Digital representation of the average Swedish man (2018)

Digital representation of the average Swedish man (2018)

Attached: 1533563694255.jpg (900x1170, 557K)

So fat and ugly with a lamp in his eyes?

Weird, it looks just like me

Attached: loiri.jpg (600x800, 69K)

How did you get this picture of me m8?

looks like bender that one episode he became human and eventually fat

Nobody knows what show you're talking about since we do not engage in gay activities in Sweden. (like watching TV)

Attached: 1437443461543.jpg (1360x768, 136K)

Looks like Anderson Cooper

Attached: 140225123034-anderson-cooper-profile-full-169.jpg (1600x900, 157K)

looks awfully similiar to average polish man

Attached: Wtno-william-joseph-bj-blazkowicz.jpg (900x1170, 175K)

I think you mean Anderishmael Copperberg

it's all that rape they did

That's the average norwegian man
Pic related is the average polish man

Attached: article-1162477-00140C5B00000578-542_233x423.jpg (233x423, 38K)

yea something i really did not understood tho, how is this guy polish again?

Blazkowicz kills filthy germanics like you

Attached: 485365-n.jpg');.jpg (2048x1153, 661K)

t. Filthy from cleaning the toilet my germanic arse shat in

>He is the grandson of a Polish immigrant and the son of Rip Blazkowicz, an ambitious but crooked and racist Polish-American con businessman, and Zofia, a young Jewish girl.
>Zofia met Rip at an Polish American society gathering on August 1, 1908.

Even our lowest class looks better than your middle class.

In what reality? All the Poles I've seen have been ugly, no offense. You are a cool people but maybe looks aren't your thing

he looks nordic

>he doesn't like germanic licks
wow u gay faggot?

Attached: hmmmmm.jpg (1079x1233, 121K)

so average swede looks like a jew
Got it

That's by your admisson, fag muffin.