Japan could not develop without Korea

Japan could not develop without Korea.

During the Korean War, while Koreans and Americans were fighting communism for freedom
The Japanese have had tremendous economic growth due to korean war specialization (plus plagiarizing Western technology(pakuri), in a competition-free blue ocean market!!).

The plaza agreement was correct for the Japanese who crossed the moral border in 1985.

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Can't you start any discussion without refering to Japan?

I know you have no theme to talk about, but...

yea i really wish japan did the same, but i guess we really are brothers :)

This fact is well known in Japan I think.

you sound more and more like those black supremacists.

stop being like that.

nobita is that you?

Whatever you say, it's just a waste.
Because Koreans are anti-Japanese diseases.

unlike that retard i know well bout american identity politics. i wont ever side with extremists no matter what race they are. youve just stepped into a realm of conspiracy theory.

our endgame is to conquer japan and raping of japanese women, expect us soon

your vocab is too perfect for a nip on Jow Forums, hows life in japan david?

Japan's development had nothing to do with the Korean War; Japan had been one of great powers (to the level of causing the biggest war in history over mastery of the globe) and our return to power was inevitable with/without external events. The significance of the Korean War, if any, is that it made America lift a ban on heavy industries in Japan, which had been laid for fear of a revival of Japanese war machine, but then again the ban itself was a testament to Japan's capabilities, and indeed we restored it quickly thanks to capable scientists and engineers who gained lots of experiences through the total war. Unlike what you believe, one war in your region doesn't magically make you powerful, this is evident from the fact Korea remained shit despite the Russo-Japanese war. You see, you have to be powerful to "cash in on" a war to begin with, so it's delusional to think Korea played an important role in the development of Japan.

Korea's existence as an independent country and development owe Japan (and America) pretty much though; this is why you can't help harping on the myth for compensation.


god what a cocky fucker jesus christ, and you expect people to like you

what is wrong with you people

I think Japan should pay reparations to Korea, maybe Germany will pay reparations to us then

you owe us 800 trillion, pay up or be quiet

for what?

your existence

go back to Turkey, Iki

I'm not the German LARPing as a Greek (Turk), you dumb Koreaboo subhuman

I'm not a Koreaboo

I just think Japanese should pay reparations to them.

Just like you should pay them to us.

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When thefuck are these slit eyed gooks and japs getting range banned

woah we're your brother canada

If Japan said the same thing to China or SEA countries, you would proudly tell us boring legends of reparations of Germany.

I really hate you hypocrites.

Shut the fuck up and gas yourself, English teacher slave

Jap is inferior than Korea, so compensation is not necessary.

We just want to kill Japs
We want to revenge.
After unification, we will kill Jap

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>gfp rating meaning actual shit
lo how the fuck are we gonna even land on japan idiot?

>After unification,

Serious question - if North Korea started a war against Japan now, would South Korea help NKoreans or Japanese?

the fucking japanese ofc, were bound by american alliance in militaristic manner, also our official one and only potential enemy is still north korea

so you would kill your brothers, your own people to defend Japan?

Cucking lvl 10000

>your own people
no commie is my own people u retard, theyre fucking commies, you being pole i thought you knew better, but no i guess.
also they didnt give a fuck about ""brotherhood"" or being the same race when they attacked us first,
further more north korea attacking japan is close to fucking 0

>no commie is my own people

Do you think average North Koreans are "commies"? I can understand you could shoot to Kim Jong Un, but would you kill innocent young North Korean soldiers who were sent to fight against the Japanese by the regime?

youre implying majority of north koreans arent commies and they dont deserve death, same fucking logic can be applied to japanese people.
so based on that, if we actually attack japan with north korea, it'll only end up in US nuking both of our countries, if you had a brain you should know this but i guess your entire scenario it self is dumb and stupid so you probobly didnt think of that.