>be American/European faggot
>Get married to my gf
>she's no longer satisfied with my dick. Tells me she wants an "open relationship"
>I agree because wahmen rights
>she sleeps everyday with Tyrone and enjoys this BBC while I rot alone in bed
>she's no longer satisfied with Tyrone. She actually starts to have sex with her transgender brother
>I agree because they're t-two consenting adults and I'm your typical western faggot who's not an enemy of freedom and liberty
>I'm really hating my life now. If I open my mouth she will rape divorce me and take my step son (his biological dad is Tyrone ofc)
>I cope with my depression by becoming a feminist and calling for women rights in the middle east
>A group of middle eastern faggots invite me to speak in a feminist conference there
>mfw I'm famous for starting a feminist revolution in this middle eastern country and I'm literally worshipped there
>mfw these Muslims the real reason why I have become a feminist
Muslim anons .. This the story of every American/European faggot who calls for spreading western degeneracy in our countries. They just want to feel good about their cuckoldry. Nothing more nothing less.
Be American/European faggot
haha okay bud
Fun fact: antifa are constantly beaten up by the police here
Imagine being so beta you have to drappe your wife and keep her on a leesh not to lose her.
could you please keep your storry going, i'm almost done
Don’t push it with the transgender incest. Tyrone impregnates. Then come the mutt babies and the murder-rape or a simple running away.
That’s true desu
Being beta is being a cuckold and calling for legalizing it like in your countries. Covering your women is just a sign of being a real man who doesn't accept showing off his wife to other perverts on the street.
Shut the fuck up Salafi DOG it is you who supports these western regimes while your ACTUAL muslim brothers suffer and die
Kill yourself stupid SAUDshit subhuman
pls post feet
I'm not Saudi you German faggot. I'm Syrian but I live here. Now go give your wife to my cousin Jamal who's a refugee in Berlin or she will divorce rape you
>be European
>Get married to my gf
>she's no longer satisfied with my dick. Tells me she wants an "open relationship"
>Say no
>Throw her out on the street
Muzzie trying to lecture westerners about morality lmao, why don't you van of peace your own countries?
couldn't you guess he's turkish when he said "your muslim brothers"?
You mean she divorce rapes you, take your kids and kicks you out of your house
That's Western Europe you're thinking of Ahmed
>hiding in another country while your countrymen fighting for your freedom in the homeland
>being that pussy
We will have peace once your dogs stop ruling our countries. We had many civilizations centuries ago. We had many scientists and philosophers like Avicenna and Ibn Rushd while Europe streets were smelling like shit.
Now we're failing because of the secular regimes (backed by the west) that control our countries.
I've been living here since before the war you vodka faggot. I was born here actually.
Yeah this is the liberal non christian part of Europe. I'm actually mocking the liberals here. I know Christians still have a bit of manhood.
>I know Christians still have a bit of manhood.
It's only a matter of time. My uncle is the biggest cuck I've ever seen. We're losing ourselves here too sadly.
durka durka muhammed jihad mouhammed jihad durka durka
>while your countrymen fighting for your freedom
Lmao Assad's army are fighting for his totalitarian corrupted regime, not for freedom.
Cringe and bluepilled
Islam is based and is the solution for all of Europes problems..... mainly liberals and progressive women
>be arabian
>have to fuck goats because even though women have about the same rights as goats you can't score but it doesn't matter anyway because the goat is less hairy
>Be Austrian
>Have to fuck the human equivalent of a goat because your women are fat lardasses with too many rights but it doesn't matter because you're tolerant and progressive
Your countries barely function because because you're a bunch of inbred goat rapists lmao
>be Romanian
>ancestor is either a goat or a gypsy
why dont we just kill everyone haha
>they just want to feel good about their cuckoldry
Nope i just want to ruin your countries because you ruined ours. It’s really just about revenge and nothing more
this, but unironically
t. USA
>I agree because wahmens rights
And that's how this shit show started. Absolutely disgusting, stop trying to make the whole world degenerate.
Based Latvia
Based and redpilled. I wish I had an Arab bf to keep me in check like an alpha.
Good one