Are they southern european?

Are they southern european?

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We're Eastern Greeks, ty very much.

No, they are Cockroaches.



No. Kick them out of Konstantinopol.

No they are steppe niggers

Has there even been another people hated as much through history as the Turks?
Almost feel sorry.

>inb4 jews

nobody hates them outside Jow Forums, autismo

only wh*Toids hate them

They're european, but more balkan/eastern than southern imo

What do you mean? They literally tried to conquer europe for centuries, made slaves of the balkans, and genocided christian peoples in the middle east several times. The croissant was made as a victory symbol after they failed to conquer Vienna for like, the 3rd time. Ask an Armenian, Greek, Kurd, Balkan, Hungarian or Austrian what they think. Turks are assholes, and they are the genocidal colonialist assholes that seem to get away with their crimes the most. Fuck the Turks.


Jews curb some of the hatred by actually having made contributions to science. Turds have done absolutely nothing beneficial for humanity in their entire history.

It's just bants, people love us türks (german diaspora dont count).

They are an 'in between' country.
Like Russia.

>nobody hates Turkey outside Jow Forums

kek, imagine being paid to spout this kind of garbage online

wtf i love Guatemala now

On a scale between Iceland and Brazil, how safe is Guatemala for tourists?

The state of Canadian education

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What about the genocides they did in Europe? Only reason you would support a European genocide is your Anglo blood running through your veins.

Capital city is pretty dangerous, I would avoid. The touristy spots like Tikal, Antigua, and Atitlan are all relatively safe and full of tourists. Still Brazil tier dangerous if you do not know where to go though. Get a guide. That said if you are adventurous and want to backpack, it is very fun and fulfilling and I recommend it, if you like a bit of danger.

>samefagging this hard
your balkan diaspora ass is literally ABLAZE

Normal people don't hold grudges about events that transpired centuries ago. That's Arab tier.

>europeans do this to americans natives and africans
>based you guys we tought those monkeys how to live properly
>turks take Clay trough war
>ayo sheeeit gib back constantinopel roaches!

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Dude just think 50 years ago even. I have armenian friends that had to move to Guatemala because of turk policies.

Who says I think that either is based? I am just saying it is the same. But take a colonial studies class and turkey is rarely mentioned, if at all. Your Belgian guilt is showing.

>centuries ago
People still suffer to this day because of the inhuman behavior of your ancestors, you retard, and you have nothing to show for it. Your country is a shithole so you all flee to places where actual humans live. You even run away here to make kebab for tourists

Feels good to make people butthurt just by existing

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kinda feel nice that most of our neighbors want to claim they're connected to us, you never see anyone wanting to be turkish, albanian or slav, it's always I AM GREEK I AM GREEK. feels kinda special, thanks :P