Why are French "Grandes Ecoles" so unjustly underrated internationally(especially in university rankings)?
Why are French "Grandes Ecoles" so unjustly underrated internationally(especially in university rankings)?
Because university rankings are bullshit.
Refuse to publish in English because (like all French do) they clasp on to their dying French language* instead of opting for publishing in English, which would benefit the universities themselves and the scientific communities at large.
* Growth in Africa is not real growth.
Anglo tricks.
Well this is common knowledge, but people seems to underrate them in general, despite their excellent results
>why are you not giving up your culture and language REEEEEE
Dumb fucking retard, the need for scientific progress should trump the need for you smelly frogs to preserve your shitty feminine language in academia
because they are biased towards research rather than results
>hurr durr you should give all your results to other coutries so they can be better than you
this is why the neverlands will never be relevant
well most rankings don't focus just on research. That's just one of the indexes.
what are the other metrics used then ?
you smelly frogs haven't been relevant in 200 years*
* losing wars against relevant countries does not make you relevant
Read it by yourself. It depends on the ranking site. The common indexes are academic reputation, citations , employer reputation, research output , academic services ...
because rankings are ruled by anglos and are biased for english-speaking institutions
So basically reputation and research.
Then why does these schools have a lesser reputation, despite having much better results ?
what do you mean by better results ?
10 fields medals and the highest number of nobel prizes for ENS Ulm for exemple.
It's not only the "Grandes Ecoles", non-anglo universities in general are underrated because of how the rankings work.
american universities dominate Nobel prizes
For fields medal , it's a competetion between american unis and french grandes ecoles
This good french performance is reflected in your high ranking in math higher education but unis don't just teach math
They are rather overrated.
>muh prepas
fuck french education
>acht nie wiuirneerlands Petrfranciskus voorhuid ghogh gogh gogh
You have to understand that there are only 190 students each year that enters ENS, that's not comparable with universities that have 10 000+ students
>t. faqueux
>t. brainlet
well it's because they are more selective. That's their decision. I'm pretty sure if they increased the population , the number of their achievements won't increase as much as you think
Then again, maybe, but that doesn't explain why such an institution is ranked so low on, for example, the shanghai ranking
what is the best french uni for someone in electrical engineering or physics for a masters? asking for a friend
ESPCI, CentraleSupélec, Phelma, ENSTA, Polytechnique, Centrale Lyon
ENS ULM or École Polytechnique
because it's a retarded system who cost a lot and suceed only because it's tales the best student
As an example, the state gives 128 millions euros of budget for ENSTA ParisTech which have only 150 students per prom
If only translator was a job.
If only...
> CS
> CL
Pour faire de l'électronique ou de la physique juste non
English is superior to french desu
go ahead and translate grothendieck's books in english now faggot, they're like 50 years old and are still only in fr*nch
Is the Sorbon actually good or is it a meme?
They make up for it by being highly overrated in France
>50 years and all the universities in the world can't pay a translator
Because the eternal *nglo makes those rankings.
the best of the best, the elite
Because they are pee pee poo poo
Because university rankings view the number of times quoted and nobody quotes a French article because they don't understand French
A good step is to make new standard to promote French usage but that worked in Africa only and made France a nigger nation
It’s a meme, Sorbonne is a big pee that’s also poopy at the same time
Grande ecoles (pronounced grandee e-coales) are pee with little microscopic bits of poo suspended in it.
i wish i could tick several ones