

Attached: yH7GrLbA_400x400.png (235x235, 50K)

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germans roleplaying as slavs

West Slavs?
More like best slaves!

most powerful race in the world


eternally butthurt for no reason apart from Slovaks

west slavs best slavs

top kek. Slovaks are the butthurtest


>for no reason

Attached: 1507377361462.png (442x500, 54K)

Czechs are slavic-speaking Celto-Germanic mix.

this is area where real West Slavs used to live until they got genocided by our neighbours.

Attached: Polabian_Slavs.png (550x664, 141K)

Czech are our Gallic brothers, they must return to their Boii roots

Attached: les-gaulois.jpg (1024x627, 211K)


>muh genocide
they got assimilated.

Most of them got genocided like real old Prussians. I really can't believe what is wrong with germanoids, why are you so bloodthirsty.


Attached: Wojciech_Gerson-Oplakane_apostolstwo.jpg (800x471, 80K)

czech'ems descend from the dat boi tribe they are eternally memey and be dabbing on them haters

Attached: spinn.jpg (442x293, 26K)

Proof that white men can be the niggest

>Most of them got genocided
prove it.

still white in 2100

btw Poland participated in that crusade you fucking hypocrite

It's a shame for Czechs to be bound together with Catholic Russians.

Based Wends

Attached: poznan.webm (1280x720, 2.36M)


damn it, I can't piss you off anymore. I know we genocided them as well xD

you will ALWAYS be eastern europeans like ukranians and russians


poznan is commie block dystopia full of commies and old hipsters. If you want nice city in Polan, visit Krakow or Gdansk

Daily reminder to not associate us with you e*robeans.
We are proud hyperboreans

Poles are just failed Russians and got partitioned instead of them partitioning others

Russians are just failed Poles who got mongoled instead of pushing the yellow menace back, then assimilated mongol features into themselves and became an unholy mutt combining the worst features from both western and eastern worlds.

These low tier baits lol

Just pathetic

Attached: CIMG0368.jpg (700x525, 54K)


And this
>feel sorry for us even though we're imperialistic unlikeable assholes

Like Czechs, like Slovaks, fuck pooland though

>poznan is commie block dystopia full of commies and old hipsters. If you want nice city in Polan, visit Krakow or Gdansk

There is not a single difference between any big Polish city in this regard. Each of them has a nice old town in the centre and a sea of commieblocks around it. Gdańsk is even worse because it still has WW2 ruins in the very centre of the city.

Poles are annoying but Czechs are chill. I don't know anything about Slovaks.

this seems to be my general impression atleast from Jow Forums posting

why are poles always so butthurt?

it is just a banter buddy

Czechs and sorbs aren't slavic, they're slav-speaking g*rmanoids.

>why are poles always so butthurt?
inferiority complexes fueled by flawed historical educational policies and state propaganda

we are all brothers

Better than east slavs.

Wouldn't you be butthurt if your whole country was ruined by your neighbors and they don't want to pay you $850 billion of war reparations they legally owe you?

Attached: link_JWUtUpIs2zu7vC2NDG7za81NLwHeWMsb,w1200h627.jpg (1196x2260, 1.71M)

You seem to be bad people, not only in the Internet. Czechs are the rudest people I've met and friends say the same.

Czechs are just frustrated because people offers them money for sex on camera on the streets few times per day
leave them alone

There is something wrong with their mentality. I wanted to find a nice hotel in Prague and there are tons of reports about unfriendly service. They are like Germans on steroids.

You are idiot. Poznan is actually less of a commie city. Gdansk is much more commie.

czechs simply dont like foreigners

I don't think it's because they are foreigners. The Czechs here are all rude too and why would you work in a hotel if you hate foreigners?

because you can be rude to them and get paid for that. Basically youre cucking them

my ancestors :)

what an idiotic life

west slavs > east/south slavs
polish is unironically the best slavic language

Poznan is one of the least commie block Polish cities because most of the fighting was concentrated on the citadel. The commie block areas did not replace old neighbourhoods for the most part.

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-08-06 11:58:08.png (857x625, 1.33M)


Unfortunately 19th century districts in Poznań are kinda neglected. But not as much as in Wrocław