just cleaned my ears
Just cleaned my ears
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enjoy your tinnitus bucko that isn't how you're supposed to clean them
Is normal to regularly find blood in my ear when cleaning?
make a patreon so other first world kids can donate money to you for cleaning your ears online
Then, how you're supposed to clean them?
would you guys lick those for $10000?
I'd do it for 1000
OP, you should not insert anything in your ears. If you want t clean your ears, just tilt your head during your bath, and let the warm string of water do the job.
You? Never.
Your ears are auto cleaning. No maintenance required. If you feel like there is something inside, go to a doc.
this guy
>would you guys lick those for $10000?
who wouldn't? i'll do it for 3fiddy
This is only for people who live in a million hab cities (pollution) or work with dust non stop.
This only dilute the wax...
i need at least 10 of those and they all are covered in yellow shit
i am shit ear
can you pick your nose for us as well?
You’re not supposed to clean your ears with those, dumbass.
i'm gonna puke
I never clean my ears.
When there is enough stuff inside, I harvest and do candles.
>look guys i am not a poor third worlder, please accept me.
>This is only for people who live in a million hab cities (pollution) or work with dust non stop.
It dilutes the wax which will drain out of the ear, preferably you use it before going to the doctor to get your ears drained.
I have had to use it because my ear canals would be blocked from too much wax and I couldn't hear right.
I read somewhere that semen helps break down the ear wax because the protein stimulated the production of an enzyme called polywaraikaten due to the natural pro-biotic bacteria which exists in the ear canal.
Yeah it's pretty common knowledge.
mate, I'd eat one of those for $10000
hell I'd stick my tongue up his ear for that money
I use this for ear cleaning.
Real talk. You shouldn't use these qtips. They are actually counter productive. The ear canal is self cleaning. Just take a shower and you'll be fine.
ever seen this one anons? Here its called "ear candle." You put paper roll in your ear and set in on fire. That creates suction and pulls the mess out of your ear. They sell these in pharmacies and you cant just do it with normal office paper. The paper is waxed in order for it to burn longer (at least 15 minutes)
>That creates suction and pulls the mess out of your ear
No, just throw ashes in your ear.
>Just take a shower and you'll be fine trust me bro
>ears get dirtier and dirtier
>you disgust people even more
fuck off
you're not supposed to clean them, the wax is a natural protector against unwanted things that might enter your ear
This, just clean the excess that come from your ear and make people disgusted.
Also, ear wax is externally efficient to dry out acme.
i was at ear doctor once and he told me not to put anything in my ears, not even those cotton cleaning rods
told me to just wash the outside of the ear but not to do anything inside it
Just pour some hot water in it when you're taking a shower if you're feeling discumfort
well I thought it was legit because I saw it in pharmacy. Looked it up now at it indeed is an alternative medicine meme
Feel free to ask any ENT specialist. The excess ear wax naturally sloughs off.
Should we care about the color of the wax?
Nah. If you don't have any other symptoms it doesn't really matter.
What do you think about American health care?
If I'm not suppose to clean my ear out then why is it so itchy there when I have earwax?
Perhaps its not the earwax but something different and you should go see a doctor then??
having an allergic reaction to earwax makes no sense since it is part of your body, its like being allergic to your own salvia
I had to stop using qtips because it created backed up lump of wax in my ear canal that almost needed surgery to take out, but it eventually just wore down after tons of bottles of that peroxide ear shit.
Have a doctor check out your ears.