Is it true that americans don't have contactless payments yet...

Is it true that americans don't have contactless payments yet ? And that they still swipe the magnetic strip on their cards like the 1980s because chip&pin is new and confusing ?

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RFID is just a gimmick but the magnetic stripe should be abandoned asap. Too much cases with card skimming.

I have a chip reader but it has to be inserted into the machine. I also have to use my signature when i use a chip whereas i dont with a swipe. Chips can easily be read by third party devices

magnetic stripe is honestly a gimmick but all forms of paper payment should be abandoned asap. Too much uncertainty compared to gold

Samsungpay is accepted everywhere Ive been, even out in the midwest "flyover". Same with chip and pin

>Chips can easily be read by third party devices
You got this backwards. Stripe is easy to read and chip is impossible. You can't copy a computer through I/O port.


americans haven't unlocked that technology yet - they still actually need to use their signature to use their cards LOL

yeah there's a little pen hooked to the card reader and you write your signature on the touchscreen

even though you put in a PIN code ?

>I also have to use my signature when i use a chip
Is that standard practice in your country?

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Yeah signature after PIN.

For all purchases or only transactions over a certain threshold?

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it is for the most part, some retail places and fast food dont do it

We don't really have the contactless either

Interesting, I had no idea.
Learn something new every day.

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never done this

It could be a state thing idk

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Only the kids between 18 and 21 have contactless here.

I don't even carry a wallet when I'm going shopping since even smallest mom&pop shops carry contactless support and I can pay with my phone.

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Yes. Their bank system is like you used time machine. Everything is manual.

This. I only carry a card if going to a place that Ive never been to incase they dont have contactless (99% of places do)

Chip and pin is now fully mainstream.
not really
didn't do the signature since a long time

That foreigners use credit cards really is beyond me desu.
In the Netherlands no one uses them. You literally give people all the information they need to simply withdraw money from your bank account if you aren't looking. Without any barrier of entry to do such a scam.

what everyone uses cash there? and credit card is safer than debit in fraud cases as the thief would be spending the credit company's money and not your own

sure thing neet

What fucking idiot thought of this?


Debit card. The financial risks are for the bank. The bank is in charge of the security, so they decide to what extend they prefer security over convenience. And currently they prefer convenience. I guess stores also prefer debit cards because then you are guaranteed to get your money instantly.

In the Netherlands we also have an alternative to Paypal, which is called Ideal. Paypal uses a creditcard-ish system where people can ask their money back. That can't be done in our local Paypal alternative that all our banks use. So in some ways the American system is more consumer friendly I guess and in some ways it isn't.

>little pen hooked
wtf is this a joke

bluepilled and cucked.
Direct Commodities is the only form of exchange acceptable.

Don't produce anything?
Starve to death, fuck you.

********** (my bank) has been sending me cards with contactless for years. At the beginning I didn't notice. Now I use it.

probably a moroccan/neet, can you imagine dutch ppl running around with only cash while they are one of the most advanced nation?

it's basically extinct since a period of the time. The american user mostly lives in a 'rural' area

Same here.
Guess is just an american thing.

Here most people have just a debit card.
Polish people are probably too fucking poor to flamboyantly wave debnts left and right but travelling a lot around Europe I noticed Europeans in the western mainland are allergic to unnecessary debts too which is healthy for everyone in general.
Credit cards are a huge fucking scam. Don't spend the money you don't have to artificially inflate the economy.

In Europe the only real "debt" people have is mortgage. But that's investment for life.

lmao retard, you don't think people can skim a card with a chip?

Credit cards are much better in the US if you use it wisely due to bonus points and/or cash back on purchases. Also builds credit score which helps lower interests rates if you wanted to buy anything on monthly payments and it makes it easier to mortgage a house. Unfortunately there are many people that abuse credit cards and get into unnecessary debt and blame the system for their poor decisions

I don't live on the coast if that's what you're implying

We don't have credit scores desu.

Long term loans that press on your income are registered, which is important for getting a bigger mortgage, but otherwise nobody knows about your payment records.

I live in the most midwest state you can think of and never really sign for anything except for delivered packages. Also use samsung pay at any place I go to even drive through

We do have contact-less which is new, but most people don't have cards to support it. Assuming you have one though, the machines here work fine. The chip is more prevalent even if it's semi-new too.
I work retail and have only ever seen Australians use the contactless. European tourists typically pay cash.
Hard mode is apple pay which i fucking hate.

t. retail in a tourist town

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>Credit cards are much better in the US if you use it wisely due to bonus points and/or cash back on purchases.
You paid for these "bonus points" and "cashback" you dumbass.
Credit companies aren't giving you free money. They just use these schemes to get you to spend more and more money you don't have so they can tighten up the master-slave relationship between you and a bank.

Instead of pumping up the price of X only to lure idiots by "le cashback" and pretending it's actually a better deal just leave the X at normal pre-inflated prices and skip the bullshit.

We have contactless payment using phones. Most places have jumped to the slower chip readers. Occasionally you'll find a place that has the chip readers, but they don't have that part up and running or they're having issues with it so you need to swipe. I hope we get something faster because those chip readers are too fucking slow. I understand why they're getting rid of the magnetic strips though. Too much fraud.

You are a dumbass, if I am going to spend money anyways why not get some back? Still spending $200 for a pc monitor, why not get $4 back from the purchase vs 0?

yeah, we should go back to squirrel pelts

>t. boomer

Because if you weren't mindless consumerist drones falling for the easiest of baits the monitor would've been $196 with no need for the cashback.

You really don't fucking understand how it works do you?


You always pay for every gift or discount. As an American you should know there is no free lunch.

it's $200 for the debit user aswell who doesn't get any cash back.

Speaking of fraud, if we are moving to RFID expect that not to last for very long.

Even weirder, I paid for something in dallas airport the normal way by putting my card in the machine, but it didn't ask for a PIN, I just out it in and the transaction was done there, like contactless but you have to put it in. Odd

There is a fear criminals will use it to steal your info but most places accept it.

they truly are a backwards people

>saving time to not write the pin is a backwards thing

It costed you more to upkeep the stupid fucking credit card/credit score/credit fees/credit interest than you received from that $4 cashback you moron.

You are not being given money for free

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It is for any purchase, not certain select ones where they jew the price up. It is 200 for everyone else anyways and I dont have power to kick out credit card companies to lower it to 196 naturally.
You only pay if you miss a payment or overspend. I dont do either so I just reap the benefits of cashback. Mine doesnt have a monthly payment either like some high end cards

Do they still use checks? I've never seen one and I'm 31 year old boomer

The American mind is fucking baffling. Never stop guys.

I'm not complaining it just seems odd, because I'm assuming contactless isn't a thing in the US because it's a security issue. Here there's a £30 limit on contactless purchases to stop the Ives abusing it too much if it gets in the erog hands, but it doesn't seem like there's a similar thing in the US with putting your card in, so it's less secure than our 'insecure' contactless payments

You have no idea how they work do you? You can get credit cards with $0 monthly payments that cost $0 to receive and get cash back from them on ANY purchase. The only time you have to pay is if you spend more than you have and cant pay it off or if you miss a payment

my dad was pissed off last week because the bank refused to give him a check book

It kinda defeats the purpose. It already takes forever to scan the chip. I wouldn't mind if you were required to enter a pin number too.

I have no interest fees if i pay on time dumbass.

I use chip 100% of the time at this point. I could use contactless but it seems like a meme.

No one cares that you dont like free money compared to a debit card

>free money

the putting your card inside the machine here is not contacless payment. It's reading the chip. It just doesn't require a pin like yours

Tell me how it isnt if you are so knowledgeable on US credit cards then?

i try to but the qt teenage cashier tries to humiliate me when she sees the contactless symbol on the card and so i use the contactless like a cuck because im too british to argue with her

It is free though. there are credit cards that don't cost any monthly or interest fees as long as YOU PAY ON TIME. And it builds credit score.

I know what you are saying, however some people get very autistic with their credit cards. My dad has Chase visa cards which have a 21 day grace period after the statement where if he pays it off in that time period there is no interest. He also uses his card for every possible expense he has. In the average year he accumulates around 100k-120k points in airline miles. Since he pays them off within the grace period there is no interest he must pay. Then again most people who do this dont pay the card off instantly and so they end up paying interest. Its nothing more than a gamble by the cards company to assume people will spend more, then pay more interest than they are rewarded in points.

>all these retards afraid of credit cards
I've never had a cent of debt in my life yet I have 3 credit cards totaling over $10k in credit.

I've probably made $1000+ in cashback rewards since I've been using them.

Fucking brainlets, lrn2/biz/ nigga.

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What bank companies do you guys work for? Weird marketing team they've hired I'll admit

Were you visiting Dallas for some horrid reason or just passing through? Also, was DFW a clusterfuck compared to Heathrow? Did you see fat people roaming about in mobile carts?

the bank of having common sense about financials and not being a fucking brainlet

I don't work for a bank, it's the reality. i actually work at Mcdonalds and I love my credit card because a cashback can equate to half an hour of work.

Great argument friend! Glad to know you are just another shitposter that has no idea what he is talking about

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seeThats exactly how you get free money, just pay your fucking bill on time. You sound like a brainlet who would max his card out instantly.

>let me tell you about your country

This, it's mainly sheltered autists that don't see the need for credit cards. Although saying that, in some European countries (not the UK) there are fees incurred every time you use a credit card and even a debit card to pay for something, it's messed up

I'm literally telling you that you can make money off using credit cards if you pay on time. The banks don't want you to pay on time, they want you to carry a slowly growing balance.

What is the point of using a credit card if you need to pay it back anyway? Why not eliminate the process and pay upfront? You want to build loyalty with a bank that dont give a shit about you? You want to be put on this leash that you call "free money"?

>What is the point of using a credit card if you need to pay it back anyway?

It's not though

I was passing through but stayed there for one night on the way out from London so I could save some money on flights. It was a bit of a mess but it was gigantic so that's fair enough I guess, things were pretty efficient but the signage is awful. It's also so hot in Dallas I don't know how people live there. Was nice to go and eat some bbq and hear nice accents though

you are retarded

That happens sometimes in the US but it is very rare. Foreign transaction fees occur on some cards though

Credit cards are ok for booking hotels, rental cars and flights. For what else do you need a credit card for?
Do you guys run out of money every month?

>says the credit card user who thinks his leash is beneficial
Keep sucking corporate cock

That's fine, i'll keep making an extra ~$50 a month

It's almost everywhere in my small town, except the asian restaurants and the kebab-lathers.

Oh and yeah I did see a fat person mobile, it almost ran me over in the airport because it's quiet. I also looked around a Walmart near the airport (I stayed near the airport) and saw plenty of specimens in there but no mega fatties

>not paying with cash so you can't be tracked

based and redpilled

>It's also so hot in Dallas I don't know how people live there.
We live underground for the months of June, July, and August. Hard Eight has the best bbq in the area for you or anyone else passing through.

Okay step by step for that absolutely numb skull of yours:
Scenario 1: paying with debit card/cash
>go in store
>pick up $20 item
>go to cashier
>pay $20 with debit card or cash
>item paid for
>leave store
Scenario 2: paying with credit card
>go in store
>pick up $20 item
>go to cashier
>pay with credit card
>item paid for
>1.0% to 5.0% cash back applied to credit card account after purchase processed
>leave store
>go online or on credit card app
>pay off $20 item within 20-30 days
>boom, no additional payment needed

And what is the point exactly? To build some sort of loyalty or trust with a bank that don't even know you exist apart from being a number on a computer?

I think most europeans are wary of using their debit/credit cards in the US because of the fear of getting skimmed, it's not very prevalent here but from what one has seen in media it happens pretty often in the US, comparatively.
Maybe it was something that happened more back in the day but it's hard to unlearn things you've been taught.

You don't get it do you? Banks have to make incentives to use their credit card. The money they pay out in cashback etc is pocket change to the amount they get in interest and fees, and actual loans. However if you aren't buying loans from them and you don't incur any fees then there is no down side

A debit card is from a bank anyways? Why use that?