Is this true?
Is this true?
absolute state
i hate this
why do they think speaking 300 languages in the same city is ok? if you wanna live in england than assimilate to english culture. and the fact that he refers to himself and other non-whites as colored is disgusting they need to identify as english people instead of creating a cultural barrier.
Eternal Anglo? Eternally cucked maybe lmao
how will anglos ever recover
English is an ethnic group though. Britons is the PC term. Telling brown people to identify as English is like telling Arab jews to call themselves Askenazim
No it's perfectly fine for Tokyo to be Japanese and Sao Paulo to be Brazilian.
They just don't want white cities to be white.
kek paris is a shithole
>they need to identify as english people instead of creating a cultural barrier.
I disagree. While stuff like this is disgusting, at least they're still identifying with their ethnic roots. Assimilation treats identities like they're superficial things anyone can just adopt, which they're not.
Agreed. I think it's stupid to bring in millions of non-whites and then start sperging out when they keep identifying with their roots while at the same time never truly accepting any non-native as a native.
Paris and London are very similar, only the price of living is higher in London
You have 20 million non-Germans living in your country, the biggest immigrant population in Europe. We have about 7 million.
>hey my country has non whites but at least [insert country] has non white as well
>[insert country] BTFO
Doesn't English just mean people that live in England?
They have less non-whites as France and Britain though. Most non-citizens in Germany are Polish or Romanian and I think almost half the Germans with immigrant roots are half Dutch or half Polish etc.
>mfw the person they show from France is black too
To my knowledge it's more specific about white people from England.
you clearly haven't been to roppongi
nope. brown people identify as ((("""British"""))), the actual natives identify as their sub-national identity
I kind of want to move to the UK because I feel like i'd be more attractive. I'm like a 6/10 here but I can easily be a solid 8/10 there.
Is this Arsenal TV?
>Many customers claimed unusually severe hangovers after nights spent in Nigerian-run establishments. Similar complaints are often made about non-Nigerian bars in Roppongi that offer unlimited drink packages and often lace drinks with hard liquor to minimize customer consumption and increase profit.
Wait, customers were mad that the bars were giving them MORE alcohol? I need to go to this city.
Wouldn't a city that speaks 300+ languages and has so many different cultures become a problem? You can't make everyone happy, wouldn't it just be a matter of time before social unrest takes hold?
post face
>social unrest
That only happens when 2 or 3 groups can be pitted against each other. Nobody cares anymore when there's so many different ethnicities.
Also 300 languages spoken probably means there's 200 different tribes of Pakis that all speak some sort of english when needed.
London is the greatest city on Earth, the seething envy of foreigners is so delicious.
I am POLISH(the last bastion of the white race) though.
Nice meme.
I literally couldn't give a single fuck if they're brown or not.
My problem is they're all fucking subsidised to be here, which means they do fuck all for the city except exist.
Imagine if all of East London could actually house the professionals working in Canary Wharf instead of having them commute from Essex and Kent ffs.
non-whites are grouped together as 'poc' against whites.
Because NYC is not mixed at all right
blame tory cuts to policing, thousands of police have left. If it was only immigration that cause crime you would expect it to rise commensurate with the rising levels of immigration, instead you see a sharp spike after austerity was imposed
not to the point of whites being a minority no
>I literally couldn't give a single fuck if they're brown or not.
>I literally couldn't give a single fuck if they're brown or not.
he's brown himself
are you stupid? only 1/3 of new yorkers are white
Jews are white. Get over it.
Yesterday my friend said polyethnicity in London is the bad thing. I disagree with him. Can you tell me some solid arguments to convince him?
Half the professional workforce in London are non-British.
it has good correlation with the population on who they vote for
the guy breaks it down
this is what your grandpa died for
>which they're not.
which they are
t. identify as apache helicopter
>White Americans make up 44.6% of New York City's population. According to the survey, there were 3,704,243 White Americans residing in New York City. White Americans of non-Hispanic origin make up 35.1% of the city's population.
>At the 2011 census, London had a population of 8,173,941. Of this number, 44.9% were White British. 37% of the population were born outside the UK, including 24.5% born outside of Europe.[2]
>mixed white Caribbean
Mulattos are the future
ww2 was fought against the idea of racial superiority (at least as much as it was fought for anything other than maintaining power for the worlds powers). My grandad died in a strike fighting for workers rights and that's what I will fight for, I don't give a shit what someones colour is as long as they want a more equitable society
I'm in London right now and London is pretty white. It's full of slags
t. BASED race realists
Literally doesn't matter the second you cut welfare, people show their worth on paper.
When will people realise the biggest cancer in these countries is welfare and the absolute massive sums of money the treasury borrows and wastes.
Tikka Masala is GOAT.
Thank you, nu-british.
It's bland as hell
slags aren't white
how to make white people accept foreigners taking over their country: pour some curry on some chicken
You can use the letter Z too once you land on the moon, Australia-chan.
There's tons of white girls wearing skimpy outfits. They're probably tourists but idk. Tons and tons of these sluts. They're white.
Boomer tier post
skags and sluts aren't white, they're just playtoys for mudskins
>American flag, pig ignorant post designed to be as smug, arrogant and offensive as possible
It's all so predictable and samey.
The sign of a white girl is wearing slutty clothes. Trust me I travel alot.
please make space for the new europeans
>sad faggot who can't into banter just replies with a shitty weeb reaction image
I feel the same.
>nope. brown people identify as ((("""British"""))), the actual natives identify as their sub-national identity
What the fuck user
We're British. Our nation is Britain. Our home island is Great Britain.
Britain and British people are much older than England, Scotland, and Wales. The 'British' people aren't a colourless ethnicity-lacking national/political abstraction just because some lefty freaks try to push that narrative.
There's a a distinct British ethno-national identity. The meaningful differences between the English, Scottish, and Welsh are relatively minor if not non-existent. We're all British people. Abandoning the tern "British" just because that's what all the non-whites in London call themselves is retarded. They're legally British by virtue of living in Britain, but we're the actual Britons. If Britain legally divided itself back into its constituent former countries, they'd call themselves English. What then, divide England into Mercia, Wessex, etc?
We're British, don't be stupid.
I don't give a shit about someone's skin color as long as they hate rich people and the police state.
Rich people don't rape you and throw acid in your face, user.
Hmm nice diversity you got there europe
unironically based
American education
>Rich people don't rape you and throw acid in your face, user.
Are you a woman?
Rich people exist though. Dear storste skulder skal bære de tungeste byrder
What does Paris have instead
My parents are Polish and French, my passport says German and everybody thinks I am pure German since always. I feel European. Nations are just stupid outdated memes.
high iq
lmao I was going to post this
in my eyes an english citizen = english.
They need to see themselves as english before they see themselves as colored or as racially diverse or as religiously diverse.
Identifying with their ethnic roots in a different country thats built on several different ideologies and values than their own can only make 2 things happen:
1. Creating a social barrier between locals and immigrants.
2. Wiping out the old culture completely due to minority growth.
Assimilation is necessary in order to create national unity.
no they have the police or other interests do that (or what amounts to it) for them
they are not even trying to hide it anymore
You can blame your elders of zyklon for this.
>most powerful city on the planet
>STILL whiter than any major american city
brb moving to Paris
Salt Lake City is whiter than your entire country, user
For you maybe.
>springville, pawneeton, usa
>47% white (38% non-hispanic) 18% black, 26% hispanic, 4% asian, 5% other
every american city
so he says he's not white, but brown and from the middle east and he loves london not beeing white.
I wonder wich ME country he's from...
Lol your grandfather would be ashamed of you and your country. Old Socialists were against immigration since as we are seeing it's only worsening labour conditions and lowering wages. This plus nobody wanted a multirracial dystopia back then, Socialists and people in general back then were racist regardless of ideology.
>tfw my city is 85% white