Shart in mart meme is dead

>shart in mart meme is dead
>amerimutt meme is dead

>we're back to being the coolest nation on this board

Fuck I love being an amerigod.

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Amerimutt has transcended memes. It’s now accepted as an unfortunate reality all over the world.


It never got normified and arose into reality. Truely a beautiful 1 in a million death.

t. Martin McShartin





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Yes. Do my bidding, pathetic little roaches.

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okay now this is epic

>amerimutt meme is dead

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it's ok, when shit hits the fan again there'll be another thing goin

Now do the pizza pie/that's amore song


it is meme here but reality for you


Shart in mart is only dead because Trump normalized it.

True civil shites leader in the mould of Martin Pooper King

Tell me that this is fake. Please.

Enjoy while it lasts. Soros thinktanks are coming up with new memes.

America is a never ending meme

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afraid not

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At least they can use cafeteria utensils and not just the trays in the even of an attack

wait what is this

damn now I really want to see US training course for spoon combat

Tully the greatest country on the planet. Fuck me.

this is the saddest thing I've seen in a good while.

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I had a lockdown that lasted almost 3 hours during my weight lifting class in high school. That was fun

Fun fact: American's battle socialism every morning and night on the kitchen table through food expenses

>not responding with devastating relevant memes about Sudan
y'all are too nice and make me scared to post like this

this is canadian btw

the chances of being involved in a school shooting is almost none, but there is that possibility. Don't your schools practice drills depending on natural disasters that can happen? I had earthquake drills in school, but the chances of one happening were very slim. My parents were taught to duck under the desk in the event of a nuclear attack during the cold war. The entire city would go on lockdown when the siren went off.

Any training courses and bunkers for armed toddlers?


Based, love from Estonia.

Of course you won't see it on t-shirts and in news reports. But it penetrates people's subconscious and lingers there for eternity or at least until America has unmutted itself.

I am sorry for posting like this but I need it for psychological health, repression did a number on me

>Don't your schools practice drills depending on natural disasters that can happen?
Hounestly no we don't but ofc natural disasters are very rare here, we are talking about school shootings, did your school practice a drill for that?

It was always real. It's been used before.

Shooting autists is not a natural disaster. The fact that you have to learn this your kid is Africa tier shit.

We didn't have a specific drill for school shootings, but we had a drill in the event that somebody came onto campus without permission. All of the doors had an autolock mechanism and we were taught to turn off the lights and hide in the closet. Fuck that, if I heard gunshots then i'd hide right behind the door with a chair or something so i could knock out the motherfucker.

>we had a drill in the event that somebody came onto campus without permission.
>All of the doors had an autolock mechanism and we were taught to turn off the lights and hide in the closet.

??? ???

It's just a safety thing, not exactly for armed shooters

Safety thing against what? I really don't understand.... If somebody came into a school here without permission, a teacher would talk to him, maybe ask him to leave, perhaps they'd call the security guy. But maximum-prison like lockdown? What the fuck?

Well you also don't have a fuckton of guns in your country do you?

so it is about armed shooters...

It's better to be safe than sorry. I've never had an incident, none of the schools have in my area.

I thought it's blanda upp rooms to have interracial sex.

>t. nigger who called me a shitskin for being italian 3 months ago

I never called you that, I was just making fun of you because you were obviously insecure. Nobody gives a shit about race in the midwest, and if they do then they keep it to themselves.


> M - man
> bald-pated nigger

Get cancer.

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No one here is "cool"

Bullshit, that has to be fake. Never, ever seen that.

What do you think will happen when Oprah Winfrey is elected in 2020?

You get new pants! You new pants! Everyone is getting pants!

>tfw Sudan is so irrelevant and shitty that Americans won't even reply with all the devastating ammunition available

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I don't understand your joke but I respect the effort

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t. El Atrocidad

Yes you are

i was probably to watch a live feed of what ever newstation was reporting on it

sometimes theres lookdowns if something happens near a school.

>t - top
>It's a dreidel

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holy shit

that school must get a lot of money. being part of a school shooting is such a statistical improbability that most likely these rooms will never get used outside drills since the probability is 640 times less likely than being struck by lightning during the year