one mosque for each day of the year edition
one mosque for each day of the year edition
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Slovenia has no mosques, lol mudshits btfo.
They are building one in Ljubljana. And this started under the mayor of Serbian descent. Can't tell if he did it on purpose so the Slovenes finally feel musulmanic presence in their own land.
Why is there a BIG mosque in the CENTER of Sofia, Bulgaria?
how can I acquire a hot romanian girlfriend like pic related if I don't leave my house except gym
The only mosque-free country in Europe today is Slovakia.
Because it's a historical monument from the Ottoman Era, Fyrom.
Based serbian, Neo-Yugoslavia when?
stay jealous
>Slovakia is the last member state of the European Union without a mosque. In 2000, a dispute erupted about the building of an Islamic centre in Bratislava: the capital's mayor refused such attempts of the Slovak Islamic Waqfs Foundation.
One can only hope they keep resisting to the end.
make your heels touch while jumping for joy once and then shit on the street, the gypsy god Decebal Brusli will then gain one wish
>According to Aubaret, the French Consul in Ruse in 1876 in the Danube Vilayet which also included Northern Dobruja in today's Romania, as well as substantial territory in today's southern Serbia, there were 1,120,000 Muslims and 1,233,500 non-Muslims of whom 1,150,000 were Bulgarian. Between 1876 and 1878, through massacres, epidemics, hunger and war a large portion of the Turkish population vanished.
Shame if that happened to the rest of the balkan muslims now
>a country isn't made by people
Neck yourself tatar retard.
wow, rude and unnecesary mention of it
how's genociding turkgarians something bad lmfao
>the hui people
jus casually talk to thotties at the gym wassup with that
I think they're slightly more redeemable than pic related user
should I watch Avatar or the Infinity War while my videogame downloads? i haven't seen any of them
>The Slovakian government refused to accept Muslim Syrian refugees on the grounds that they have no mosques.
Didn't know they were this based
fuck, i miss the times when those gyppos were not around /balk/
they banned me from reddit this is my new safe space
chil iorself xd
Based greek
I'm not going back there, I hope mods delete the thread.
>The Vietnamese Emperor Minh Mạng unleashed persecution of Cham Muslims after he conquered the final remnants of Champa in 1832. The Vietnamese coercively fed lizard and pig meat to Cham Muslims and cow meat to Cham Hindus against their will to punish them and assimilate them to Vietnamese culture.
welcome to Forums/int/balk/
please be polite to each other and enjoy your stay here
>In 1989, 310,000 Turks left Bulgaria, many under pressure as a result of the communist Zhivkov regime's assimilation campaign (though up to a third returned before the end of the year). That program, which began in 1984, forced all Turks and other Muslims in Bulgaria to adopt Bulgarian names and renounce all Muslim customs. During the name-changing phase of the campaign, Turkish towns and villages were surrounded by army units. Citizens were issued new identity cards with Bulgarian names. Failure to present a new card meant forfeiture of salary, pension payments, and bank withdrawals. Birth or marriage certificates would only be issued in Bulgarian names. Traditional Turkish costumes were banned; homes were searched and all signs of Turkish identity were removed. Mosques were closed. According to estimates, 500 to 1,500 people were killed when they resisted assimilation measures, and thousands of others were imprisoned, sent to labor camps or forcibly resettled.
Zhivkov deserves to have a portrait hanged in every Bulgarian house for this.
OwO there is a pony board too? thanks for letting me know bulgarian friend
how do I get an username here?
We need another zhivkov
>Двaјцa битoлчaни ocoмничeни зa гoвop нa oмpaзa нa Meчкин Кaмeн
We now have hate-speech laws
>A widely publicised Burmese conflict was the 2012 Rakhine State riots, a series of conflicts that primarily involved the ethnic Rakhine Buddhist people and the Rohingya Muslim people in the northern Rakhine State—an estimated 90,000 people were displaced as a result of the riots
Muslims create conflicts with every people they come in contact with. When you make Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews get fed up with your kind it's time to ask the question why do they shit in every area they settle in.
>Eufag is now enjoying life in SA
We're so fucking progressive and if you don't like it you're a bigoted shitlord. *proceeds to suck shiptar cock to atone for past wrongs*
>till he gets zika'd or kidnapped by farc remnants that don't want to give up on the drug trade
What is zika?
>This guy is the best VMRO could conjure up
He's a nerd
>he wasn't put in the chair exactly because he's a gruyo-miyalkov stooge
Will they do this to all the shqips who write "smrt za kauri" comments on kikebook too?
but that is not hate speech
lol top banter at our shiptar "senators"
slovakian politician are utter shit. Like the worst types of old time commies. Recently they even had one journalist assassinated because he was investigating the ruling party. They only do gestures like this to score some populist points and stay in power. They can get away with this because theyre too irrelevant for EU refugee lovers
Is there any consensus forming on muslims in europe or is the populace as divided as ever on them
How do we fix Cair?
Corruption and similar are like having a horrible diarrhea , shit but treatable. Getting hooked up on cCc is like getting aids and cancer at the same time as well as strapping a timed bomb to your head, while your hands tied behind your back.
Made me kek
What are you listening to, /balk/?
The only WEAKNESS in the balkans is not going hard and genocidal on ISLAM
The subhumans breed and soon kosovo/north macedonia becomes east macedonia, thrace or some further east where the turks expand
Serbia had the right idea: full cleansing/genocide. It worked in bosnia, kosovo, etc. We only need to fend off the foreigners and we can purify our lands
Everyone caters to refugees now so this won't be possible. Serbia tried to clean shit up but it got rekt by NATO.
stop larping byurmbei, we know you're a disinterested faggot who will catch the first plane out when shit hits the fan
Lol you gonna get nato’d kiddo
Let's be honest, 'muslims' is just used as a catch-all term in favour of being openly racist. I mean, turks are muslims too but we fucking hate indians/pakis, iranians and arabs and would never want them in our country. We're also pretty openly racist against blacks, but we do it in such a condescendingly sweet way that most people don't realize it's racism. Muslims are fine as long they're made up of your own people. But if they're people from other, lesser races, then the consensus is that it's real bad.
veil of maya atm
holy shit that one obsessed fyromian has been sperging for hours now
пpaвя пpeдлoжeниe зa жeнитбa
Even earlier cause fuck Monkeydonia
Cвaтбaтa e вaжeн ceмeeн пpaзник y бългapитe. Mлaдoжeнцитe и тeхнитe poдитeли кaнят poднини и пpиятeли. Te им пoдapявaт пoдapъци.
Бyлкaтa oбикнoвeнo e c бялa дългa poкля a млaдoжeнeцът - c кocтюм. Пo cтapa тpaдиция нa глaвaтa cи бyлкaтa имa бyлo (бял вoaл кoйтo зaкpивa лицeтo и). Hякoи yкpacявaт и кoлaтa нa млaдoжeнцитe c цвeтя.
Haй-чecтo cвaтбитe ca в cъбoтa.
Bulgarians are delusional faggots too
When the ottomans left, the tatars in macedonia and bulgaria thought it was a good idea to save their mosques and let turkroaches breed
While serbs were cleansing everything in sight, removing graves, etc. Serbs and Greeks understand there is no sharing land and identity with muslims, while tatars are meek faggots
>we can purify our land
we keep sending toxic materials
there's also one in the middle of belgrade, serbia
eating first watermelon this year
Disgusting middle eastern trash
Бpaчeнeтo e гoлeмo poдoвo нepaбoтeньe нa бyгapитe. Ocyдeнитe и нивнитe изpaждaчи пoкaнyвaт близкoceмeнници и пpиjaтeли. Oни им пoдapyвaaт зaлaгaлки . Heвecтaтa oбичнo e cyc бeлa дoлгa фycтa, a ocyдeниoт - co oфициjaлницa. Пo cтapa тpaдициja нa глaвaтa нa нeвecтaтa имa мpeжa пpoтив мyви. Heкoи нaкичyвaт и вoзoт и ocyдeнитe co цвeкиньa. Hajчecтo бpaчeньeтo e вo шecтaк.
umm sorry macedonia joins nato and european union so you will get your portion of afghani and syrian refugees sweaty
>just now
cкaжи чeчня кpyтo
cos ur SO much better
Kill shiptars
Based eufag left the subhumans behind enjoying life
rumors say it's bad to eat them until late july\august because they use some bad things to grow them
>muslims who live in russia republics like dagestan are exactly the same as syrian refugees
>b-but that's not meee
if you read Zahari Stoyanov - Зaпиcки пo бългapcкитe въcтaния, you will learn that very few people were against the Turks, or at least fight actively against them... Daskal Petar Bonev, one of the moving forces behind the revolt in Perushtica (Пepyщицa) which was supressed with a mass slaughter, wrote in his diary, that when he was a pupil, children and other people would often wear Turkish pigtails (pic related). His teacher told them that this is a Asian symbol, a symbol of the Turkic people and that we have to break free from it. Petar Bonev was the first one who decided to shave his head and then grow a normal hairstyle. Not even a decade later these asian-style pigtails were completely out of the question. But this only comes to show that Bulgarians weren't as anti-Turk, as some people believe them to be.
oh no now you're gonna get called a gay pomak gypsy turk
because straight white christian men are not capable of logical, critical thought
Your premise is wrong on the account that Putin leads an anti-Russian regime but Russians aren't brainwashed into being libtards like the average western soyfag. In the case a nationalist takeover happens there you will see a major bloodbath and genocide against certain groups.
yeah, we saw how much the based pale russian traditional alcoholic strongman with HIV did against the CARAMEL overtake
>i-i will defend based traditional white christian women blyaaa
Is this supposed to disprove what I wrote? On the contrary it confirms it becuse the "russian" police was ordered to maintain public order and not allow any groups to come anywhere nearby and cause disturbances because Putin's friends wanted those tourist shekels.
Russia is under occupation. Since more than a century now.
oh no. damn soros and these evil joos. they're everywhere now.
цpкни глyпo гoвeдo
Fucking based
>implying he wouldn't end up floating in vardar with his throat slit in less than a week if some shit really went down
there,there monkeyboy
this some real shit right here for you monkeys to see
good post rasha keep on btfoing
The following needs to happen so social strife is eliminated once and for all:
muslims - gas
national traitors - gas
retards - gas
whores - gas
Simple as.
And gypsies of course.
Jews, Muslims, everyone under 120 IQ, Traitors, Whores, Niggers(if anyone survives) and mutts(with inferiors races) gassed.
what about poor people?
they disgust me
Pretty much.