American superiority edition
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
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Dumpf fuck
reminder that /cum/ is a celibate general
speak for yourself, chad leaf coming through
op op op
oppa gangnam style
real chads choose celibacy until they are married
aren't you at work?
>90+ degrees
>forest fires
>no rain
>over $3/gal
thanks trump
r8 my Saints Row 4 character lads
Ryan my friend, it's 19:17 already!!
That's not the worst figurehead they could've found, even if he's a Discord tard. Could easily fuck that reporter if he had the motivation for it.
Lurked Jow Forums up until 2014 and what he says seems to fit what they used to say anyways.
when did you move to California?
ohhhh im dumb
Nig nogs
Saudis gonna saud.
I don't think you understand the chad meme
Boomer coworker is trying to talk to me about Travis Scotr
daily reminder to report racism outside /b/
haha niggggger hahaha
just found another 40
not that it matters since i cant even keeep water down
*takes it from you*
He’s complaining about how modern rap was is bad and the classics like Tupac and Biggie were better
I have a girlfriend
Can I stay?
its not a joke
please send help
did realize it was such a sophisticated and deep meme
Why does the auto replace shit on iPhones suck so much ass
I want my S9 back
Woah, I didn't think the new reporting was real
are you married to ur gf and do u have sex
Only losers care about if you “understand” a meme and stick to its original meaning
Purposely misuse memes to piss off my Redditir coworkers
based and redpilled
i am misusing this meme btw
ok this is epic
degenerate hedonist
>you don't have to understand jokes to be funny
Pretty sure the fat dude in IT is a Trump supporter
Think I’m gonna try to talk about why we should abolish ICE if I see him during my lunch break
>needing memes to be funny
Bet you speak in memes in real life
Abolish fat people
got a cock
hard as a rock
Ask him what he thinks of Melania having worked here illegally
ahhaa why do you hate your parents haha
Gonna put in that sock
I get literally 0 matches on Tinder, I dunno what's my problem. I wrote a decent bio which I tried to not make it come off as too pretentious or needy. I have decent pics, some travel pics, some high quality face pics, outside and stuff, no bathroom selfies. And I get fuck all. I don't consider myself particularly attractive (5-6) but still.
>needing memes to be funny
Where was this implied?
Have a picture of you with girls, seriously it goes a long way. Stage it to look candid if you have to.
The only pic I have with a girl is with a tourist I took a selfie with. I look terrible on it tho.
Feels redundant, but have to check, none of those pictures being selfies right ? Also the shorter the biography the better, these girls want to feel as if you could be slaying off tinder and you're using it with a "well if I must…" attitude.
R8 my drink (pineapple)
Tinder matches use your likes and interests on facebook.
Make sure you have some interest checked on your fb account like artists, music, movie etc
You can DM me your profile on discord and I will help you
love ICE and everything they do
Dont want my lunch break to end
Voted for Bernie in the primaries and Jill Stein in the election
kys during lunch break haha it will be forever then haha
Kasich 2020
Back with a vengeance baby.
Absolute thots in the new Terrace House.
Hat them already.
didnt vote in the primaries but voted for trump in the election
But I never watch movies, I have liked all the books I read and liked but that's about it.. Don't really follow artists either.
My bio is just "Your mom will love me" and some stuff about visiting a few countries soon (which is true). Dunno what to add really. I'm used to writing long descriptive bios.
unironically playing wow right now
bit gay
hope you're not paying for it
ofc i paid for it, i'm no famous streamer
are they destroying UC tomorrow
maybe you're playing on a BLACK SERVER
>tfw makes lots of oc and some of it gets reposted from time to time in your fav boards
idk i'm just questin to 110
did you not buy BFA?
I'm not a Chad. I'm a dork through and through sadly, and I can't lie about it.
Like my main interests are literally reading, writing and singing.
i want a girlfriend full of existential dread like myself
I understand I dont have lots of interests on my fb that's why I also varely match with someone. And when I do it's because I share one thing in common with a girl, it could be as simple as one artists.
no, why would i do that when i have legion quests to do
Tinder is a shite anyway.
Just look at what happened to the infamous dogface romance.
It was wild, it was passionate but in the end a tinder-thot is a tinder-thot.
What are you trying to find? A sloppy pussy? A lifelong romance?
But like how does that work. If I like the verified page of an Artist will it show on my profile?
you get a 110 boost
and just a heads up, you're playing wow at the worst possible time in its cycle, a week before the next expansion
"Sloppy Pussy" is a trademark of Ryan ライアン (Ottawa).
©2018 Ryan ライアン (Ottawa) Wordsmith Inc.
Met my gf on Tinder
Yes you will see the common interests.
You can also link with spotify and add some music to your profile and shit.
>Just look at what happened to the infamous dogface romance.
Chest day is best day
I don't have Spotify, rip. Well I guess I could get it..
MOTU Patlu!
Absolute beta cuck in the new Terrace House.
Brought plush panda bears because he is lonely.
but i got like 3 chars to level up to 110
and i don't give a shit about raiding so it's irrelevant
Now he talks about how he talks to them in his head and kisses them lightly before sleep lol
He is a /cum/bum!!
i find it really hard to watch mindless tv shows
Terrace House is the thinking man's TV experience
what's a mindless tv show
How my life turned into a Black Mirror episode
nobody gives a shit about raiding
theres literally nothing to do right now in the game and raids dont even open for the first month or so of the expansion which is one of the reasons its the best part of any expansion to play.
>playing WoW in the year of our lord 2018
Can't believe people are still paying for a game released in 2003.
Come to think of it, like half of this general's userbase still shat in diapers when WoW was first released LOL (not the game)
but the only reason i want to play rogue and dk is bcoz of their class hall quests
maybe i'd boost mage for the mechanics i like but i feel weird wasting boost for a 102
done with my 110 warlock i think
have a group of about 20 friends that I play with for a month or two at the start of every expansion for the last 10 years so gfys
Only three days till I see my big-booty CHI fiancee
Amigo, we still b waiting for a pic of that ass.
Just a naughty little peek...
reality tv shit and daytime talkshow crap