Thanks America!

America is so based and redpilled that they can kick out illegal immigrants ... in Iran.

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Maybe a good recession would do wonders in western Europe.

Make your country worse than the country of the natives so they'll have to go back

But Iran is not worse than Afghanistan.


When even Afghans don't want to stay in your country, you know shit's pretty bad.

Iranians seriously need to get rid of Islamic Revolution dictature tbqh

what exactly is the goal of US embargo on Iran?
To force them to stop making nukes? To force them too bow to Saudis?

To stop them from arming the Resistance:

>Trump making Iran great again
Is this 4D Chess in action?

iran can not even keep up with its population and you want them to have migrants.

Whats been going on in Iran though?

iran is having an embargo imposed by president trump

To stop them from pursuing their legitimate interests.
The pentagon said it themselves.

The US wants to keep the monopoly on oil.

Just recently or their immediate 50 year history that is relevant to everything that's happening now?

Migrant workers are all the same, the second the economy sucks they all go back home. Mexican's here do the same, during the 2008 recession all the illegals fucked off, but as soon as the economy bounced back they start hopping the fence in droves

Because we suck Saudi dick and also some old men are still bitter about the Iranian revolution

literally pro-Russian fake news

We've had the worst recessions in our history not 10 years ago, didn't do anything.

damn, hope Iran bounces back up
We're pretty good friends
Directly from the general's mouth. Happy now?

America protecting freedom of oil navigation by punishing missile supplier that threatens the free world and market.

Fuck Iran. Long live Israel.

Good goy

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