
Gated community syndrome.
What is it?
(((They))) want to put whites in minority as fast as possible user.