black pipo be like: dis council flat too spicy for me
third for no political bollocks
use this one next
The left want to create a world where children grow up on a diet of buzzfeed and Victoria Derbyshire, it's no wonder roche is on-board with it
if you mention paki rape gangs on social media your get locked up for 6 months
stop trying to force roche, it's not happening
no thanks virgin freak
Should be a year minimum sentence all it does is flame up racial tension
>anyone who isn't far left = rorke
really wish newcunts would fuck off
why dont you start your own business instead of slaving for toilberg?
how come ALL major tech websites are run by mentally ill lefties?
wonder who (((hired))) them?
tolberg owns the capital
Brexit is a complete diaster because it removes the easy comfort we have worked for, for the last ~1000 years.
Your ancestors died so we could live in peace, but you are taking that away. You need to understand something very simple. Comfort comes at a cost of freedom, freedom you don't even know you have, so why doesn't it even matter.
Just keep smiling along with everyone else and let me live peacefully.
Wish I could fucking execute Mugi ISIS style.
why do we need roche when rasheed was a perfectly good name
rent-seeking HR departments and left-wing media are partly to blame
apparently stating facts is racist now
what time this afternoon did the political newcunts swarm in
hope they ban PJW, Lauren Southern, Milo etc next
odious little toads
>>anyone who isn't far left = rorke
>really wish newcunts would fuck off
>This summer, 1,900 British 18-year olds will be traveling across Europe without having to spend a penny on travel
Why aren't you nerds traveling and meeting euro qts?
shagged more birds than you've had hot dinners kid
alright buddy you've got 35 seconds to delete this post
matter of time
My grandad wasn’t imprisoned by Nazis for pathetic virgin freaks to use their spare time yammering about racialism
because most of the leftymongers here aren't pakis, they're ill-informed and uneducated white teenagers. roche is a perfect name for them
what do you lads reckon happens to our energy when we die? same as before we were born? born again with a new conscience? not quite sure personally
Cannot stand this passive aggressive nonsense.
Wish people would just tell me to fuck off.
worms use it to live longer than they would otherwise
"Everyone, deep in their hearts, is waiting for the end of the world to come"
your grandad was a jewish solider
asked for proof before, doubt I'll get it this time you virgin little runt
not sure
can smell the thirst wafting off this post
anyone got that screencap of the message from some twitch mod flipping out when he found out his tittystreamer was married
If brown people hate us and we're evil oppressive racists why don't they go back to their own countries and leave us alone
the left are controlled by the kikes
gets eaten by worms and turned into trees
>proof of shagging birds
virgin detector is going nuts
Returns to the soil.
Those cunts should refund the money I spent on my interrail ticket
Had to spend a few hundred pounds back in 2015 as an 18 year old
is he right?
pathetic virgin freaks constantly consuming visual media
My grandad was as English as you could get
not even a lefty, just enjoy winding up rorke
end the anti-semitism in labour
cant wait to murder my own mother
left wing people have higher IQs, are more innovative and gravitate towards tech and other important fields. rorkes are almost universally dumb, working class and work menial jobs.
probably because its sitting next to you hahahaha
life is proof that god exists
The jews control both sides.
Actually. The jews control EVERYTHING
The GF is ridiculously cute
they only hate kikes because they love pakis
that's not a valid reason
Hungerford v. the Nazis
Don't kill her, milk her instead.
actually quite like how Lauren Southern can squeeze so much patreon bux from embittered permavirgins
really shows the alt right for the sad cunts they're constituted largely of
funny how lefties stop being lefties when it suits them, all cowards wearing masks of their own face
alright lads its decided.
im going to work tomorrow, handing my boss my resignation letter and fucking off out of there
pathetic virgin freak
used to make cornetto ice creams
then what?
Before the vote my so-called "socialist" friend hated the EU, big banks etc etc. After the vote he completely dropped his convictions (he voted remain btw) because he heard there was risk of taking him away from the comfort of his chair.
As much as I hate quoting or mentioning the film The Network, it was really on to something.
People can scream about hating the "system" but when it stops providing they'll crawl on their hands and knees to suck it's cock.
reminder that rorkes are boomers
very good
crease every time
rorke's in tatters here
he's finished
fuck up NIGGER stop projecting bitter little leftie virginoid
are things that bad that you can't serve your notice?
dont know dont care
Sushi is looking dire but the curry looks no half bad
never met anyone who hates us
This is the correct answer, it’s dispersed back into the ecosystem like every other living thing
what race are you
The STATE of him
imagine being a voluntary kike puppet
Lauren Southern has done more for the white race rhan any of you fuckers
This phenotype
Scots are to Englishmen what the Brahmins are to Dalits
>left wing people have higher IQs, are more innovative and gravitate towards tech and other important fields
???? tech is overwhelmingly dominated by economically right-wing libertarians who are apparently racist and misogynist according to leftymong media
we go to the DMT realm
mad to think this is our only chance to ever experience living on this planet, or living at all and here we are haha
it looks delicious :)
turned 59 today
lauren southern is just an opportunist joke
scots are literally all heroin abusing subhumans who should be rounded up and deported to madagascar
dunning-alan the homunculous is here
Today’s birthday:
1195 – Henry the Lion, Duke of Bavaria and Duke of Saxony
He was one of the most powerful German princes of his time. Henry ruled over a vast territory stretching from the Baltic Sea to the Alps.
Henry is the founder of Munich (1157) and Lübeck (1159) he also founded and developed numerous other cities in Northern Germany and Bavaria.
Henry married Matilda (1156–1189), the daughter of King Henry II of England. Their son Otto became Holy Roman Emperor in 1209.
Nazi propaganda turned Henry's tomb into a "National Place of Consecration".