Why are Japanese so racist?

how do we make japan less racist?

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>I'm Spanish, so if I'm late by a minute or two, Japanese people often tell me "Well, that's a Spanish person for you" and "Latin cultures don't care about punctuality". For Japanese people, I being punctual seems to be the most important thing of all, but they're only punctual when it comes to start times. When a meeting that's supposed to end at half past 5 gets gets extended until half past 7, I think that's much worse than being 5 minutes late.

bump so more can read this marvelous tweet by our spanish friend

Mass immigration of third worlders

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I don't understand why it's so hard to be punctual, if something being at 8am that means it begins at 8am not at 8:01am.
Just leave your home 5 minutes earlier or take an earlier train, it's not that hard.

Being racist is good. It promotes demographic solidarity.

Non-aryans will never understand my friend.


That's the keyword here, the end time was never set in stone so nice goal post moving sp*nard


Can the same be said about their sex?

>Moving to Japan for real
big mistake adrian

t. kim park #421859295

>T.~son #123442341234

Say that to my face and not online and see what happens little boy

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waoh dude how long did you serve in the army? like an year? AHAaha

>a year*
I thought you gooks were supposed to be smart huh?

Whites can't suffer from racism.Just smile and laugh at their observations,they will never be white,they will always white worship when they get home and fap to their western looking anime characters and pretend they live in those worlds.

Asuans,you lost the phenotype/genotype gamble you will always be a disgusting chink.


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Asspain should stay in your cunt since your birth rate is worst than Japan's.

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Why can't Spanish be on time?

>japan at #188
you NEED immigrants hirohito, please stop being racists and accept our latino friends

and i thought swedes were smart but then they started letting in immigrants

based nihonjin

heh,3rd world compare personal late with Conference time itself.
stop job lol
baka chon・・・ which racist point?

>S.Korea at #208


also do you want those people in your neighbors house?be honest.

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>lazy spic wants to leave work early

They truly have our Arab genes in them

nip engrish bad, i no read
desu i was just shit posting, i hate immigrants too loll

I dont think he doesnt know this japanese normal fagness. They say it to every japanese literally. Like "Sasuga user, You are A So you can/should/will/may B,"
A could be anything that characterizes you. Like "Sasuga user, we know you know well about games. So.."

They never say a social taboo there. Also if you hate it like me, you should stop being a normal fag.
Also he sounds too sensitive because this happens to everyone in the world. He may be an sjw learning retard.

Yes,clearly you did it muhammad ali bin ahmed.

This Nigerian asshole destroyed our grave and shinto stuff.

They hate us for being non-muslim....
Korea have to notice it.
All Abraham religion hate other religion...

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this is something i really dislike of asians
they live to work

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Just a banter