Personality test

the results are in

post yours

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same shit as usual, different format

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INTJ masterrace reporting in, make way you plebs

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Just As Planned *Tzeentchian giggles*

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Wow, what a faggot you are

no u

Sup senpai

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INTP-A, Usually get either INTP or INTJ as seen by how close the J/P % is

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Normie fuck off

>inb4 "MBTI is a horoscope"
that's a compliment to horoscopes actually
it's admitting that there are several types or modes of personality, whether 12, 16 or even just 4 depending on what the fuck you measure
for those who like the scientifist typology, try the 6-types EPQ one if you want

what up

Yep, still the same

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Logician master race reporting in.

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Based and red pilled

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Using MBTI and not Socionics

Here's mine.


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*Double dab*

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I always get entp
Does this mean I’m not an autist?


You are here for a reason.

Redpill me on entp

and this shit

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>The Debater personality type is the ultimate devil’s advocate, thriving on the process of shredding arguments and beliefs and letting the ribbons drift in the wind for all to see. Debaters don’t do this because they are trying to achieve some deeper purpose or strategic goal, but for the simple reason that it’s fun.
Literal autism. Do you like to write long walls of text in 4chin?


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*dismantles your argument*

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INTP is extremely rare anywhere but Jow Forums


ENTP MASTER RACE at being miserable

what does this horoscope say about me?

got the same

Really it's the opposite of autism.

Supposedly a natural-born practitioner, in sense they're good at their hands and use experiences-from-5-senses to understand the problem. Their logical thinking is supposed to be the same with INTP, but they have different sources from ISTP. ISTP with their 5 sense, INTP with their intuition.

It becomes autism when you start doing this frequently in Jow Forums. But the burguer might not be as autistic as the rest of us irl though.


is mediator a codeword for insecure retard that wants to be liked?

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Based brothers

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wew lads I guess I'm an edgelord

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It means you're a useless hippy


So i am autistic but not mega autistic? Or what

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I used to get ISTP...
I'm a sociopath

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INTJ masterrace here

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>100% thinking
>0% feeling

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I was hoping for INTP

Chin up Galle-kun, I think you're a good lad

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I'd say around normalfag-tier to a-bit-autistic tier depends on your environment, hobby, education, etc.
For comparison, assuming you like anime, a good harem protagonist is usually ISTP, like bakemonogatari's MC. Tom Cruise, Diogenes, Putin are ISTPs.

Sime time ago i was mediator, something changed.

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Two years ago i was INTP, the fuck.

we da bess fuck da ress
i got like 50/60% on everything

You levelled up

INFP pride world wide. How are you all doing today friends.

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>Spanish speakers

i'm depressed thx u?

>using glorified zodiac signs
disappointed. this board keeps letting me down 2bh

Life is suffering...

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I'm depressed too. I'm always depressed. I pity non-depressed people who are not in tune with their emotions.

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I'm gay.

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Why are there so many hippies on Jow Forums

seems like non-depressed people would be the ones in tune with their emotions, but i guess i could be wrong.
also according to this thread, it seems like the page lied when it said that only 4% of the population would be classified as mediators


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the questions were vague.
>"when making important decisions, do you use logic or do you rely on your emotions".

depends on the decision m8

wow, literally the opposite of me in every way
thanks, Galle will try his best!
is INFP-T the gay personality?

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if you think it depends then you do the middle one bud

The only gay I like are gay girls gaying each other.
But yes, kind of.

Fact: INFPs are the most powerful race in the world

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lol whut? how does a Singaporean knows about some obscure soviet personality typology?
anyways let me try

well i think everyone would press "it depends", if that were an option.
but it said try not to go neutral, so i did.

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Also, INTP.

Same, in my first try I got ENTJ. Maybe I became less of a faggot since I took that test.

Everytime i take this tests it's always different. i have seriously lost any sense of self identity and self awareness. please end my misery. im a fucking freak

What did you got this time?


Being an INxP is probably the biggest curse to ever exist desu

>reading the rules
you will never make it

you forget the most important part
INxp-a can work somehow but INxP-t is doomed with no chance

Can someone tell me why they have fictional characters as examples of people with the same personality profile?

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At least post some good one next time

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i know

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Tell me about INTP's

because ahaha
many of the celebrities there didn't take the test so how to know if they're that type or not?

it does not matter who we are, what matters is our plan...... no wait that's INTJ

that -t -a doesn't mean shit desu

no it does
a: can deal with stress
t: can't deal with stress

>The Logician personality type is fairly rare, making up only three percent of the population
>Logicians pride themselves on their inventiveness and creativity, their unique perspective and vigorous intellect.
>They love patterns, and spotting discrepancies between statements could almost be described as a hobby, making it a bad idea to lie to a Logician.
>the Logician personality type tend to share thoughts that are not fully developed, using others as a sounding board for ideas and theories in a debate against themselves rather than as actual conversation partners.
>People who share the Logician personality type aren’t interested in practical, day-to-day activities and maintenance, but when they find an environment where their creative genius and potential can be expressed, there is no limit to the time and energy Logicians will expend in developing an insightful and unbiased solution.
>they are often conducting full-fledged debates in their own heads, but really Logicians are quite relaxed and friendly when they are with people they know, or who share their interests.
>Logicians are unlikely to understand emotional complaints at all, and their friends won’t find a bedrock of emotional support in them.

what if you have both -a and -t?


it means you're mildly neurotic (not T enough)

>all the aspies ITT

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