He thinks he can ______ in first world

>he thinks he can ______ in first world

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Collect rainwater

find a gf

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please be my boyfriend russia
your posts turn me on so much

You can feel the cocklust emanate from every single post he makes. It's really quite extraordinary.

yeh its obvious he hungers for first world cock
just delusional

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Firstoids are pathetic. All of their needs are covered. Any of them could spontaneously start a big family off government aid, but they won’t do it because they’re “sad”.

Die you tatar reject

Shut it f*rsties
Sorry, you are in EU now too, eesti, as a result you are rapidly transforming into f*rstie
>t. Buttblasted f*rstoid on vacation

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why are u so hungry for a first world bf?
your repressing pretty hardcore

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The only bf I “”””may”””” ever want is an eesti one which is not gay at all, since it’s a tradition, so fuck off f*rstoid faggot

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when you stop lying to yourself and realise u want a first world bf please contact me

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But you can have a Russian gf, the most beautiful women in the world.
That’s better than being born in a first world country

Send me a 10k$ first, then I’ll think about it.
Everyone else watch as dumb f*rstoid sends all of his moneys to a thirdie scammer, interesting view

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nah im not desperate to have you as a boyfriend, i know you will come crawling soon anyway
send me pictures of your tummy?

They are mostly a impudent, selfish bitches.

That would be 100$ per picture

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ill get the for free sooner or later
i bet your super duper cute

deny holocaust


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Is Russia 3rd world?

Second world

Moscow is as rich as Netherlands on average. They are just memeing. Most Russians have first word living standards.

>m-muh commieblocks

Most first world countries are full of commieblocks.

I see, thank you.

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>a f*rstoid
>a poorfag, somehow

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>he thinks he can suffers in st petersbourg

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