Hey guys I'm a korean who just moved to the US. Why are there so many blacks here and why do they act so stupid?
Hey guys I'm a korean who just moved to the US. Why are there so many blacks here and why do they act so stupid?
You may not like us but we're still America's token minority, so you might as well just go ahead and get used to it. Us "African Americans" make up 12% of the population. Maybe if you guys made up more than 5% of the population, society would start catering to you. Either that or you could learn to complain about racism, maybe.
Preoccupation with capitalist products like clothing, technology (phones) and food
Preoccupation with popular culture, and constantly attempting to culturally push their music and memes
Preoccupation with modifying their appearance with prosthetics
Complain about whites despite imitating them with hair coloring and other nonsense
Complain about discrimination in Western university admissions despite considering their educational sources/culture are superior
atleast were not sandnigger muslims lAMO
I was talking about African Americans
oh shit yea fuck niggers then
Which state?
We are blacks and demonstrate similarities in cultural behaviour
> despite considering their educational sources/culture are superior
see niggers dont do that, they actually think white peepol education is wrong and centered towards white peepol.
>Complain about whites despite imitating them with hair coloring and other nonsense
i dont think niggers do this too
Yeah but see how much of what you said applied to both populations, lol. The irony is apparent by the fact that he thought you were talking about 한국
>Preoccupation with capitalist products like clothing, technology (phones) and food
>Preoccupation with popular culture
Applies to both.
As for imitating white, I'd argue Koreans are way more guilty of that than blacks, especially the females. Their standard of beauty seems to value european features and appearing European.
Has an African American verbally confirmed this to you? I don't think all whites/asians are the same as in the youtube videos plastered here
I know m8, uncanny
but its true tho, if they actually cared about college theyd be going to it instead of fucking around in streets
hair coloring shit makes no sense, it can literally apply to anyone
Hey OP here, just because you're a minority doesn't mean you should be a majority in crimes and prison
But I thought their college admissions were a problem because of AA, they actually despise going altogether and do it out of spite?
>hair coloring shit makes no sense, it can literally apply to anyone
No we are all inferior to Europids and any attempt at imitation is a confession of inferiority. Why are KPOP bands and Beyonce/Ciara dyeing their hair and bleaching their skin? We all know why
Yea but the difference in both populations is the crime rate and how they acquire those products that they desire. There should be nothing wrong with wanting capitalist products thats like saying that wanting a cool car or a new gaming rig is bad. It's not but the means of getting those things makes all the difference
you think niggers actually care about education? you know how their family value lies in? jesus christ you know what their crime rate is like? and compare it to asian crime rates and there, you have your answer, you have your values as a society member, you have your family education results.
not a coincidence asians are stereotyped as hard working(maybe too much work) and blacks labeled as lazy, uneducated lawless goons.
>any attempt at imitation is a confess of inferiority
that just makes no sense, you take what, two example out of two black celebrity and somehow you say blacks tries to imitate white culture? i didnt know being thugs and acting tough was a white thing
You need to have more self confidence, Sudan user. I’ve seen your posts before and I can tell you’re really intelligent
Thank you bro
I agree that Asians are the model immigrants, but racial profiling can work multiple ways
For instance, I always wondered why criminal statistics were always restricted to violent crime, and how American law was structured. Then I found articles where American law enforcement claimed to racially profile white males (!) for financial crime, and the usual subculture of Asian plagiarism and Chinese admissions frauds in the educational industry
Racial stereotypes will always be weaponized no matter how good you are, I don't consider white males or Asians deserving of this
>bleaching skin
>bleaching skin
There are such things as naturally light skinned blacks, you fucking tard. Secondly, the latter changes her hairstyles all the time. I am also bothered by the former's constant use of blonde weaves though.
I doubt you're even Asian, desu. Otherwise you're admitting to grouping yourself with southeast, central, west asian people.
>but its true tho, if they actually cared about college
Black women are going to college at a much higher rate than their male counterparts are, tho. What is with you people reading one thing, and then saying it's how everyone behaves like? Unless you're shitposting, you're actually fucking stupid and again I doubt you're Asian. You sound and type like a race baiting White american.
Yes our crime rate is very high but there is historical context. Not saying it excuses us, but try to understand.
The reason so few go to college is related to the reason for the high crime rate. I will do my best to try and explain why the black community is currently the way it is.
In our immediate past, there were the impacts of segregation and further back was slavery. This provided an obstacle of course for the improvement of AA communities. Now obviously other minorities faced racism, although maybe not to the same extent. But more insidious was certain legislation that encouraged and rewarded negative behaviors. Under the guise of "providing support", liberals passed bills which paid women more money for having more children, but only if they were single mothers. Rather than encourage blacks to rise up, they incentivized poor behaviors, unstable families, and encouraged dependence on the government. The projects are low income communities with very high crime rate as a result. You have women who would just have 10+ kids and then make no effort to raise them, so they can get a bigger pay check. The quality of education in these communities is very poor, the schools are dysfunctional. The people who grew up in these communities of course do not value education because their only exposure to it is poor. There's also the drug problem, those raised in this kind of environment make way more money selling drugs than working a minimum wage job so of course they will do that instead. Anti-intellectualism was only the natural outcome of such an environment, as well as high crime rate. Violent and criminal behavior is rewarded in these communities and glorified by music and by the culture.
The problem is compounded because the dumbest and most violent men will of course go ahead and have the most kids with the most incompetent and selfish women. It isn't that there's no good people, they're just horribly outnumbered.
>There are such things as naturally light skinned blacks, you fucking tard
Some girls here inject insulin to promote fat development (insulin is lipogenic and subcutaneous fat reflects light), or use melanin suppression through cortisol + hydroquinone.
I guarantee you both of those artists have their skin lightened by their promotional teams, while they could darken it with a quick tan. The reason why no-one cares about Janelle Monae or Estelle
okay guy you talk like you dont belong here, what i mean is you're actually talking like a normal person with normal views thats hard to see in Jow Forums.
desu i dont give a fuck about all this racial shit, its all a joke in the end, racial profiling and calling blacks niggers and such, its all banting in the end.
being serious tho, racial profiling willl always be weaponized, i agree, but it was able to be weaponized because on some grounds, those stereotypes are based on some actual grounds, which is sad really, like the black crime rates,of course i dont think the black crime rates are associated with """"genetics""" and """race""" as Jow Forums claims it, same thing with every race really.
nobody deserves anything good or bad in the end.