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I'm a feminissssssssstt

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Big Saudi Cock vs tiny canadian peepee


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Yes Mistress

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Did you, dog, just assume my gender?

If you kill your enemies, they win.

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N-no I'm b-but a humble slave to Xer.

Slave? You have NOT earned it! ... yet

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why do you allow this?
we beat people like that here

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Justin, come to me

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Justin, where are you?

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Why did Canadian choose him...

>oh no why is a youthful politician greeting different people?! wtf canada!

Where leafs here lol

No but seriously Harper had been pm for ten years and was getting tired, his economic plans were no longer winning so the country went Liberal for the first time since 2006

Plus all the women think he is attractive and voted based on that

I'm here baby.

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*Eats you*

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Just like Roco! I was sure he was dead because I saw a pic of him sucking a huge dick on a site call cutedeadguys but turns out he's still well in jail and receiving tons of love letters.