Not knowing which tribe your iron age ancestors belonged to

>not knowing which tribe your iron age ancestors belonged to

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>All of them

>tfw actually have some idea about my paternal ancestors from thousands of years ago

Thank you, gedmatch.

I remember you from the other thread, Swede.

shut the fuck up mutt boi

Too many migration waves in western/central to know :(



I thought most hunter-gatherer tribes would have disbanded in favour of larger advancement by the time a civilization made it to their Iron Age?

Also leaf tribe make best cave shit paintings

it doesn't count when you just immigrated from a country still in the iron age Mehmet.

sorry we had no tribes during iron ages

>muddying up your bloodline with non-relatives

Dios mio.....

Attached: 46CFECB7-EBD6-4099-8B03-E4655E068AF6.jpg (602x724, 63K)

Guess it would either be the Silures or Demetae.
Silures according to this map.

Attached: 1502260863329.jpg (1800x2179, 499K)

This is what the Finland-Estonia gay-incest relationship is all about

Attached: 5296811+_99deeb5751a5478342c0f3c4ab2863c3.jpg (412x412, 79K)

Let our shared blood last a 1000 years.....

Based brigantine bull blood runs in my veins

Going as far back as the iron age though is a complete shot in the dark. With Celtic/Gaulish, Roman, Anglo-Saxon and then Norman/French migration, even if your family tree seem Welsh, you never can be sure.

Wales has been the least affected out of anywhere in Britain by invasions and migrations.
The Anglo-Saxons didn't leave the sane genetic legacy in Wales that they left in England, that's literally the basis of the difference between England and Wales. The Romans left no genetic legacy anywhere in Britain. The Norman migrations were relatively small and affected the aristocracy a lot more than the general population itself.

I can trace my lineage as far back as the Venetian occupation. Didn't bother to research further.

By the way, do we know anyrhing about the people inhabiting the isles before the Celts ?

Based. Cousin wombs are the most pure.

not pure enough

The only significant migration in the British Isles were the Angles, Saxons and Jutes. The Romans didn't fuck them and the Normans only sent rulers and aristocrats who destroyed a few Saxon Churches around Canterbury before the pope got pissed and told the Normans to come back to France and collect tributes still.