Are they Nordic?

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how can they be nordic if even finland isn't nordic

No, they're negroes.

they are just polacks

What's the aryan population ?

Finland literally reaches to the Arctic Circle.

No they are Baltic just like Estonia and Latvia.
Fuck off you Russian rapebabbies.



They are Afrikan

How about baltic?!

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Lithuanian woman in the middle

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are they really greek?? O_o

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They are nodick

Jk they have amazing dairy products

No and I am Nordic so my opinion is the only one that matters.


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>low iq
>love basketball
>african flag

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Lithuanians, Estonians and Latvians are mutts.

They love basketball because they are all really tall (Aryan). Flag and IQ are whatever, literally could change in 5 five years. This is their real flag anyway.

Attached: Lithuania_Kingdom.png (1000x666, 222K)

This. There are plenty of russian mongoloid mutts here...
Only a couple look Scandinavian

Just try to tell me this cheesefucking caveman is not nordic

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Real Nordics left only in Russia, and they are mongols.

Well, you can't really help it. You were thrown between Prussians, Slavs and Scandis multiple times throughout history.

Why aren't ethnostates a thing again ?

Best Baltic state desu

>IQ are whatever, literally could change in 5 five years.
Could change for the worse.

Whenever I browse Instagram and see qt girls in Riga there is 90% chance they're Russian, same with Estonia. Try it yourself.

Do they go to Dubai a lot?

so does canada and russia

Riga is full of tourists and Russians...

Latvians themselves have told me they prefer lithuanian girls because theirs are not pretty

>Fill the country with ugly Russians(not the ethnic Russian kind) during commie times
>Let them breed with good looking Latvians
>Create ugly brown haired mutts
>Now the very same ugly mutts will mutt up Lithuania
top tier planning

It's pretty sad, soviets turned everything they touched to shit

you're dyadko yar

BUT HEEEY we have some more beautiful women
whose genetics you can ruin!!!
Pls come and take one!!!

I wonder how Latvians looked like before ebil commies

trips confirm

Say no more senpai

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Lithuanian girls are trashy slags.

can confirm.

This story doesn't make sense.

>we have some more beautiful women
I don't get this meme. Latvian women have pig faces just like Estonian women. The few qts have clear slav/asiatic or germanic ancestry.


Baltic + Slavic

Pretty much the same. Despite the memes only a small percentage of letts actually mixed with the Russians.

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yes I'm talking about the germanic latvians
not about the mongols who reside in latgale

>+ Slavic
Nice irredentist meme. The average Lithuanian has as much Russian blood as the average Russian has tatar or finn blood. In fact the Belarussians got pretty BALT'd

Are those Latvians? They wear Russian Imperial Army uniform
or I'm mistaken

>germanic latvians
There is no such thing, just great granddaughters of Germans who fucked their maids and peasants.

You're not mistaken but you're not particularly intelligent.
>before the commies

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Belarusians were just peasants ruled buy Polish-Lithuanian nobility. I doubt those poles and lithuanians ever fuck belarussian pussies

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wha's the average latvians genetic background?

Russian girls are trashy whores

Probably like 60% baltic 30% finnic 10% muttmix

Haplogroups are near worthless for this. Both Balts and Slavs come from the same progenitor population. You need genetic distance/pc plots.

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I'm a gril and I'm not whore at all.
Or maybe that's just because I'm only 6\10

but baltic is already a muttmix

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post your ass stupid whore

Posting nudes online is definitely a whore-thing.

cutting your dick off and wearing a dress does not make you a girl dumb pidor

Of all the Lettland inhabitants I've seen
They either look like muttmix brownies
Or just look plain Germans

stupid bitch
don't you know you exist to do what men tell you to do?

Щac бы зeлёнoмy бeз пpyфoв вepить

So Russia is Nordic too then! Murmansk and Norilsk are largest cities in Arctic Circle!

What would happen if I'll post my breast with a timestamp? Will it made you happy? Or will it made happy me? You don't ask men here to prove they're males, right, so what's the problem?

Just post your hand

Yes, and Canada is nordic too

Russia was found in Novgorod, therefore we're nordic.

It's funny, because after quarter of the century Ukraine is still living off what soviets have built, without building anything substantial of its own.

I don't care, but Wilno must be ours

poland belongs to lithuanian cock

Well kievska-rus unironically has nordic roots because of Rurik and the Varangians. Some genetic study said Russians have up to 30% scandi DNA. Also if you look back to ancient times we had the same helmets and weapons like them, and very similar boat designs.

Well, corrupt shitty government from the end of the ussr hasn't changed at all, so of course they won't spend their ferrari money to build new hospitals

we are all nordic

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>In fact the Belarussians got pretty BALT'd
No, they didn't. Belarusians are SLAVD Balts. And in GDL and PLC, it was Lithuanians who were under Slavic pressure, not other way around. Slavs were the majority of population and Lithuanian wasn't even an official language.

Attached: Slavic_expansion.gif (614x528, 82K)

No, there was Ruthenian nobility, too. But yes, peasants didn't really mix.
Butthurt, eh? Balts are a mix of Uralics and Indo-Europeans.

You just need your own Stalin\Lee Kuan Yew\Pinochet or whatever for a couple of decades

jesusfuckingchrist what the hell is wrong with all of you

info 100%
can confirm

Early Rus' were a mix of a bunch of Slavic, Finno-Ugrian tribes and Varangians. Literally in the Primary Chronicle.
Oleg came to Kiev with Varangians, Slovenes, Kriviches, Chud, Ves' and Merya.

damn mutts

Mutt nations are the most powerful. Just don't mix with negroes.

Rus_Ku = Russians of Kursk
Rus_Mu = Russians of Murmansk
Rus_Tv = Russians of Tver

Rus_Me = Millennial Russians???
Rus_HGDP = Russians of high GDP???

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>Just wait till we master genetic engineering
7ft chinamen will come to harvest your crop

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P - ?

>P is for Pidor

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Why isn’t Nederland Nordic?
They’re a small germanic country that sails the North Sea.

nordic = north germanic

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They wish they were, but they know their place. Only thing left for them is to spam youtube comments of how great lithuania his, how "horrible" the "soviet occupation" was and now how great lithuania is after independence and it's already nordic and stuff.

I personally consider baltic people and finns to be on the same tier as nordics.

You are also a Baltic immigrant so it's not so weird. Baltic immigrants are generally fine and they are some of the better Eastern European countries but that doesn't mean they are Nordic.

Didn't say they were nordic, they are just very good looking in general, anglos and slavs are not as aesthetic

Really though? You can hardly tell locals and russians of similar economical background apart. Using "slavs" as a descriptor isn't all that accurate either, there are too many different phenotypes.

You really wanna start something?

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we have lots of polish carpenters here, they all look like ogres, and not just because they are working class, because our own carpenters look way more refined

england is a shithole with shit people

we are not worthy of diversity like beautiful sweden, refugees deserve only the best

Your carpenters actually make a livable wage.

Nah nah nah. England is the most beautiful country with a wonderful landscape and history. Refugees will have the best education where you are. We are stupid socialist, but you guys have transcended that.
We are basically savages, unlike you.

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No, I insist. Sweden has beautiful forests and quaint, peaceful cities, perfect for those poor refugees fleeing war. Swedes are kind and hardworking, you can afford vibrant diversity

England on the other hand is dirty and depressing, our culture would corrupt theirs.

Not even white

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