All those faggot nations together couldn't do shit against little germany and austria (+turksmell) so they had to cry...

All those faggot nations together couldn't do shit against little germany and austria (+turksmell) so they had to cry for help from big daddy usa to safe their asses
You Entete homos must feel proud

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>waaah we lost: the thread


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>You Entete homos must feel proud
Yes, cause we won.

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Yeah the americans did very well and you loved their BAC

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This is what happens when pr*ssians lead germany

Bavarians are faggots
Bavarians LOVE their merkel and anti german greencucks

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im afraid to say that the fault is ultimately german

i think imperial europe without undeveloped peoples (who had no climate and geography reasons to ever select for high iq, and are therefore unfit for european society) was better than the modern, multicultural europe
and i also think international judea worked hard to colonize goyim parliaments

but germany had no reason to wreck european empires so hard instead of just removing their own jews without invading anything, instead of financing bolsheviks and lenin to get to russia, instead of genociding random peaceful slavic villagers

for its crimes against free europe, germany shouldnt even exist anymore

this angers the g*rman

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Bavarians are superior to pr*ssians

pr*ssians only know death and destruction, Germany was doomed the day these subhumans """"united"""" us

fuck germany

Why does Lithuania go so far south on this map

Russia had a revolution and a democratic government BUT they wanted to continue the war no matter what and all the russians wanted at this point was peace... then lenin came and was the only one who promised instant peace so of course he gained big support

It was their autism that gave the commies power we did pretty much nothing

germany is based

Because rather they gain more instead of poles
Prussia never liked poles for very good reasons

Population maybe

UK 46.400.000
France 39.600.000
Italy 35.200.000

Germany 67.200.000
Austria-Hungary 52.800.000
Ottoman Empire 18.500.000

Russia 165.000.000 but 1 european = 5 russians

>Russia 165.000.000 but 1 european = 5 russians
1 european = 5 russians = 20 shitalians

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Coul be right, Russia won two world wars
Meanwhile someone else...

>Russia won two world wars
no they didn't?

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At least we honored our pact and fought to the end unlike you side switching surrender monkeys

german, your whole history consists of running west and giving up territory to the slavic tribes

every century, german loses more land to slav

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>at least we only betrayed the soviets

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>still dominated by Germany
>literally lost every Ionanian gain
I wouldn't consider Greece a winner of ww1.

Ever looked on a modern map? We gained mad new clay

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Are you sure you are replying to the correct person?

not true actually but whatever
you can ofc larp as panslav to take credit for the Soviet/American/British victory of 70 years ago
but the reality is that everytime you got uppity you got btfo by us and our allies, be it WW1, WW2 or the recent spergout after the collapse of your autism GroBserbiums

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Idk. Irony hardly comes throught text. Or you are saying this, because we also lost?

I am saying this because we didn't fight in ww1 that much, perhaps you were talking about ww2 and our deleted albanian gains.

Allies died for this

>defending commies
>commie trusting someone who founded his ideology who was founded as anti commie and with the goal to destroy communism

25 million weren't enough

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unironically the shittiest empire since the austro hungarian one
germans are empirically the worst at empire creation

so, you are finally proud that you are just a puppet of international judea? you are happy with the number of muslims and undesirables in both of our nations?

This is like playing Dynasty Warriors while you have 5.000 KO's and then Lu Bu comes and reks your shit. You still get a game over.
You also betrayed an ally like you said Italy did, which I found hypocritical.

No, I am talking about how the Entente Belgiumed you and then removed your king, because he wasn't a strong supporter of ww1. Then you got KARA BOGAD and you had a revolution again, and you lost Ionian and 1,5 millions Greeks had to leave their homes, because Smyrna got renamed. I wouldn't call this a real a victory.

>so, you are finally proud that you are just a puppet of international judea? you are happy with the number of muslims and undesirables in both of our nations?
I'm just saying you shouldn't be so smug about the accomplishments of others.

>Be g*rman
>kill innocent people all over Europe


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>No, I am talking about how the Entente Belgiumed you and then removed your king, because he wasn't a strong supporter of ww1.
All Benizelos' plan actually.
We lost Ionia, not Ionian. Thought you were talking about the islands
"Our" win in ww1 solidified the land already conquered in the balkan wars, even if we ate turkish dick after ww1.
Observe how the defeat came after and not during the war.

and i am saying that the germans shouldnt look down on slavs and deal with their internal matters instead of focusing on external ones
especially since slavs, left to their own devices, are largely peaceful and perfectly happy to farm their own lands in peace
if germany keeps acting like a rabid dog (and a jewish puppet), it will be put down like one

beside, looking down on slavs have no basis in fact when we keep winning the wars and we keep contributing scientifically

meant to wrote Ionian territories.

>Observe how the defeat came after and not during the war.
I would call it a part of WW1. I mean Just because The Germans surrendered on Nov 11, there were armed conflcits all over Europe. I would even consider the Russian Civil War a part of ww1.

>every century, german loses more land to slav
Berlin, Dresden, Leipzig all used to be slavic cities and they're German now so that can't happen if we were always running from the slavs

I'm not looking down on Slavs, and no post of me itt let's you come to that conclusion either. The Nazi itt with the German flag isn't me.

But you calling yourself Slav instead of Serb is pretty cringy tbqh, you fight plenty of wars against other Slavs as well, and Serbia lost often (just as Germany lost often). I'm not calling myself Germanic instead of German to take credit for British or American victories either.

Are you 12?

But we didn't founded the EU
>serbshit education
Germanys goal in both world wars was it to create a germany dominated union and welll... seems like we got our goal after all. Commies are gone too and russia is nothing but a gas station shithole that will never recover
And betrayed who? Soviets? A NAP doesn't makes them a allie
Commies aren't innocent they deserve death

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By that logic yeah, I can see that. Different treaties were signed for the conflicts though.

how can "slavs" who join slav killing organization nato and do not even use slavic script even be considered slavs?

the world was perfect when europe was imperial, but germans simply had to constantly keep invading and destroying this europe untill judea colonized the last parliament, and look at the world now

>A NAP doesn't makes them a allie
Correct, but you did attack them even if you agreed not to, so you shouldn't blame poor Italy for this.

for changing its mind*

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>Perfect when Europe is imperial
>Serbia invades the Ottoman Empire in 1912

Italy had an MPP with us not a NAP.

>how can "slavs" who join slav killing organization nato and do not even use slavic script even be considered slavs?
Slav is an ethnic/linguistic term. You disliking some people's actions doesn't make them non-Slav. This is very childish thinking.
>the world was perfect when europe was imperial
no it wasn't

you seem to have a very simplistic worldview. Read and learn more instead of talking nonsense would be my advice

>the world was perfect when europe was imperial
Right, I know Serbs really loved the Austro-Hungarian Empire and did not at all foster its demise by staking up pan-slavic sentiment among its minorities and doing its best trying to break it up.
It also totally was not a Serbian nationalist terrrorist group that killed the Austrian heir that lead to WW1 and all the shit that came after it, not at all.

When you try to destroy other peoples' Empires the result might not be that you will get to take over their Empire but that all the Empires will be destroyed.

Doesn't it still count as a "turn" if you do what your pact forbids you from doing?

We had a real pact with them not just a lousy NAP one could argue it would be ok of them to stay neutral because it was a defensive only pact but really switching sides and invading us is beyond treacherous

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well you killed not only the commies but everyone who you considered subhuman and also those who refused to be your loyal dog

you may be good at your kraut magic but you're still robots without souls and empathy.