Net average PPP salaries in Europe

net average PPP salaries in Europe

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Christ I make more in a weekcthan poland does in a month...AND I have a lower tax rate...

Slovenia btfo

Is Portugal really on the same level as Belarus?

you also live in canada

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Canadian dollars are not real money.

salary isn't everything, you can be sure Portugal has much better infrastructure, healthcare etc.

wtf finland is shithole
fuck this country

That's bullshit, no chance Belarus has larger salaries than Russia. Thousands of these fuckers come here in Russia to work.

maybe they have high unemployment and not many people can get those high paying jobs

Portugal is obviously better developed country than Belarus, but the local prices makes average salary in both countries be worth same amount of goods like food or electricity

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guaranteed the fuckery comes from counting PPP in Belarussian ruble

Im already converting here finland jr.

Large Tracts of land for cheap cheap ?
No tax on water, dirt cheap electricity. No traffic AND fresh clean air...Yeah sure is suffering

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>Turkey higher than Greece

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I-i don't speak economics. Can you please keep it simple?

PPP is the adjustment for cost of living. When they counted for Belarus the conversion was done in Belarussian Ruble. Since their Ruble is pegged by the central government, it doesn't really reflect the true value of the currency. End result is their income is overvalued. Russian Ruble is freely-floating (unmanipulated) so it doesn't suffer from gross inaccuracies in calculating PPP.

Why is this even a sruprise

Actually you can't trust these numbers by riding the city and driving cities of Eastern Europe


is Sminem silently making Azerbaijan great for his Azeri friend?

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they have SHITLOADS of gas although I highly doubt they distribute the income well

Makes sense, thank you

Jesus what do you work as

Engineer on the Sands buddy.

Fair enough then, you earned your bux well

Those are US dollars, not wortless canuckistani dollars

Because Greeks are better than other humans.

OP pic is already net salary not gross

>belarussians earn more than russians

So you probably make more than an average Canadian too. No reason to bully Poland.