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what the fuck is up with dave's barnet?

based tone

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god id inseminate her infertile womb

three new /brit/s up
jesus wept

Should I go to Ibiza?


dream threesome tbqh

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poor sap in the last thread didnt realise he got baited. what a tool.

convinced milf worship and mother-son incest porn is part of some insidious plot

everything is so fucking boring without weed

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>i was just pretending to be retarded teehee x


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what does the plot end up leading to?


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now you're getting it. well done. i wouldnt go around calling people stupid when you're the monger though. just a little tip for the future.

trotters up

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too many slants in this thread.. this is BRITAIN not fucking CHINA

Hmm. Heard someone else say that as well.

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hello dave

older women having social value they don't deserve

never lost an argument in my life

post more please

back to 9gag

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Looks like my mom.

nout wrong with that

feeling pure shit
just want him back ;_;

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first indian itt

friendly reminder to stay hydrated

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Punish everyone. Not overtly, not violently. Just make sure YOU WIN. In every social interaction, in every deal, in every relationship. YOU have to win.
It feels so good to act on it and punish this world, while also taking what you can with power and subtlety.

It's SO fucking easy to hack this society of sheep.

There is nobody else on Earth except for you. So act like it.

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machiavellian runt

saw a rich black man with headphones near a mini roundabout. looks like india is becoming first world

You reckon Freud was a MILF man?

threw up in me bed last night, probably need to give up this drinking lark

Unironically miss big Dave.

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what if you meet someone like you?

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gas the kikes

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The stories of old have no place any more. For example do you expect some caked up bint to understand the meaning behind the story of Narcissus?

I can't even put into words the disdain and hatred I have for every single one of you, including my family.

You're just ants compared to the greatness inside me.
I am meant to make and break empires, but I have to live this unbelievably boring middle-class life in a middle-income country. Not even a rich country. I piss on your parents' graves. I will extract as much money, time, resources and emotions from people as it is possible and take them to the fucking grave.

dave has the gammon complexion

tfw born rich
checkmate povvo

Narcissus was actually a warning against being a volcel freak.

does anyone have an HBO Go password I can borrow?


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volcel doesn't exist unless religious just another cope

I'm a proud male feminist

Someone explain why Corbyn insulted the kikes but didn't mind pakis.

currently at /work/

what do you lot do all day

>muh fair use

Nowt better than a long shower to fresheb you up


*kicks you in the bollocks*

I've been using my NEET money to purchase books (meaning I bought a kindle and I'm pirating books) about philosophy and phycology

bank holiday today otherwise toil

Read books
Watch TV
Play videogames
Go for walks and listen to music

if it wasn't for the walking bit i wud think u're homealone

I'm sure if the greeks used the phrase "virgin freak" in their works we'd have a much clearer understanding of the stories.

This place is bad for your mental health

Full of hateful negative people

>I'm a proud male feminist

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Very true.

Toiling away like a good wagecuck.

Just kidding it's a bank holiday :)

True. And they love to pile on

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No where is good for your mental health now days. Everything is a parody of what it used to be.

escapism is the true red pill

would I be arrested in denmark for wearing a full face motorcycle helmet

ponder about whether i have a future or not

Is there another thread up or did everyone get banned

*ASMR Reiki Energy Healing & Plucking Role Play comes on and cleanses me of all the negative vibes i've been getting from the people on Jow Forums*

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grandmother came over and told me a story of when she was engaged to my German grandfather and they were walking in Frankfurt and saw a group of orthodox Jews, she could see the hatred in my grandfather's eyes

I fell for the new update meme for this game. It's just Minecraft in space no depth.

getting inducted into the fire dept tonight lads

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thumb blister won't go away. do i have thumb cancer?
(both thumbs)

do you?


total caloric intake today: ~4,900
total time spent out of my chair or bed:

there's like 7 threads up

if it keeps on raining
the levees going to break

Don't understand how it's possible to eat that many calories

wish I could eat lots and not get fat

mum said she will kick me out if she catches me listening to billy idol again

mad there's an entire island next to britain that you never hear about

depends on few factors.just need one kick and i'm all set

bottom feeding toil when the agency's got work, when i'm not working i'm probably masturbating and playing fortnite

maccas for breakfast, kfc for lunch, maccas for dindins


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what? we hear about europe all the time

Do you not get weird looks from the maccas staff

saw a lad getting his willy sucked by another lad last night