maisie edition
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Alan descended from a Berber King and statesman of the Umayaad Caliphate
hate niggers
hate pakis
hate leftypol
love rorkes
love pints
just simple as really
im white and that's not ok
Spent the day in bed
Very happy I did, yes
I spent the day in bed
As the workers stay enslaved
I spent the day in bed
what is the main goal of the homosexual agenda?
Only royalty Alan descended from was Burger King
combat population grwoth
hypothesis: all newspapers are opinion pieces
What’s a good uni to do a history ma at
Or should I just stay at my Alma mater (sheff)
cor got a lot of (you)s for simply stating I’m going to the beach with some slag I’m banging, you lads need to get out a bit more
feel pure shit
just want it back ;_;
increase the supply of gay bums
really makes you think...
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck off normalfag DICK HEAD
she's your gf now haha x
>british unis
corr......... blimey!!!!!
News is irrelevant to me
I didnt look at the news once for 3 weeks whilst on holiday and it made zilch difference to my life
/brit/ is a normie general fuck off nerd
imagine unironically reading the guardian
first time i had sex was on the beach had to reply
CANZUK when?
community college dropout
wonder what my family was doing when the british controlled Ireland
well that settles it then huh
proto turkey was european
Dont believe in nationalism
Think dedication to a nation is an unnatural and perverse thing
>history ma
hello yes i would like to burn 10,000 pounds
I read the BBC
love google
love arcade fire
love HDI
love big houses
hate brits
simple as
Copped this deano bracelet
cum on eileen
but Rome had all this 100's of years before
this. 4 papers in the uk worth reading:
financial times
the economist
the newstatesman
the specator
i did business studies, and i talked to you about it daily
upload your Thai folder la
news? don't care virgin
>t. rootless mongrel
is alan a n*gger?
we're controlled by corporations if anything now
Lmao that’s a small frame, absolute wristlet
any cod4 man in
Alan is white...
Its better to just not know about current affairs and read books on philosophy and maths
the WSJ is the only paper worth reading
I just spent a check and I made it back
I just spent a stack on a Goyard bag
I just flexed up, I ain't going back
Exes on my phone, I won't call 'em back
Shut up I was educated by Yanks who went to ivy leagues
would much rather hear about what danielle did to smiffy last night
>history ma
enjoy unemployment mate
>financial times
the centre-right man
>the economist
the centre-left man
>the newstatesman
the respectable left man
>the specator
the respectable right man
No need for this heat, need someone to sort it out
goodnight lads
New statesman is dreck lads
Have no idea what you’re all on about
*puts an iridium spark plug up your bum*
>absolute wristlet
Never hid the fact that I have small wrists.
any virgin freak man in
not soon enough
sick of being bullied by chinks and yanks
based and radically centrist
*sorts the heat out*
I charge in buggerings only so if you wouldn’t mind touching your toes there’s a good lad
you are allowed to read that as well lad
I want to become an archivist
mocking other people is insecure beta behaviour
it's much better to live under a rock
Haven't cleaned this keyboard the whole 14 years I've owned it
It just werks
thought our two countries were great allies cunt but i guess not
shut up
the gf
tried to balance a stroopwaffel on my sports direct hueg mug but it fell in my tea
Barely read the news anymore
If I do I read based Reuters
birthday tomorrow
just got us involved in messes
vietnam, iraq, afghanistan
bad bad BAD
I couldn't think of anything more boring to read about than maths
put finns in the bin
Happy early birthday lad
going feral
got the need for speed
BBC man myself
why are brits so insecure?
Maisie more like GRAZED KNEE
we arent
Why did South African soldiers wear kilts?
is she a hapa
I threw that keyboard out like eight years ago I don't know how you wound up with it
*busts your cheeks*
bit gay