Why are there so many bluepilled folk here

why are there so many bluepilled folk here

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This is one of the highest-IQ boards actually, alongside /lit/, /his/ and /sci/

i dont get the pic. Can you elaborate?:^l

leftypol faggots in their gay little discords are trying to shit the board up

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Jow Forumstarde think that good beer is for pussies and that everyone should drink bud light because murica

I like an occasional IPA.

I'm from leftypol and int is our board. pol gets v.

both pol and leftypol should fuck off from int

Va va voom my fellow pede. Too many libtards here.

But Ipa is subpar compared to Amber and Stout

if you like things I don't like you're a soyboy

>/lit/, /his/, and /sci/

Your opinions on New England IPA?

Depends, I don’t want a stout at the beach

is being a woman considered bluepilled to?

fuck extremists
>inb4 le radical centrist

Well, true. I'd still drink anything that's not Bud, Coors and Corona though.

sorry mate, but we own you now


In contrast to Jow Forums most Jow Forums users are actually old enough to vote.

IPA is unironically my favorite kind of beer.