Unknown cause.
A truck with combustible exploded.
Pray for Bologna
Probably the fault of the driver. If he was carrying a combustible liquid, maybe it leaked into the car's engine or something?
Yeees yes the drivers fault
Holy shit.
Very good
The truck was carrying a combustible liquid so it's very likely that the liquid might've leaked.
Of course of course, the liquid leaked im sure.
>one dead and 56 injured
>56 injured
la criatura...
what the fuck? the impact is monstrous
any word from the ""truckers of peace""? or it was just a plain accident?
For now it is an accident, but who knows, we will see.
it was a (((plain accident)))
Don't care what happens in Shitaly.
>accident happens
t. spanish rapebaby which means:
t. moor rapebaby which means:
t. arab rapebaby
ok simple fucking question
why dont people who do this put it in a tube instead? seriously why not simply put your explosion in a tube of some kind? and maybe divide the rest of your explosion into more useful smaller ones, but all supported with gas and/or metal bits too?
why make all of it push (harmless) wind if it could push gas or much more solid metal bits
imagine that explosion divided in 100 pieces and supported with gas or metal bits instead of just... nothing
Allahu Akbar!
>here's how to kill civilians more efficiently
Based Serbs. Maybe you should train them
pray for cityfags
Fucking hell, that's grim.
lmao we don't get those numbers in the entire country in a year
>60 wounded
>11 killed
Why is this happening in Chicago, St Louis and Baltimore but not in the NYC, LA and other major cities?
>be serb
>start balkan wars
>have lesser casualties during peak intensity conflicts than chicago on a random day
chicago tell me your secrets!
>Chicago, St Louis and Baltimore
Abandoned places
Because niggers
>all these first worlders complaining about minor deaths and accidents
its fucking nothing
But black people are everywhere, aren't they?
fake. an explosion that big would have completely shattered that guy's windshield.
No. Some cities like Detroit are unironically 90% black. LA is less than 10%.
That's because you don't have Chicagoniggers
it's not an american car, it's a toyota
Fuck, i used to think that LA is full of black men. Because of rap n shit
Also 1992 uprising
>LA is full of black nen
Not even remotely, but its's not a white city either, it's full of Mexicans.
Kek. It was just niggers looting TVs and stereos.
>American cars
Literally because of nigs.
was the driver ok?
he's dead Dave. everyboody's dead
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that there's pretty much nothing a commercial driver could be transporting capable of creating an explosion that size with only the volume of a van.
I mean what was in that van? Whatever it was it was probably weaponized.
he got a boo boo and his mommy had to give it a kiss but after that he was ok :)
You guys remember this?
This is my suspect.
It was an oil or LPG tanker
Oh was it?
I thought it was a van like this white one here or something. If it was an 18 wheel oil tanker it's totally possible. No idea how the fuck it would explode like that, these things are tested and designed a billion times over with multiple failsafes protecting the oil from any outside heat.
But if it isn't an oil tanker of chemical tanker then it's almost certain it was foul play. Any more information on this?
If true then it's just a case of retards and superbad human error.
>italian oil transportation industry