I despise Turkroaches like the next person but you cannot help but sympathize with their situation

I despise Turkroaches like the next person but you cannot help but sympathize with their situation.

Imagine you are the USA, you have a unstable shithole to your south (Mexico) populated by smelly, primitive subhumans which has a large minority inside your borders threatening to outbreed you and break away a part of your country (Aztlan). Of course you are going want to invade and destroy them.

This is the situation with Turks and Kurds. No government could tolerate this, except possibly for Cuckdeau. Everyone should give the roaches energy for this fight.

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>sympathize with cockroaches
I don't have the ability to communicate with insects desu

But you are Asian

Tbh all kurds should be killed, the only good kurd is a dead kurd

same thing apply for egyptian subhumans

Hey man, this poster is right.

You’re Asian, you’re part of the Zerg.

T. Kurd

Genocide when of Mexicans when?

t.hating on other people for no reason
kurdistan is kurdish land they are fighting for legitimate reasons against arab dogs and cockroaches

>t. Arab dog
He’s not. He’s some weeb.

Very bad bait

Kurdistan is stolen Armenian land

>le mutt education

>kurdistan is kurdish land they are fighting for legitimate reasons against arab dogs and cockroaches
Yes that's why they are stealing Assyrian lands and claim land from Turkey and Iraq which was never Kurdish to begin with

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only in the turkish part well many of self proclaimed 'turkish kurds' are armenians larping if you see it that way it's not a stolen land

>comparing it with Mexico
The difference is that Mexicans have their own country and most of the Mexicans in the US are recent immigrants while Kurds do not have their own country and they are not immigrants but have always lived there, long before the arrival of Turks.

Choose one. Empathy and sympathy shown will be equal to their contribution to anything other than murder. Trash cry because they were thrown into a sewer, oh how poor.

They can all die for all I care. Don't care about the affairs of stinky little brown men, be it a Kurd or a Turk

Now you know how Europe feels about Turkey.

Imagine you are the Israel, you have a unstable shithole to your south and east(gaza and west bank) populated by smelly, primitive subhumans which has a large minority inside your borders threatening to outbreed you and break away a part of your country. Of course you are going want to invade and destroy them.

>tfw no qt turkish gf

>tfw no anzu gf
Life is not fair

>literal sandnigger turks replying
Here's your (you)s and have fun for defending your fellow roaches

based kurds, fuck t*rkoid roaches

If I wanted a generic weeb gf I'd date pic related

Attached: images.jpg (224x225, 8K)

More like:
Imagine if you are Palestine, and you fought for Independence against the Ottomans because you made a deal with Britian that if they fight, they would have their state. Instead of doing their part of the deal they decide to divide the state which wasnot part of the deal and you expact the Palestinians to be okay with it.

t. bootyblasted

>tfw no qt kurdish gf

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>sympathizing with roaches that betrayed the central powers and europe
yeah nah mate

Attached: downing roach.webm (854x480, 1.31M)

yes you do fucking gookshit, don't pretend that you are any less subhuman than your ch*nese neighbours

Attached: gook.jpg (416x600, 109K)

You actually think he's japanese u retard?

they're wh*te

Why does that pic look so fake lol. Convieniently shit quality picture and you can still see the uniform doesn't match and I've never seen Turkish soldiers with that type of flag on their chest. It looks like they dressed up some arabs/kurds in syrian uniforms and bought those flags from a store and pasted it on lol.

Attached: 89345.jpg (620x399, 196K)

No, they are a race of devils. Long live Kurdistan!

Nearly 800 years of World domination feels good to be a TÜRK instead of a smelly ar*b or even worse a wh*Tey

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I was right lol It is fake.

Attached: lol.jpg (848x1200, 106K)

>magine you are the USA, you have a unstable shithole to your south (Mexico) populated by smelly, primitive subhumans which has a large minority inside your borders threatening to outbreed you and break away a part of your country (Aztlan)
In the case of the US, I support Aztlan succession. I think it's best to cut our losses. The south-west is filled with spics and they'll always be there. It's best to just get rid of them. Why doesn't Turkey do such?

You are a devil in the flesh.

t. Warmonger

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Idk about you guys but kurds here are based as fuck and well integrated. I live in a small town and when our main bar closed the turkish kebab shop owner reopened it. Turks are cringy manlet larpers that should be open season

Kurdish kebab shop owner*

Kurds need to fuck off or assimilate
and turks need to fuck off from Syria and fix their country

so is your family freed now that you made that post?

ًWhen talking about dominating the world. Arabs come first. We had many kingdoms and empires of Andalsia (Spain) to Borders of India and China.
Turks were nothing but a group of nomads before we civilized them and brought Islam to them.

kurdistan is unstoppable, keep crying s*rian dogs

Toni, do you want Syrians to cut off your electricity ?

ohaio mister bawl ba3ir, what's going on big guy? aren't you scared of government chopping off your hands for frequenting a website where gay e-sexting is the fiat standard?
we work hard and pay for our own electricity, only subhuman baalbek slums get electricity from green bus land
dumb oil kike

It's funny how you despise Saudis for being "Bado" while you're known in the levant as "ضيعجية". Also, no need to go on gay websites when I can go to Beirut and fuck all the سوالب and give them some money so they remove zbaleh from their streets.

All u muslims are equally garbage

Muslims brought world cup to you stupid French fries.

I actually hope k*rds and t*rks kill each other until both groups are extinct

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Like I care about nigger ball
How about you shut up and go back on feasting on goat shit

I'm not feasting on goat shit. I'm feasting on French fries cooked by your hot blonde French mommy.

Shit banter don’t reply

it's like telling someone they can't put their rubbish in your bin because their rubbish is 'too dirty'. It's all rubbish, and it's still a bin, no matter what's in it.

>trusting Perfidious Albion

Attached: bb6b99e7a8797cd2d856e220b0b545eb--ww-propaganda-poster-art.jpg (236x337, 24K)

based and redpilled
but you shouldn't be posting klaus, need i remind you of world war 2?